Title: Holiday Gridlock
Series: Cruised, Book Two
Author: Gretchen Evans
Publisher: NineStar Press
Release Date: November 11, 2019
Heat Level: 3 - Some Sex
Pairing: Male/Male
Length: 18600
Genre: Contemporary Holiday, LGBT, contemporary, holiday, Christmas, age-gap, interracial
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Gabe is way too happy. Mark is as close
to a perfect boyfriend as you can get. He’s smart, good-looking, successful,
and he cares about Gabe. He’s also way more serious about their relationship
than Gabe’s ready for. He wants them to move in together.
The closest Gabe’s ever gotten to living
with a boyfriend is accidentally leaving his boxers behind. But he and Mark are
way past that. It’s terrifying.
Mark invites Gabe home for the holidays
where Gabe gets an intimate look at Mark’s family, his childhood, and how
different their Christmas traditions are. It’s loud, overwhelming, messy,
and…really nice. Homey in a way Gabe’s never experienced.
But Mark wants more than for Gabe to
just have a peek at this part of his life. He wants Gabe to become part of the
family, to go to bed with him every night, and wake up with him every morning.
He wants all their Christmases to be together. Moving in may be just the start.
It might take a Christmas miracle for
Gabe to figure himself out and overcome his fears. Or maybe a little familial
Will Gabe and Mark take the next step,
or will they get stuck in holiday gridlock?
Holiday Gridlock
Gretchen Evans © 2019
All Rights Reserved
Pressure squeezed Gabe’s sinuses like a
vice. A vice might be too extreme. More like he’d walked into a wall
repeatedly, and now his entire face ached.
He blew his nose for the hundredth time.
It wasn’t much relief. The best he could do was snuggle deeper into the nest of
blankets he’d assembled on his couch and pray for the sweet release of death.
The scratch of a key turning the old,
cheap lock on his front door roused him. The light coming through the blinds
had dimmed a lot, and the Netflix “Are you still watching?” glared at him from
the TV. He must have dozed off watching Planet Earth. Thank God for Nyquil.
No point in getting up. Only one person
had a key to his apartment: Mark. If it wasn’t Mark, that meant someone was
picking his lock and planned to rob him. Good. They could take whatever they
wanted as long as they took this damn cold too.
“Hello!” Mark called from the hall.
Gabe managed to sit up, sort of. “In
here,” he called out, voice cracking.
Mark appeared in the living room doorway
wearing a devastatingly handsome three-piece gray suit. Gabe was sick, not
dead. He could appreciate his sexy his boyfriend in almost any state. Mark
gripped a brown paper Whole Foods bag in his hand.
His boyfriend. It was a thrill to think
about. How often did a gorgeous, successful man you met on a hookup app turn
out to actually be gorgeous and successful? And then be as interested in you as
you were in him? Their early days of hooking up in public bathrooms—and one
memorable time, a parking lot—were behind them. But those were some nice
They had gone from an awkward “hey,
let’s try this” to practically living in each other’s back pockets in only a
few months. Gabe hadn’t had many relationships and sometimes felt a little lost
at sea. But when Mark was with him, that didn’t seem to matter.
Mark’s legs were long, and Gabe’s
apartment was small, so it only took a couple steps for Mark to reach him. He
dropped the groceries on the battered coffee table and bent to kiss the top of
Gabe’s curls.
“How are you feeling?”
Gabe pulled himself up to sit a little
higher. “Like shit.”
Smiling, Mark smoothed back Gabe’s hair.
Gabe stretched into it like a cat begging to be petted. It didn’t make his
nightmare of a cold go away any faster, but it certainly made him feel better.
He didn’t want Mark to stop but… “You’re going to get sick.”
“Maybe, but I take my vitamins.” Mark
pulled away, picking up the grocery bag as he walked toward the kitchen. “I
brought you dinner.”
Food sounded unappealing. He couldn’t taste
anything. Couldn’t smell anything. It was like putting cardboard in his mouth.
Mark slung his jacket over the top of
the lonely stool Gabe had at his breakfast bar, leaving him in white
shirtsleeves and a vest that hugged his waist perfectly. He propped himself
against the counter, rolling up his sleeves. Gabe could see the bulge of the
veins in Mark’s forearms from the couch.
“I’m cheating a little.” He pulled a
plastic tub with something gross-looking sloshing against its sides and a
shrink-wrapped pack of chicken cut into bite-size pieces from the bag. “Premade
stock and precooked chicken. Good chicken soup takes time, so we’ll make do
with this. Add some fresh vegetables and noodles and it’s almost like the real
There was nothing like seeing a man who
made your heart pound, dressed like that, proposing to make nearly homemade
chicken soup just because you were sick. How could Gabe say no to dinner now?
He watched through the tiny opening
between the breakfast bar and the kitchen as Mark quietly went about his
business. Mark knew where the pots and pans were, where the cutting board and
sharpest knife were kept. He knew to use the front left burner because the
others were bent and the pot would wobble. Gabe hadn’t realized Mark paid so
much attention to his dingy little kitchen.
They cooked dinner together often, but
usually at Mark’s much nicer condo. His kitchen had granite countertops and an
oven that didn’t burn things. Watching Mark move so effortlessly around Gabe’s
space settled something warm and heavy in Gabe’s chest. Something that wasn’t
He must have dozed off again because
suddenly Mark nudged his elbow with one hand and held out a steaming bowl of
soup with the other.
“Here. Eat some soup and drink some
water; then you can go back to sleep.”
Gabe sat up, his back against the
armrest and legs stretched out in front of him, and took the bowl. The steam
felt good against his face as he tried to smell it. “You gonna tuck me in?”
Mark balanced his own bowl of soup as he
lifted Gabe’s legs to sit on the couch. He lowered Gabe’s legs back to his lap
and made sure Gabe’s feet were covered before picking up his spoon. “You are
far too sick to be lascivious.”
“Nice SAT word. And anyway, I read an
article about how regular sex can help fight off colds.”
Taking a long moment to bring the spoon
to his lips, Mark delayed answering. He shot a wicked grin at Gabe after he
swallowed. “I thought you were worried about getting me sick.”
“How do you feel about sex with hospital
“Decidedly unsexy.”
“Spoil sport.”
Gabe turned back to his soup. He
couldn’t taste it, but it was warm and made his throat feel better. He managed
most of it but left a lot of the noodles behind before Mark took the bowl from
Sounds of running water and clinking
dishes came from the kitchen as Gabe snuggled down in his blankets. He found
the remote wedged between the back of the couch and the cushion and clicked on
the Antarctica episode of Planet Earth. That was a good one.
He hummed as Mark settled on the couch,
putting Gabe’s legs in his lap again.
“This the one with the whales?”
Gabe hummed again, his eyelids sliding
“Do you want me to wake you up before I
go so you can go to bed? Or do you want to sleep on the couch?” Mark’s voice
was quiet, and his palm rubbed circles on Gabe’s calf, which was not going to
help him stay awake.
“How long are you staying?”
“At least until I see some whales.
That’s the only reason I came over.”
Gabe tried for a playful kick, but even
that took too much energy. It looked more like an uncoordinated leg spasm. Mark
laughed at him anyway. Gabe refused to rise to the bait. Instead, he
purposefully shut his eyes and went to sleep.
The next time he came to, it was dark
outside, but a soft glow filled his apartment. Mark must have turned on a lamp.
Gabe stretched his legs. Mark wasn’t on the couch with him anymore. He must
have gone home.
There was a little dip of sadness in
Gabe’s chest at the thought.
The dip didn’t last long. Mark’s legs
came into view next to the couch. Gabe had to crane his neck to see the rest of
“Here.” Mark held out a glass of water
and two green pills.
Gabe didn’t bother to sit up. He could
swallow lying down. It was one of his hidden talents. He popped the pills and
tilted the glass back. He spilled some on his shirt but couldn’t bring himself
to care.
“How did you know I needed more
Mark perched on the coffee table,
resting his elbows on his knees and searching Gabe’s face. “Because I love you,
and I pay attention. I’ve been here more than four hours and you haven’t had
any. I figured it was time. Are you sure you don’t need to go to a doctor?”
Mark had been the first to say I love
you, but Gabe had said it right back. Since then, Mark dropped casual I love
yous every day. Gabe was more reserved, but Mark didn’t seem to mind. Gabe
thought Mark knew even though he didn’t say it all the time, he still felt it.
He took another swig of water, managing
not to spill that time. “Nah, it’s only a cold. Give it a couple of days, and
I’ll be fine.”
A deep V creased the skin between Mark’s
dark eyebrows, and the small lines around his eyes deepened. Gabe wanted to
kiss him. Badly. He started to pull himself up, unsure if he’d actually kiss
Mark or not, but at least wanting to be on eye level with him.
Mark cupped Gabe’s elbow and helped him
sit. He didn’t look relieved by Gabe’s change of position. “I’ll take you to
the doctor if you need to go. Whenever you need to go.”
Gabe smiled, but that didn’t seem to
convince Mark either. “I’ll be fine. Promise. I already feel better than I did
He rose slowly as Mark pulled on the
blankets wrapped around Gabe, keeping them away from Gabe’s feet so he wouldn’t
trip. Mark was good at small things like that. Mark was good at everything.
He waited, shoulder propped against the
bathroom doorway, while Gabe brushed his teeth. Gabe didn’t have the energy to
shower or change from one set of sweats to another to sleep in. He wanted to
collapse, face first, on the bed. Instead, Gabe let Mark pull back the covers
and usher him in. Like he was a child.
It didn’t feel patronizing or
condescending. It was comforting.
“You know, I could do this every night
if you’d move in with me,” Mark teased.
Bringing up an ongoing argument with one
party sick was unfair.
“You’re taking advantage of my weakened
state.” Gabe rolled on his side and hugged a pillow to his chest. “Besides, you
could do this every night if you moved in here too.”
Mark sat on the bed, tucked up against
the bend in Gabe’s knees. “My place is closer to work.”
Gabe snorted. “You don’t seem to mind
the drive anymore.”
“Yeah, but I’d rather have you at home,
in a nice big bed on clean sheets, than in a bathroom.” He rubbed his broad
palm from Gabe’s knee to his hip. The heat of it soaked through straight to
Gabe’s skin.
“You didn’t complain before.” Gabe’s
head pounded. He wanted to go to sleep, and to get out of this conversation.
Mark’s hand smoothed back down to his
knee. “No complaints from me, just promise me you’re considering it.”
Of course Gabe was considering it. Mark
first mentioned it weeks ago, around Thanksgiving, and Gabe had shut him down
quickly. But the thought kept popping back into Gabe’s mind. He thought of it
when his shower ran out of hot water and when his windows rattled in the winter
wind. And when he’d started feeling sick without Mark there to take care of
He couldn’t spend all his time with
Mark. He couldn’t move in with him.
And he definitely couldn’t afford the
rent in Mark’s neighborhood. But that didn’t stop him from thinking about it.
Mark pressed a kiss to the crown of
Gabe’s head. “I’ll come back tomorrow after work. Sleep and text me if there’s
anything you need. Christmas is only eight days away.”
The bottom dropped out of Gabe’s
stomach. Christmas. Meeting Mark’s family for the first time.
Maybe he’d stay sick all the way to next
year. He could get out of it that way.
Mark kissed him again, stroking his lips
across the curve of Gabe’s ear. “Sleep, love.”
He wasn’t getting out of this.
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