Monday, September 30, 2019

Coast To Coast by RJ Scott & V.L Locey - Release Blitz with Giveaway

Length: 57,412 words 

Cover Design: Meredith Russell


When opposites attract, it’s not just the team that’s in for a shake-up.

When a stipulation in his father’s will throws Mark back into a family that disowned him, he has only two things on his mind; buying his way out of contractual obligations and running in the opposite direction as fast as he can. When neither option pans out, he finds he is now a one third owner of the struggling Arizona Raptors hockey team, and that is just about the worst thing he could have happened to him. Not only does he hate hockey, but the Raptors are a bottom-of-the-league team, rife with jealousies and anger in a locker room that only knows self-pity. How is he supposed to help turn things around when the only way to start fixing things is to form an alliance with the estranged siblings he’d run from fifteen years earlier?

Then there’s Rowen Carmichael, a stubborn, opinionated, irritating man with superiority issues and questionable taste in music. Butting heads with Rowen, who he’d never even wanted to hire in the first place, is one thing, but there is no way in hell that he will allow the growing attraction to the new coach become anything more. Until with everything on the line, he has to make decisions that will change his life forever.

After years of collegiate coaching, Rowen is given an offer that he simply can’t refuse, although perhaps he should. When he’s presented with the chance to take one of the worst teams in the league and mold them into a future cup contender, the challenge is just too alluring to pass up. He leaves his beloved Ontario behind and moves west to the arid city of Tucson where he is faced with a broken team, shoddy management, and players overflowing with resentment and bigotry.

Never in his twenty years of hockey has he ever seen such a raging dumpster fire of an organization. Yet there’s something about this team and this city that compels him to roll up his sleeves and start dismantling. He has his eye on a new associate coach that’s bound to makes waves, and several key players who should be sent packing. Now all he has to do is convince the new owners of the team that his choices are for the best. If only Mark Westman-Reid, one of three siblings who now own the Raptors, wasn’t so damned rock-headed, so damned snooty, and so damned appealing his job might be a bit easier.

USA Today bestselling author RJ Scott writes stories with a heart of romance, a troubled road to reach happiness, and most importantly, a happily ever after.

RJ Scott is the author of over one hundred romance books, writing emotional stories of complicated characters, cowboys, millionaire, princes, and the men who get mixed up in their lives. RJ is known for writing books that always end with a happy ever after. She lives just outside London and spends every waking minute she isn’t with family either reading or writing.

The last time she had a week’s break from writing she didn’t like it one little bit, and she has yet to meet a bottle of wine she couldn’t defeat.

She’s always thrilled to hear from readers, bloggers and other writers. Please contact via the links below:

USA Today Bestselling Author V.L. Locey – Penning LGBT hockey romance that skates into sinful pleasures.

V.L. Locey loves worn jeans, yoga, belly laughs, walking, reading and writing lusty tales, Greek mythology, Torchwood and Dr. Who, the New York Rangers, comic books, and coffee. (Not necessarily in that order.) She shares her life with her husband, her daughter, one dog, two cats, a pair of geese, far too many chickens, and two steers.

When not writing spicy romances, she enjoys spending her day with her menagerie in the rolling hills of Pennsylvania with a cup of fresh java in one hand and a steamy romance novel in the other.

Hosted By Signal Boost Promotions

Closer by Kylie Scott - Blog Tour with Excerpt

We are beyond excited to be celebrating this release from Kylie Scott with you today by participating in the blog tour! CLOSER is part of her Stage Dive series and it is releasing as part of 1001 Dark Nights. Check out the book trailer from the title below. Click here to grab your copy now.


Purchase your copy of CLOSER today!

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon AU


From New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Kylie Scott comes a new story in her Stage Dive series… When a stalker gets too close to plus-size model Mae Cooper, it’s time to hire some muscle. Enter former military man turned executive protection officer Ziggy Thayer. Having spent years guarding billionaires, royalty, and rock n roll greats, he’s seen it all. From lavish parties through to every kind of excess. There’s no reason some Instagram stylista should throw him off his game. Even if she does have the most dangerous curves he’s ever seen... **Every 1001 Dark Nights novella is a standalone story. For new readers, it’s an introduction to an author’s world. And for fans, it’s a bonus book in the author’s series. We hope you'll enjoy each one as much as we do.**  
Add CLOSER to your Goodreads TBR here!

Purchase your copy of CLOSER today!

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon AU

His gaze narrowed, lines furrowing his brow. “Why don’t you let the police deal with that in the future, Miss Cooper? You don’t need that sort of shit getting into your head. Excuse my language.”
I attempted a smile. “It’s fine. Swear all you like. This situation makes me want to swear too.”
“There’s a lot of sick and cruel people out there. It doesn’t mean you need to give them a moment of your time.”
True,” I said. “I guess you’ve seen a lot of this sort of stuff before.”
“Enough to know you’re better off staying away from it and leaving the detective work to the professionals.”
“I know, I know.” My shoulders slumped, my back bowed. My bones felt hollow and weak. Tonight I’d take some Melatonin and try to knock myself out. Actually get some decent sleep. “I just hate being so out of control. Having to put my life on pause because of this asshole.”
Around me were towers of books waiting to be shelved. Romance mostly. Since I had the time, I might as well place them in alphabetical order. His gaze wandered over them with something close to interest. Made me curious about his hobbies. Apart from being a fulltime card-carrying member of the badass club, of course. He probably kick boxed and scaled tall buildings and saved kittens from burning trees. I really shouldn’t have sat down. From this height, he seemed even more imposing. Like a mountain towering over me, taking up all of the view. I’d been around plenty of big shot actors, sports stars, and business tycoons over the years, courtesy of various events and V.I.P. lounges. Ziggy Thayer had more presence than all of them put together. It’s like he sucked the air out of a room just by generally being cool and existing.
Or maybe he only had that effect on me. If so, I could seriously do without the complication. Dammit.
And I’d been staring at the man again. “I’m sorry, Ziggy. I kind of zoned out there for a minute. Were you saying something?”



“Both light-hearted and deeply passionate, this book was pure rocker perfection.” ― Natasha is a Book Junkie “Yep, this is one of those. My perfect book. Everything at just the right pace, the right time, the right intensity.” ― Maryse’s Book Blog “This was absolutely fantastic, I loved it so much! … The plot was original and unique and the characters lovable.” ― Read More Sleep Less “This was one wild ride that will have you laughing out loud!” ― Miss Petite Brunette Book Blog “Packed with adrenaline, suspense and red-hot chemistry, this is certainly one to be devoured in a single sitting.” ― Vilma Iris


Kylie Scott is a New York Times and USA Today best-selling author. She was voted Australian Romance Writer of the year, 2013 & 2014, by the Australian Romance Writer’s Association and her books have been translated into eleven different languages. She is a long time fan of romance, rock music, and B-grade horror films. Based in Queensland, Australia with her two children and husband, she reads, writes and never dithers around on the internet.

Connect With Her: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Goodreads | Twitter | Bookbub

Dog Tagged by James Brock - Cover Reveal with Excerpt and Giveaway

Dog Tagged

James Brock has a new MM Military Romance out, and we have the cover reveal for "Dog Tagged."

Drill Sergeant Clay Norris has his military life running right on schedule. Career focused he appreciates that he joined up when his sexuality is at least acknowledged under Don't Ask, Don't tell, even if he doesn't get to act on his urges as much as he likes.

In formation with his new trainee group he locks eyes with Chevrolet Banks and his life, their lives, are changed forever.

Dog Tagged is an insta love military romance based on real life incidents.

Amazon | iBooks | Barnes & Noble | Kobo


James is giving away a $10 Amazon gift card with this cover reveal – enter via Rafflecopter:


Dog tagged meme

What also became clear to me in my short time with the fun, cute guy was that I had fallen so hard for Private Chevy Banks that I couldn’t get him out of my head even standing next to this walking hard-on.

I did let the hot salesman give me a quick kiss on the cheek in the changing room and tried to forget the warmth of his lips as I headed out to the clubs and got some dance and further drink on, always bearing in mind that I was an officer now and had some decorum to maintain.

Okay, all that means is that I got pretty wasted.

And that I danced with all comers. I was quickly stripped out of that cute little shirt salesman Evan had put me in, my training ripped body giving me pick of the litter. Not last call litter, not still breathing and leftover litter. Porn star guys (REAL porn star guys) were fighting over me, actual pushing and shoving, it was quite the scene, the knot of men who had surrounded this former Drill Instructor.

At some point I looked up to see the smiling face of Evan the clerk from the clothing store next to me, an arm thrown protectively thrown around my shoulder. His sweet smile was the brightest of the lot, I latched onto him like an octopus gripping a clam.

I have no idea how long the revelry went on or how I got back to the hotel.

Let alone what might have happened there.

The next morning I woke not feeling well at all. Slick with sweat, sick to my stomach I rolled my head on the pillow slowly, not knowing what kind of guy I was going to find next to me. Thankfully the pillow was empty, as was the bed, although the blankets were mussed enough to let me know someone had recently nested there. Carefully lifting myself I checked the floor and was relieved to see no other bodies in the room.

But at that moment the bathroom door opened and a figure came out.

Evan, blond and sunny, cute as the night before in tattered jean and a faded green t shirt with a cracked and worn logo on it stepped into the darkened room.

“Hey buster, didn’t think you’d be up for a while,” he said with a giggle in his voice.

Flopping down onto the chair across the room he slipped his feet into athletic shoes and laced them. “Or should I be calling you Lieutenant Buster?” he added with a nod toward my dress uniform hanging neatly in the closet.

“Just call me a time machine man, I wanna go back about twelve hours and start over again.” I sighed from the bed. “What the fuck happened….”

“What didn’t happen is the better question,” Even said evenly. “you were wined and dined, if you count the bag of Dorito’s you were given to strap on like a feed bag dining, given drinks and very nearly given drugs and taken to other clubs and there was talk of taking you to that skeezy bath house connected to the dance club, but you wouldn’t go anywhere without me once I had been spotted. You seemed to be quite taken with modest little moi and since I refused to go to that bathhouse everyone was trying to get you to go to I finally got you back here where there were more drinks and salty snacks then there was some crying….” he trailed off. “I’ve ordered room service for you; hope you don’t mind.”

“Wait. Wait, wait.” I said using a nearly Drill Sergeant size voice as the handsome young man stood, “I need the whole story.”

About that time there was a knock at the door; Evan let room service in, signing the check. “You are a good tipper, just so you know,” he grinned while pushing the tray of food over toward me on the bed then pouring coffee. He motioned for me to eat then sat back down. “I was going out anyway so when I closed up I came over to the club and there you were, gaily lit as a Christmas tree and surrounded by faeries more headstrong and stubborn than Tinkerbell all out to get a piece of the hottest man in the city. Not the bar, the city. And I’m not just saying that because I am the one who ended up sleeping with you.”

I guess I looked up at him like a deer in head lights.

“Stop, don’t flatter me. I’ve got it going on but I’m not ripped like you. Word was out that there was a military hottie on the hoof in the club and every muscle queen and gym bunny in town showed up to audition as your hook-up for the night. I think guys were flying in from LA and San Francisco trying to get to you,” the blond smiled.

“So you brought me back here and we….” I said, mouth full of egg. The food was going down smoother than I expected it would.

“I didn’t get in the way of your fun too much, I just kept an eye on you. Until they started to undress you and began offering you pills, powders and potions.”

I felt myself shudder and freeze.

“Don’t worry. I didn’t let them. I just brought you back here, where you insisted on another drink or ten. Then you got weepy and I held you and let you talk about a car until you fell asleep. I dunno, everyone has a kink or two, but I’ve never heard anyone rhapsodize about a vehicle the way you went on and on about your Chevy last night.”

I was really embarrassed then.

I let a silence settle between us before taking a sip of scalding hot coffee and replying.

“Not a car, a guy,” I whispered.

“I fell off a turnip truck but that was a long time ago,” he smirked while reaching over and snagging a crisp piece of bacon off my plate and began chewing on it, “I figured as much.” Evan said with true kindness in his voice. “I had a brother in the Army and knew you were just blowing off some steam. Those wolves would have eaten you and I like to think someone would have looked after my brother the same way. Nothing happened between us.”

“That would have been the best part of the night it sounds like,” I managed, no longer interested in the food.

“You were a hot mess, but I am very glad you are alright. Now I’ve gotta go to work. If you are in town for a while here is my card.” With that Evan produced a business card with his name, number and e mail on it. “Use it at will.” he slipped the card on the breakfast tray then slid his arms around my body, giving me a very nice hug.

“Leaving tomorrow, but some other time without question.”

Stopping at the closet on his way out he reached in and touched the sleeve of my dress uniform.

“Are you going over?”


There was a slight pause before he broke his eyes form the uniform.

“Be safe. E mail and let me know how you are. Promise?”

“Promise, and thanks. Is your brother back?” there was a pause before Evan answered Yesin such a quiet way that I knew the way his brother had come home.

“I’m sorry,” was all I had time to say before the cute blond turned and gave me a wan smile and slipped out of the room.

Author Bio

James Brock is an Amazon number one best selling author, with fifteen M/M romance novels published and two family autobiographies.

Once upon a time he sold comedy to Joan Rivers and Phyllis Diller, was published in every gay men's magazine on the market (when there was a market, those dinosaurs were killed off by DVD, which were in turn eaten by streaming and on demand...), the Seattle Gay News and Seattle Standard and essays with the late great Alyson Publications.

James lives in Seattle.

Author Website:

LOGO - Other Worlds Ink

Friday, September 27, 2019

Rocket Science by K.M. Neuhold - Release Blitz with Excerpt

Rocket Science RDB Banner

Rocket Science
K.M. Neuhold
M/M Romance
Release Date: 09.27.19

Rocket Science Cover 


Relationships aren’t rocket science. If they were, I might stand a chance of figuring one out.


Saying I’ve had a crush on my best friend’s older brother, Pax, most of my life is like saying the big bang was just an explosion. It’s true, but I’m not sure that quite captures the essence of its true enormity.

I know he’s only hanging out with me because I’m new in town, and getting my PhD doesn’t leave me with much time to make friends. And even if it did, my strength is mathematics, not friend-making. What I don’t understand is why he kissed me…why he seems to want to keep kissing me. I don’t think my advanced physics knowledge is going to help me figure this one out. But I think for once I’m okay with not knowing, as long as Pax and I don’t know together.


He’s still the awkward Nerdlet I remember…he’s also probably the cutest, most tempting man I’ve laid eyes on. I know I should keep my hands off him, but this thing between us is like a force of nature. I want to be his first everything. He says we’re nothing more than atoms crashing into each other. I’m no scientist, but I don’t think either of us are braced for the explosion.

Rocket Science is a stand-alone MM romance featuring an inexperienced nerd, a cocky player, and a satisfying HEA

Rocket Science teaser 3

Rocket Science teaser 4


Pax: How are you feeling this morning? I got the impression you aren’t normally much of a lush.
Elijah: Pretty sure I’m dying
Pax: That’s unfortunate. Try some aspirin and a glass of water, it may turn out to be a miracle cure ;)
Elijah: Ok, I’ll do that once I can move without wanting to puke again
Pax: Where do you live?
Elijah: Near campus, why?
Pax: Because I’m planning to stalk you, and it’ll be a lot easier if I get your address

My stomach gives a little flip at his teasing, my fingers hovering over the keys, my mind desperately trying to come up with something witty to say in return. I’m not delusional. I know my stupid little teenage crush isn’t going to come to anything, but it would be nice to have a friend out here in California. If I could somehow become the kind of person who knows the right things to say, who’s funny and confident, maybe Pax really would want to be my friend. But no matter how hard I wrack my aching brain, I can’t come up with anything funny to say in return, and the longer I wait the more awkward a reply will be. Instead, I just text him my address. Why he wants it, I can’t begin to guess.

It shows that the message was read, but he doesn’t respond, so after a few minutes I close my eyes and let myself fall back asleep.

The sound of my buzzer jolts me out of sleep sometime later. I search my sleep fuzzy brain, trying to remember if I ordered something from Amazon because I can’t imagine anyone other than UPS ringing my bell. Maybe someone else in the building forgot their key and randomly pressed my buzzer hoping I’d let them in. My head falls back onto my pillow, and I sigh tiredly, trying to decide if it’s worth it to get up to see who’s at the door. The buzzer sounds again, and I throw my blankets back and reluctantly get out of bed. I’m sure my hair is sticking up in every possible direction, and I’m not wearing anything aside from my t-shirt from last night and my boxers, but if it is UPS, I can just buzz them in and let them leave whatever it is I forgot that I ordered outside my apartment door until I can put some pants on.
I shuffle to the intercom and press the button.

“Who is it?” I ask.

“Delivery,” a falsetto voice answers, and I scrunch my brow.

“What kind of delivery?”

“You ordered acompanion.” The last word is said in a breathy, suggestive kind of way that has my face heating, even though there’s no one here to have heard it besides me.

“I, uh, I think you have the wrong apartment,” I stammer out.

“Isn’t this Elijah Cummings?” They ask, putting emphasis on my last name in a way that makes it sound untoward. Not like I didn’t get enough jokes about it in middle and high school, I don’t need a prostitute turning it into some sort of suggestive dirty talk.

“Yes, but I didn’tI’m notUm…” I don’t want to be rude, clearly this person’s wires got crossed. Maybe there’s another Elijah Cummings in the building, although even without sitting down to calculate the odds of that, I’d bet they’re astronomical.

“Einstein, I’m fucking with you,” Pax says, dropping the falsetto.

“Oh,” I say, my breath whooshing out with relief. I only have a few seconds of relief before I realize that Pax is at my apartment and I’m half naked.
KM Neuhold Logo__

Author K.M. Neuhold is a complete romance junkie, a total sap in every way. She started her journey as an author in new adult, MF romance, but after a chance reading of an MM book she was completely hooked on everything about lovely- and sometimes damaged- men finding their Happily Ever After together. She has a strong passion for writing characters with a lot of heart and soul, and a bit of humor as well. And she fully admits that her OCD tendencies of making sure every side character has a full backstory will likely always lead to every book having a spin-off or series. When she's not writing she's a lion tamer, an astronaut, and a superhero...just kidding, she's likely watching Netflix and snuggling with her husky while her amazing husband brings her coffee.


Dragon's Hoard by A.G. Carothers - Release Blitz with Excerpt


Book Title: Dragon's Hoard: Dragon War Chronicles Book Four

Author: A. G. Carothers

Publisher: Self-Published

Cover Artist: AngstyG with illustration by Adrienne Wilder

Release Date: September 26, 2019

Genre/s: Urban Fantasy and Paranormal, Action Adventure

Trope/s: First Time, Hurt / Comfort, Smartass Twinks

Themes: Traumatic Past, First Time, Marriage, Soul bindings, Mates, Dragon Shifters in hiding, Genetic experimentation, 

Heat Rating: 3-4 flames. There's only two scenes but they are pretty graphic and one is between dragons in dragon form. 

Length: 57 000 words


Buy Links - Available on Kindle Unlimited


Previously on Dragon War Chronicles, the first strike was made against their enemies, but the cost was heavy.

Mourning their losses Danica still must prepare for dragons that will be coming to woo her. She already knows the dragon she wants to mate to, but will she convince Kollin that she's ready to commit?

Of all the dragons going to Toulouse to meet Danica and see if they have a chance only one has a completely different agenda. He knows which dragon he wants and it isn't Danica. Will Xavier win the heart of Danica's brother?

Anchin Luu, Danica's brother and manager of her Las Vegas casino, Dragon's Hoard, has spent his whole life alone due to his deadly nature. A broken experiment and retired assassin Anchin isn't sure what to make of the water dragon that has invaded his life.

Love is in the air, but so is gunpowder. SLIPs going missing, Coyotes crashing parties, and a mating you'll never forget are all in store for you on the next exciting installment of Dragon War Chronicles.

Attention: This book contains explicit sexual content between consenting dragons, depictions of relationships that are MF and MM with a dash of doublemint fun.

Dragon War Chronicles is a continuous series. It is best read in order.
SYN Consulting
Secrets Revealed
First Strike
Dragon's Hoard


The door chime went off again, and Anthony hurriedly threw on a silk robe, put his feet in his slippers, and went to the door. He sensed a dragon on the other side of the door, and he knew that color. He almost didn't answer the door, but it chimed again. Why was he here this early?

Anthony tightened his robe, making sure nothing untoward was showing, put on a mask of calm, and opened the door. Xavier fucking Inti stood on the other side with a smile looking like he stepped out of the fifties today. His multicolored hair was coiffed just so, very John Travolta like, a plain black t-shirt with the sleeves cuffed, black jeans also cuffed, and black chucks.

If he wasn't so annoying, he'd be super-hot. At least he didn't have one of those stupid suckers in his mouth. Anthony finally decided to break the silence. "Yes?" He tried to sound nonchalant, but he thought he just sounded like a stuffy old butler to a billionaire.

"Good morning, gorgeous." Xavier's smile widened. "I'm here to pick you up for our date."

"What date?"

"Didn't your sister tell you?"

"No." What the hell was my sister doing?

"She called me last night and said that she wasn't going to be available today and insisted upon you going in her stead. Which is just as well since I had tours arranged of all the vineyards between here and Carcassonne."

Anthony's back stiffened, and he inhaled sharply. "You didn't?"

"I do. Including this little one right on the other side of Carcassonne that apparently never does tours, but I was able to arrange a tasting there. It's called Château du Coeur Noir."

Anthony whispered the name as he said it, knowing exactly which one he was talking about. He narrowed his eyes and then looked down at Xavier. "Fine. I'll need to get ready." He closed the door and turned around with a smile. Let's see if he's still there in an hour.

Anthony took a nice long shower, and the whole time he kept tabs on Xavier. He didn't move. He stayed at the door. He didn't even pace. Anthony didn't understand why the little dragon wanted him. So their magic was compatible? He obviously had some inkling about his true nature if he gave Danica the gift that he did, so why would he want him?

Anthony swung open the door and screeched to a halt with his mouth open. Xavier stood with a wide smile and hot pink cat-eye shaped sunglasses. Xavier pulled down his glasses just enough for his eyes to show, and he tilted his head up and down. His tongue darted out and licked his lips.

"Are you ready, hot stuff?" He pushed his glasses up and held out his arm.

Anthony schooled his features and stepped out into the hall. Xavier turned to face the elevator and continued to hold out the crook of his elbow. Anthony hesitated and then cautiously put his hand on Xavier's arm. Anthony pulled his hand back as a dart of magic zinged up his arm.

"Maybe that's not such a good idea."

"Nonsense. Do it again, sweets." Anthony was sure that Xavier winked at him from behind his glasses. He shouldn't, but there was just something soothing and irritating about his cockiness. Anthony put his hand on his arm again, and this time there wasn't a zing. There was a low hum of magic just beneath the cool, smooth skin. Anthony relaxed and snaked his arm around Xavier's, his fingers splayed across his forearm.

The elevator doors opened, and they stepped inside. Once on the ground floor, Xavier stepped in front of Anthony and opened the door for him. He stepped out and waiting for them on the curb was a gorgeous nineteen-fifty-seven Chevrolet Bel-Air. The turquoise and white paint shown in the sun, the top was down, and the leather seats shined. The whitewall tires were spotless, and every bit of chrome sparkled.

Xavier rushed forward and opened the passenger door for him. "Are you sure this isn't too much car for you?" Anthony quipped.

As Anthony placed a foot in the car, Xavier ran a hand down his back and over his ass grabbing a handful. "Oh, Anchin, sweetheart, I'm very experienced in handling large things."

A shiver ran up Anthony's spine, and he huffed as he sat down. Xavier closed the door and went around to the driver's side. "Are you sure you can reach the pedals, imp?" It was a good thing Anthony wasn't that much taller than Xavier. The bench seat was all the way up, but Anthony still had plenty of legroom.

Xavier hopped into the seat, pulled the keys with rabbit foot keychain out of his pocket, slid the key into the ignition, and turned. The car roared to life and then purred. Xavier revved the engine, and the vibrations were felt through the seat. He put the car in gear and cruised into traffic.

Xavier turned his head quickly to face Anthony. "Sweets, I can always reach what I need to." He put one hand on the wheel and the other across the back of the seat.



About the Author

A.G. Carothers is actually a dragon very cleverly disguised as a human. They are a non-binary author of LGBTQIA Romance and Urban Fantasy, who enjoys writing original and entertaining stories. They are very excited to share the worlds they've created with you.

A.G. currently lives in Tennessee with their platonic life partner, who is not a dragon. They yearn to live back in Europe and will some day. In their spare time they are addicted to losing themselves in the lovely worlds created by other authors

A.G. is committed to writing the stories they see in their head without restrictions. Love is blind and doesn't see gender, race, or sexuality.

Author Links





Where Love Grows by Jay Northcote - Release Blitz

Buy Links: Amazon US | Amazon UK | Universal Link - Exclusive to Amazon and Available to Borrow with Kindle Unlimited

Cover Design: Garrett Leigh @ Black Jazz Design

Length: 70,000 words approx.


When two broken men look to each other for help, an unexpected romance blooms.

Stephen’s home, deep in the heart of the Welsh valleys, suits his reclusive nature. However, as he recovers from illness, he’s struggling to manage alone. As nature reclaims the land he’s poured his heart into cultivating, he becomes increasingly unhappy. His only outlet is his blog, where he documents the decline of the garden that had been his pride and joy.

Luke is more used to a concrete jungle. He was a high-flyer, living and working in London, until addiction sent him into free fall. Now on the road to recovery, he still wants to make some changes, but he’s unsure where to find the purpose and fulfilment he craves.

A mutual acquaintance suggests Luke visits Stephen to help him out for a while, and a seed of hope is planted. From prickly beginnings, shoots of friendship emerge, blossoming into a deeper connection when they act on their mutual attraction.

This was only ever supposed to be a temporary arrangement, and soon Stephen will be able to manage on his own again. But both men need each other in ways they’re afraid to admit. If their love is going to last for more than one season, they’ll need to find the courage to be honest.

Jay lives just outside Bristol in the West of England. He comes from a family of writers, but always used to believe that the gene for fiction writing had passed him by. He spent years only ever writing emails, articles, or website content.

One day, Jay decided to try and write a short story—just to see if he could—and found it rather addictive. He hasn’t stopped writing since.

Jay writes contemporary romance about men who fall in love with other men. He self-publishes under the imprint Jaybird Press.

Facebook profile:
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Jay’s books:

Hosted By Signal Boost Promotions

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Not Another Statistic by J.M. Dabney- Blog Tour with Excerpt


Not Another Statistic
Yuri Sorenson Mysteries
J.M. Dabney
Genre - MM/Gay Fiction/Romance, Mystery/Suspense
Release Date: 09.24.19


Cover Image - FuriousFotog (Golden Czermak)
Cover Model - Kevin R. Davis
Cover Art - J.M. Dabney


Former Federal Agent Yuri Sorenson had left the bureau behind to become a private investigator. His ex-partner came to him asking for a favor, not knowing who else to trust. Yuri had always had a way of keeping his emotional distance from the people he protected, yet that changed the day Clarkson hesitantly limped into his life.

What happens when love is confused with pain? That’s the exact question Josh Clarkson had asked himself for years. He’d grown up in an overburdened foster care system, and from what he knew of love, he couldn’t expect anything but to be something tolerated. Was he meant to be more than a plaything or a piece of scenery? H could hope.

Two men who know nothing but being broken find that patience and acceptance are harder than losing hope. Is the leap of faith worth the reward of letting someone else in? Maybe they’ll find the strength to find out before the danger of Josh’s past tries to tear them apart.



I awakened from the best dreams I'd ever had. One of the few times I hadn't come to with a scream and then I froze as I found myself draped over Yuri. My thighs on either side of his hips and I tried to slip to the side without being noticed only to squeak as a very strong, large hand squeezed my ass to keep me in place. This was so not good. I bit my lip and tried again only to be stopped by a deep growl that rumbled the chest under me.
All I remembered last night was falling asleep as far on the other side of the bed as I could get. I'd never really shared a bed with someone before. Usually when the man I was with went to sleep, I left or found a couch or a portion of the floor to curl up on. At Vernon's I had my own tiny room which he locked me in every night.
This was the first time I'd ever cuddled with a man and I wasn't sure it was a welcomed act. I needed to get away before he woke up. His opinion was important and I didn't want him to think that I'd done this on purpose. I planted my hands beside his ribs, and then lifted onto my toes.
I was able to get an inch between our bodies before my hips were slammed back down onto a very impressive bulge.
"Shit." I whispered and started the attempt again.
"Baby boy, what do you think you're doing?"
His gruff question had me lifting my gaze to his and realized he was very much awake. "How long have you been awake?"
"Maybe an hour or so."
"Sorry, I didn't realize—" My apology ended when I noticed the corner of his mouth pulled into a smirk. It made the laugh lines at the corners of his eyes deeper.
"Sleeping you didn't seem to mind rubbing on me."
I surged to a seated position and stared down at him. "I was sleeping. I could've done anything." His smile got wider. "What else did I do?"
"Nothing, but we have shit to do today so get on up."
He smacked my ass and rolled out from under me, dumping me onto the bed. I hurriedly crawled off  and followed him. I was too shocked by the grin and the suddenly playful attitude to protest the swat. 
"What did I do," I demanded.
"You get pretty affectionate, now, are you going to watch me piss and demand to know every grope you didn't get to enjoy?"

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J.M. Dabney is a multi-genre author who writes Body Positive/Diverse Romance and Fiction. They live with a constant diverse cast of characters in their head. No matter their size, shape, race, etc. J.M. lives for one purpose alone, and that’s to make sure they do them justice and give them the happily ever after they deserve. J.M. is dysfunction at its finest and they makes sure their characters are a beautiful kaleidoscope of crazy. There is nothing more they want from telling their stories than to show that no matter the package the characters come in or the damage their pasts have done, that love is love. That normal is never normal and sometimes the so-called broken can still be amazing.

The author is Gender Nonconforming are uses the preferred pronouns They/Them.
