Thursday, September 30, 2021

Finley Embraces Heart & Home by Anyta Sunday - Blog Tour with Excerpt & Giveaway


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Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway:
Finley Embraces Heart And Home
By Anyta Sunday

Finley Cover

Love, Austen (Book 4)

MUM is the love of his life.
Until he meets his STEP-BROTHER.

For years it’s been just Finley and Mum. Now she’s getting married, and they’re moving into a flash mansion and his step-dad is lording it over him. He’s clearly a homophobe, and doesn’t want him rubbing off (so to speak) on his son.

Like that would ever happen. No way he’d ever go for someone who shares his DNA.

Even if Ethan and his dad don’t look anything alike.

Even if Ethan and his dad don’t act anything alike.

Even if . . .

This can’t happen. They’re whānau now, family, there are boundaries.

Secret. Forbidden. Irresistible.
A reimagining of Jane Austen’s Mansfield Park.

“Every moment has its pleasures and its hope.”
― Jane Austen, Mansfield Park***

Heart-throbbing slow burn, a bit of pretty prose, Ethan is his step-brother, Finley wasn’t supposed to see him naked, step-dad is a homophobe, Finley has naughty thoughts, Austen might roll over in her grave, secrets and confessions under sparkly stars, mutual pining, the world is unfair, pining-pining-and-more-pining, Finley turns naughty thoughts to actions, so what there are rules?, maybe they shouldn’t have done that, jealousy is an ugly green beast, Austen might like this now, forgetting is impossible, more impossible is choosing between heart and home.

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Red brick and shingles and intricate white latticework.

Someone is up on the turret, looking down on us. I can’t stare back long against the glare of the sun. Male, sports cap.

Mum loads a duffel bag into my arms.

She takes the last two suitcases of our clothes—in mine, the picture of Dad—from her fender-bent hatchback. This is all we’ve got.

Mansfield has everything else we need, she said.

The car, Mum and I—our whole lives—are dwarfed by the historic mansion that looms before us.

It should be raining. There should be thunder and lightning cracking the sky the way my heart is cracking.

“I want to go home.”

“I know it’ll take time to adjust,” she coos in my ear. “But I promise, it’ll all turn out in the end. You’ll see.”

My throat is sore. “Couldn’t you have waited?” I know my whine is unreasonable, but I want her to feel my pain. Want her to feel guilty. “It’s only three more years until I leave school.”

Tom emerges from the massive entrance in a short-sleeved shirt and crisply pressed shorts. All that’s missing is a golf bag and a flash of his overly-whitened teeth.

Mum melts into a smile at the sight of him, then settles her warm eyes on me. She speaks a proverb; I know it, but I’ve never understood it before. I don’t really now, either. “Ka mate te kāinga tahi, ka ora te kāinga rua.”

When one house dies, a second lives.

But our home wasn’t dead. And leaving the refuge he made for us feels like leaving his memory behind. It feels worse.

Tears leak out the corners of my eyes. I want to sing and cry like we did at his tangi.

Mum pulls the duffel from my arms and hoists me into her embrace. She clutches me tightly, her bright dress wrinkling between us. “He is our past, he is always a part of us.”

Now we must concentrate on the present and build a future.

She lets me go and opens her arms for Tom.

I kick at the sun-gleaming grass. A black cat scampers from behind the tree and hisses as it avoids my arcing foot.

“Oi,” Tom scolds. “Careful of Mrs. Norris.”

“I didn’t . . .” It was an accident! I’d never hurt a cat.

“Why don’t you take your bag inside and look around? Help yourself to a scone, there’s some on the dining table.”

I don’t want to listen to him. I fold my arms.

He starts kissing my mum.

I grab my suitcase and stalk across the manicured lawn to the stupid, pretty house. I hope I leave mud over the pristine polished marble floor. My belongings, I drop in the middle of the entranceway. Where it’s most annoying. Only the duffel and suitcase are so small in the wide space they look ridiculous.

The dining room is as big as our old home. Sun streams in through the gridded windows and across the table set with modern plates and cups with saucers and matching navy teapots and two silver platters of scones. Some clotted cream.

I sit down on a leather-upholstered chair. I like scones. But now I don’t ever want to touch one again.

Tears track down my cheeks, hot and heavy. I swipe at them with the back of my hand, sniffing.


I shoot my head up, expecting to see Mum and Tom, but it’s neither. A guy strides into the room wearing a blue cap. He’s about my age, a little older, maybe. Broad shouldered like me and toned. But I don’t know where he gets his from, living in a mansion. Okay, Mansfield is on the outskirts of Port Rātapu, and the property looked big. But it’s no farm. I can’t imagine anyone living here doing any heavy lifting.

“I guess you’re Finley?” he says.

“I guess you’re Ethan,” I say back.

Finley Teaser 4

Enter the Giveaway:

To celebrate the release of Finley Embraces Heart And Home, Anyta is giving away a $25 Amazon Giftcard and an e-set of the "Signs of Love" books (5 novels and 4 novellas)!

Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win!

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About the Author:
I'm a big, BIG fan of slow-burn romances. I love to read and write stories with characters who slowly fall in love.

Some of my favorite tropes to read and write are: Enemies to Lovers, Friends to Lovers, Clueless Guys, Bisexual, Pansexual, Demisexual, Oblivious MCs, Everyone (Else) Can See It, Slow Burn, Love Has No Boundaries.

I write a variety of stories, Contemporary MM Romances with a good dollop of emotion, Contemporary lighthearted MM Romances, and even a splash of fantasy.

My books have been translated into German, Italian, French, Spanish, and Thai.

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Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Blink by Morgan Brice - Blog Tour with Excerpt, Giveaway, and Author Interview



Book Title: Blink: MM Supernatural Suspense

Author: Morgan Brice

Publisher: Darkwind Press

Cover Artist: Lou Harper

Release Date: September 2, 2021

Genres: Paranormal/Urban Fantasy M/M Romance, action/adventure, romantic suspense

Tropes: Second chance love, hurt/comfort, true soulmates, psychic, medium, witches, ghosts, haunted theater, Mafia, mobsters, ex-cop, ex-Interpol, resort town, starting over

Themes: Learning to trust, taking a chance, making a commitment, daring to dream, letting go of the past, being haunted by the past, established relationship, ex-cop/PI, former art fraud investigator, mobsters, medium with a ghostly lover, haunted theater, awesome and heroic food truck, mystery, cold case

Heat Rating: 5 flames

Length: 65 000 words/228 pages

It is part of series but could be read as a stand alone. It does not end on a cliffhanger.


Buy Links

Amazon US  |  Amazon UK  

Ghosts always remember. Mobsters never forget.


Erik Mitchell helped Interpol bust cartels, oligarchs, and spoiled billionaires for art fraud. As an undercover cop, Ben Nolan helped bring down a Newark crime family. Now Erik and Ben have started over in Cape May, leaving their danger-filled jobs behind them, excited about a fresh start and their new relationship.

Plans to renovate a historic old theater stir up dangerous ghosts and revive interest in unsolved Mob hits. The curse of a murdered witch strikes a close friend, old movie props reveal clues to long-ago crimes, and a shakedown scheme sends Ben’s cousin running for cover. 

Time is running out to lift the curse. The Russian Mob wants revenge on Erik, and the Newark Mob is gunning for Ben. A grieving ghost seeks justice. Secrets, lies, and deception unravel in the blink of an eye. 

Erik and Ben were planning for happily ever after. But unless they can outwit witches, wraiths, and wise guys, they could go down in a hail of gunfire and a blast of dark magic—and see their plans go up in smoke. 

Blink is a suspenseful MM paranormal romance mystery-adventure filled with second chance love, hurt/comfort, true soulmates, awesome food trucks, dangerous secrets, restless ghosts, psychic visions, powerful witches, angry mobsters, and a very haunted theater.


“Hi everyone. Are we going in?” A dark-haired woman in her early forties with olive skin and black hair sauntered up, dark eyes sparkling with curiosity. Alessia Mason always seemed calm and controlled, but now she clearly radiated excitement at the possibility of glimpsing the old theater.

Alessia owned the Spirit of the Sea gift shop and had married into one of the old Cape May families, but right now what mattered most was her role as the head of the local coven and the powerful magic she had inherited from her Sicilian mother.

“Right this way,” Jaxon said, brandishing the key. “The Arts Council officially owns the building, so we don’t even have to sneak in.”

He unlocked the door to the convenience store, which was a shell of its past self. All of the fixtures had been sold off, but the faded signage around the top of the walls remained, directing customers toward soft drinks, sundries, and restrooms.

They followed him inside, and Jaxon locked the door behind them. Then they headed toward the back, past the break room and offices to an unmarked door.

“The store was here for over twenty years, and most people never knew that the Regent Theater lay behind it,” Jaxon said. He gestured toward the area they had just navigated.

“Imagine coming through the big glass doors, past the ticket booth,” Jaxon said, pointing back the way they had come. “You’d enter a high-ceiling lobby with a bar, concession stand, and seating for patrons who came early to see and be seen. Then you’d move farther inside, and there would be double doors leading into the actual theater.”

Erik looked behind them, struggling to imagine the way it had once been. A grid of acoustic panels hid the original molded plaster ceiling several feet higher that he had seen in photographs. The plain walls and stained tile floor made it difficult to picture lush red carpet, velvet rope swags, cocktail servers, and a concession stand that not only had popcorn but according to the stories Jaxon shared on the drive over, also served foie gras.

Jaxon opened the door and reached inside to flip on a light. Erik hesitated to get a psychic read on the space ahead.

“Definitely haunted,” Alessia said, staring into the distance with a glazed look that told Erik her attention lay elsewhere.

His own touch magic worked differently. To get a strong reaction, Erik usually had to be in physical contact with an object. He had avoided touching anything since they had arrived, but even so, the theater itself gave off unmistakable vibes. Both he and Alessia had extra perception which included seeing ghosts, although neither was a full medium able to summon or speak with the dead.

“Bad things happened here.” Erik found himself speaking before he realized it. “Dark magic. Death. Cursed.”

AUTHOR NAME: Morgan Brice

Hi everyone! I’m Morgan Brice. My books are full of sexy supernatural suspense and hot, magical men. Cops, badass psychics, monster hunters, detectives and undercover investigators...the kind of guys you wouldn’t mind going bump in the night with! Add in witches, curses, haunted houses, ghosts, Voodoo, Hoodoo and more.

1. How long have you been an author?

A: I’ve been published since 2007 as Gail Z. Martin, and since 2018 as Morgan Brice, but I’ve been writing all my life.

2. What/who inspired you to start writing?

A: I’ve always loved books, and I wanted to create my own.

3. Tell us about your new release. What inspired you to write it?

I ‘discovered’ Cape May, NJ when we helped our daughter scout a location for her wedding. I knew I had to set a series there, and the pieces gradually fell into place.

Blink is the second book in the Treasure Trail series, set in Cape May. Here’s the blurb:

Ghosts always remember. Mobsters never forget.

Erik Mitchell helped Interpol bust cartels, oligarchs, and spoiled billionaires for art fraud. As an undercover cop, Ben Nolan helped bring down a Newark crime family. Now Erik and Ben have started over in Cape May, leaving their danger-filled jobs behind them, excited about a fresh start and their new relationship.

Plans to renovate a historic old theater stir up dangerous ghosts and revive interest in unsolved Mob hits. The curse of a murdered witch strikes a close friend, old movie props reveal clues to long-ago crimes, and a shakedown scheme sends Bens cousin running for cover. 

Time is running out to lift the curse. The Russian Mob wants revenge on Erik, and the Newark Mob is gunning for Ben. A grieving ghost seeks justice. Secrets, lies, and deception unravel in the blink of an eye.

Erik and Ben were planning for happily ever after. But unless they can outwit witches, wraiths, and wise guys, they could go down in a hail of gunfire and a blast of dark magic—and see their plans go up in smoke.

Blink is a suspenseful MM paranormal romance mystery-adventure filled with second chance love, hurt/comfort, true soulmates, awesome food trucks, dangerous secrets, restless ghosts, psychic visions, powerful witches, angry mobsters, and a very haunted theater. 

4. How did you decide on the title?

A: ‘Blink’ means several things in the book. It can mean the way the lighthouse flashes, or how life changes in the blink of an eye, or how a stand-off can mean waiting to see who blinks first.

5. What are you working on at present?

A: I just finished Legacy, under my Gail Z. Martin name, part of my Deadly Curiosities series. While it’s fantasy and not romance, it and the series have massive cross-overs and tie-ins with my Morgan Brice series. It’s just gone live.

Short version? The forbidden love and soul bond of a sea captain and a privateer enable them to work powerful magic to protect the coast from a malicious demi-goddess and assure that they remain together even after death.

 Here’s the blurb:

A dark witch dynasty. A malicious, immortal undersea place-spirit. Eternal guardians who wagered their souls to protect Charleston.

Omens of impending disaster have the city on edge. Tremors warn of earthquake risk, while a potentially catastrophic storm gathers strength over the ocean and heads for land.

 A last-man-standing promise among elderly veterans creates a dangerous inheritance involving an imprisoned, wish-granting goblin. A sea captain and a swashbuckler worked blood magic to protect Charleston from an ancient evil with a spell that bound their souls and their descendants to the task, but danger looms as its power fades. The head of a witch family wants artifacts and secrets—and hell do anything to get them.

 Cassidy Kincaide runs Trifles and Folly, an antique and curio store where her touch magic helps get cursed and haunted objects out of the wrong hands. More than once, she and her allies have saved the world from supernatural threats.

 The clock is ticking for Cassidy and her friends to stop the dark warlock, capture the goblin and restore the guardian spell before a malevolent ancient entity takes its vengeance on Charleston and the coast. Its going to take all the magic, courage and quick thinking they can muster—and for once, that might not be enough.

 Legacy is an action-packed urban fantasy paranormal thrill ride full of dark magic, infernal creatures, goblins and demigods, haunted places, pirate ghosts, found family, witch dynasties, loyal friends, Voudon spirits, secret history and plenty of adventure.


6. Do you have any advice for other writers?

A: Never, ever give up on your dream.

7. Are there any genres you prefer to write and if so, why? 

A: I love fantasy, paranormal, and action/adventure. I’ve always been fascinated with ghosts and spooky stuff, and I love the idea of magic and creatures. My favorite stories bring all those pieces together.

8. Are you a panster or a plotter?

A: Mostly a plotter because it helps me organize my thoughts and write quickly without too many rewrites. But sometimes I’m surprised by ideas that come in the process of writing, things that characters do or new facts I discover. That can lead to wonderful and unexpected changes!

9. If you could choose any superpower or magical ability, what would it be and why? What would you do with it?

A: I want to be able to wrinkle my nose like in the old TV show Bewitched and have all the housework done!

10. If you could go anywhere in the world, all expenses paid, where would you go, who would you take with you, if anyone, and why?

A: Anywhere with a nice beach! I’m overdue for a vacation. I’d take my family with me, because it’s always more fun when we’re together.

About the Author

Morgan Brice is the romance pen name of bestselling author Gail Z. Martin. Morgan writes urban fantasy male/male paranormal romance, with plenty of action, adventure and supernatural thrills to go with the happily ever after. Gail writes epic fantasy and urban fantasy, and together with co-author hubby Larry N. Martin, steampunk and comedic horror, all of which have less romance, more explosions. Characters from her Gail books make frequent appearances in secondary roles in her Morgan books, and vice versa.

On the rare occasions Morgan isn’t writing, she’s either reading, cooking, or spoiling two very pampered dogs.

Series include Witchbane, Badlands, Treasure Trail, Kings of the Mountain and Fox Hollow. Watch for more in these series, plus new series coming soon!

Author Links

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your choice of ebook from Morgan's backlist

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Hosted by Gay Book Promotions

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

The Lights On Knockbridge Lane by Roan Parrish - Release Blitz with Giveaway

Length: 224 Pages

Garnet Run Series

Better Than People - All Buy Links (Currently free from Carina)
Best Laid Plans - All Buy Links

Harlequin's FIRST EVER gay romance!

Can one man’s crowded, messy life fill another man’s empty heart?

Raising a family was always Adam Mills’ dream, although solo parenting and moving back to tiny Garnet Run certainly were not. After a messy breakup, Adam is doing his best to give his young daughter the life she deserves—including accepting help from their new, reclusive neighbor to fulfill her Christmas wish.

Though the little house may not have “the most lights ever,” the Mills home begins to brighten as handsome Wes Mobray spends more time there and slowly sheds his protective layers. But when the eye-catching house ends up in the news, Wes has to make a choice: hide from the darkness of his unusual past or embrace the light of a future—and a family—with Adam.

From Harlequin Special Edition: Believe in love. Overcome obstacles. Find happiness.

ROAN PARRISH lives in Philadelphia, where she’s gradually attempting to write love stories in every genre. When not writing, she can be found cutting her friends’ hair, meandering through the city while listening to torch songs and melodic death metal, or cooking overly elaborate meals. She loves bonfires, winter beaches, minor chord harmonies, and self-tattooing. One time she may or may not have baked a six-layer chocolate cake and then thrown it out the window in a fit of pique.

Monday, September 27, 2021

Caught by Jackie Keswick - Release Blitz with Excerpt and Giveaway



Book Title: Caught (A Balance of Magic #1)

Author: Jackie Keswick

Publisher:  Jackie Keswick

Cover Artist: Jackie Keswick

Release Date:  September 24, 2021

Genre: M/M Fantasy

Tropes: love vs. duty, cinnamon roll death god, soul mates, found family, worlds in peril, two against the world, hurt/comfort

Series Themes: the world is fragile, short-term decisions have long-term consequences, gifts are given for a reason

Heat Rating:  3 flames    

Length:  52 000 words

This is book #1 in the series. The romance ends on a HFN. The main story arc continues across all three books, and Tenzen and Rakurai will get their HEA at the end of book #3.


Buy Links

Universal Link  |  Amazon US  |  Amazon UK

Apple Books  |  B&N  |  Kobo


Rakurai hunts demons. He doesn't consort with gods. Until he meets Tenzen.

Tenzen cares for souls. He despises the callous, self-absorbed Yuvine. Until he meets Rakurai.

A rescue and a sacrifice make a death god and a hunter fall in love, but a life of bliss is not on the cards. Someone is disturbing the balance of magic, leaving two worlds in danger. And while desire draws Rakurai and Tenzen together, duty, assassins, and clan politics keep them apart.

Who will Tenzen and Rakurai save in the end? Two worlds or each other?

Caught starts a new mm paranormal romance series, A Balance of Magic, featuring mortals and immortals from both sides of the veil, old promises, new revelations, and a bloody fight between love and duty. It is the first book of a trilogy and ends with a HFN. The characters will get their HEA in the final book.


He walked through the mists, gaze scanning the trees and bushes lining the path. Judging by the colour of the leaves and the bounty of fruit, the seasons still aligned on both sides of the veil, though the time of day did not. He’d left the human realm in the late afternoon, yet here it appeared to be early morning. And something—or someone—called to him.

There were no words, just a powerful tug on his awareness. A tug that made him want to follow the path, walk faster, run—

He stopped.


The tug eased a fraction, but didn’t disappear.

“Who are you and what do you want?” The trees swallowed Rakurai’s question and returned no answer. Could this be the rafeet’s doing? Did it have the power to make Rakurai rush headlong into a trap? He’d never read of such a skill.

He took a careful step forward.

The tug eased a little more.

He took a step back the way he’d come.

The tug grew stronger.

“Understood,” he said, irony strong in his voice. He had to find the rafeet, but he could spare some time to see what other creature had need of him.

He followed the path, watching the bark of the trees, the grass, and the rushes underfoot for signs of the rafeet’s passing. There weren’t any now. The demon wouldn’t hunt on its own turf, and it would take care not to lead a hunter to its lair. 

It grew warmer as Rakurai walked, and the sun had passed its zenith when he topped a ridge overlooking a manor house set in a neat pattern of fields. The dwelling looked much like his own: three wings of rooms arranged around a courtyard, dark wooden beams on foundations of rough stone, with a veranda edging each wing, and shoji screens hiding the interior from view.

Servants passed back and forth, and Rakurai saw people tending the fields. He thought about approaching openly, like a traveller looking for a place to rest, but finally dismissed the idea. Instead, he slept the afternoon away, up on his ridge, then slid through the fields under cover of dusk, found a sheltered spot beside the house, and waited for full darkness.

The statue in the courtyard had drawn him here, he realised as he came closer. Shaped like a tall man with long flowing hair, it stood on a plinth surrounded by water. The artist had caught each swirl of robes and hair with precision, as if the figure walked in a light breeze and was just about to take the next step. It was an exceptional work, worthy of an emperor’s court, and Rakurai wondered who had stolen it, and why. 

He waited until a cloud dimmed the moonlight, then crossed the courtyard to get as close to the sculpture as he could.

The statue regarded him from glowing violet eyes, and the moment their gazes connected a voice, deep and commanding, rang in Rakurai’s mind.

Get me out of here!

Rakurai recoiled so hard he almost landed on his arse. He’d not had another’s voice in his mind since Naomi’s death and the sudden command—and command it had been—came as a shock. He wrapped himself in mist, hoping to hide his hasty movements, and heard a chuckle.

I can still see you, Yuvine.

I wasn’t hiding from you, Rakurai thought, using the same pathways he’d have used to talk to Naomi. It didn’t feel as strange as he’d expected.

You don’t need to try so hard, either. I’m not deaf.

What are you?

Can’t you tell? The sculpture shot back, its eyes flashing violet.

Only death gods, Shinigami, had violet eyes. Rakurai had never met a death god. Or thought that they stood frozen on plinths, surrounded by water.

And then it all came together.

A demon trap.

Yes. The voice held so much sorrow that tears gathered in the corners of Rakurai’s eyes. It caught me as I was returning from a soul collection.

Rakurai could fill in the rest for himself. If the Shinigami had gathered souls that had died in fear and pain, he’d have appeared like a walking banquet to the rafeet. It wants the souls.

It will not have them, the god said. Even if it keeps me trapped here for the rest of my years. Are you hunting the rafeet?

I am. 

Then you can help me escape this prison and we can defeat it together. 

Why would I do that?

Because if you try it alone, you will fail. This rafeet isn’t like the others.

Rakurai hesitated. It was common knowledge that Shinigami valued truth and honour above all other traits. Despite that, his teachers had warned him to mistrust the gods and never to do their bidding.

Help me out of this trap and I will grant you a boon of your choosing, the Shinigami offered as if he had heard Rakurai’s thoughts.

Rakurai stared into the glowing violet eyes and recalled the hint of mirth when the god had first spoken to him. Any being capable of mirth while caught in a rafeet’s trap deserved his respect and his help. He drew a deep breath. I am Yamakage Rakurai, hunter for the Custodia, he offered. And gathered all his courage. Will you honour me with your name?

The impression of a smile came to him first, comforting like a cool wash of summer rain on parched ground. Then the Shinigami’s chuckle sent shivers rippling over Rakurai’s skin. You are a brave man, Yamakage Rakurai, to trust me with your name. Such bravery shall not go unrewarded. Again, Rakurai felt the smile. My name is Tenzen.

About the Author 

Jackie Keswick was born behind the Iron Curtain with itchy feet, a bent for rocks and a recurring dream of stepping off a bus in the middle of nowhere to go home. She's worked in a hospital and as the only girl with 52 men on an oil rig, spent a winter in Moscow and a summer in Iceland and finally settled in the country of her dreams with her dream team: a husband, a cat, a tandem, a hammer and a laptop.

Jackie loves unexpected reunions and second chances, and men who write their own rules. She blogs about English history and food, has a thing for green eyes, and is a great believer in making up soundtracks for everything, including her characters and the cat.

And she still hasn't found the place where the bus stops.

For questions and comments, not restricted to green eyes, bus stops or recipes for traditional English food, you can find Jackie Keswick in all the usual places:

Social Media Links

Blog/Website   |   Facebook group   |   Facebook page  

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Enter the Rafflecopter Giveaway for a chance to win a

$10 Amazon gift card + ebook of choice from the author's backlist

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Hosted by Gay Book Promotions

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Leap of Faith by CF White - Audiobook Tour



Book Title: Leap of Faith 

Author: C F White

Publisher: C F White

Narrator: Piers Ryman

Release Date: August 14, 2021

Genre: Contemporary M/M Romance

Tropes: Age-gap, enemies to lovers, slow burn 

Themes: Found family 

Heat Rating: 4 flames   

Length:  9 hours and 13 minutes

It is a standalone story, although the story continues as a web serial on my website with the first chapter available to download for free in audio after signing up to my newsletter.

The book does not end on a cliffhanger, although there is a possibility of continuation as mentioned above. 


Buy Links

Audible US  |   Audible UK   

Amazon US  |   Amazon UK

Sometimes all you need is a little push 


Running from his shattered gymnastics career, Charlie Avrill’s one hope for redemption is the strange and colourful world of the circus. His skills should make him a good fit for seasoned performer, Darius Lungo. But Darius won’t compromise his high stakes act for just anyone.

Still mourning the loss of his performance partner who unexpectedly abandoned the show, Darius’s heart can’t take another temporary filler. No matter how perfect Charlie might seem at first glance. But the circus is dying, and Darius owes his bosses a stellar act to sell.

Putting their differences aside to recreate the star attraction, Darius and Charlie grow closer with each rehearsal. But Charlie’s only in the ring for a one-night-only performance and the circus is due at its next stop—off the island and into Europe.

Can Charlie push aside his fears and take the leap of faith to change his entire life? And, if he does, will Darius still be there to catch him?

Leap of Faith is a standalone age-gap, enemies to lovers, mm romance where the twists and turns don’t only happen in the ring.

About the Author

Brought up in a relatively small town in Hertfordshire, C F White managed to do what most other residents try to do and fail—leave.

Studying at a West London university, she realised there was a whole city out there waiting to be discovered, so, much like Dick Whittington before her, she never made it back home and still endlessly search for the streets paved with gold, slowly coming to the realisation they’re mostly paved with chewing gum. And the odd bit of graffiti. And those little circles of yellow spray paint where the council point out the pot holes to someone who is supposedly meant to fix them instead of staring at them vacantly whilst holding a polystyrene cup of watered-down coffee.

Eventually she moved West to East along that vast District Line and settled for pie and mash, cockles and winkles and a bit of Knees Up Mother Brown to live in the East End of London; securing a job and creating a life, a home and a family.

After her second son was born with a rare disability, C F White’s life changed and it brought pen back to and paper after having written stories as a child but never had the confidence to show them to the world. Now, having embarked on this writing journey, C F White can’t stop. 

So strap in, it’s going to be a bumpy ride.  

Author Links

Twitter @CFWhiteUK  |  Facebook  |  Blog

Instagram  |  Newsletter Sign-up

Hosted by Gay Book Promotions

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

The Alpha's Role by April Kelley - Release Blitz with Excerpt & Giveaway


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Release Blitz, Excerpt & Giveaway:
The Alpha's Role
By April Kelley

April Kelley Ebook

A Valleywood Novel, Book 6

Sam and Charlie Dunlap have been mated for years. They both have secure jobs and live in Valleywood, the city where dreams come true. The only problem is their dream of starting a family has crashed and burned. They exhausted their meager savings with fertility treatments and are out of options. And then a sexy alpha bear shifter rents a room from them. Between him smelling like their mate and their new renter not wanting anything but a job, preferably in acting, things get complicated.

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More about Valleywood

Nestled on the shores of Lake Erie, Pennsylvania, there is a major city that no one has ever heard of. Valleywood is home to some of the richest and most powerful magical beings in the country. It’s a hub of commerce, entertainment, and finance in the supernatural world. Unlike the quaint and picturesque Vale Valley to the south, Valleywood is a loud and vibrant city—and they have the seedy underbelly to go with it.

Stripped of his powers by his father, Mayor Loki Boroson oversees the parts of the city that interest him. And what interests Loki usually means mischief and drama. But over the years, the magic of this city has faded, and along with that comes the threat that this cornerstone of life for so many people might one day vanish for good.

In an age where gods live among men, love might be the only magic that matters.

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The apartment building was dark gray stone. It wasn’t the tallest structure in the city, but it wasn’t the smallest either. Tyler stood on the sidewalk, counting the row of windows. There were nine floors so yeah, not the largest building, but still larger than anything Pelworth offered. Tyler wouldn’t have lived on top and underneath a bunch of people, anyway. Nine floors of people already blew his mind a little.

He had owned a three-bedroom house with three acres of land in Pelworth. It wasn’t a ton of land for a small farming town, but it would be in a city the size of Valleywood.

You’re not in Pelworth anymore, Ty.

Wasn’t that the fucking truth.

By the gods, there wasn’t a single form of privacy in a place like that, and he had valued that more than anything else.

In Pelworth it was all about material things. How much land a person had dictated status in the same way driving a type of car did. Tyler hadn’t cared about that for a single minute of his life.

Tyler took a deep breath and climbed the few concrete stairs up to the glass doors. There were potted plants sitting on the landing, artfully placed to provide the stark gray with a bit of color. The plants were mums. The dark red and orange flowers did their job well, all while making the yellow mums stand out. They reminded everyone that fall might have arrived, but the sun still shone.

A security guard stood behind a desk. He smiled but eyed Tyler suspiciously. “Can I help you?”

“Yes, I’m here to see Charlie and Sam Dunlap. Apartment three hundred.”

“Are they expecting you?” The guard reached for a phone and pressed a button.

“Yes, sir. My name is Tyler Green.”

The guard spoke to someone, giving Tyler’s name. The conversation was brief, but it got the job done because even before the guard hung up, he pointed to the elevators. “It’s the third floor. Their number is on the door.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“You’re welcome.”

The elevators were across the lobby from the guard’s desk. He pressed the up arrow button and waited while the elevator whirred and clanged.

The outside doors opened and someone came rushing toward him with his arms filled with plastic grocery bags. The guy was most definitely a shifter, although Tyler couldn’t tell which kind because his scent took over Tyler’s entire being until all the finer details didn’t matter.

The shifter huffed as if he were out of breath as he stood beside Tyler. He gave Tyler the side-eye, which meant he wasn’t unaffected. But they both kept their eyes on the shiny, reflective metal elevator doors.

The top of his head came up to Tyler’s shoulder.

He wasn’t a bear shifter. Tyler would recognize his own kind. Not that it mattered. He was Tyler’s mate, plain and simple.

Neither spoke. The silence stretched between them, becoming more tense as the seconds ticked away.

Tyler turned, wanting to have a conversation. At the same time, the elevator dinged, and the door slid open. Tyler stepped inside and turned, meeting his gaze for the first time.

His dark eyes were wide, as if he didn’t know what to make of Tyler’s presence.

That made two of them.

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About the Author:

April Kelley is an author of LGBTQ+ Romance. Her works include The Journey of Jimini Renn, a Rainbow Awards finalist, Whispers of Home, the Saint Lakes series, and over thirty more. She’s a major contributor at Once and Books. April has been an avid reader for several years. Ever since she wrote her first story at ten, the characters in her head still won’t stop telling their stories. If April isn’t reading or writing, you can find her taking a long walk in the woods or going on her next adventure.

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