Title: Escaping Mortality
Series: The Escape Trilogy, Book Three
Author: Sara Dobie Bauer
Publisher: NineStar Press
Release Date: January 28, 2019
Heat Level: 3 - Some Sex
Pairing: Male/Male
Length: 33100
Genre: Paranormal, LGBT, bisexual, gay, vampires, polyamorous, British nobility, established couples
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Their ocean journey was successful, and
Andrew and Edmund found an Elder just in time. As they wished, Edmund is now a
vampire like Andrew. They have eternity together, but first, they must visit
Edmund’s ailing mother in the English countryside with their flock of
immortals, including the Elder, who has taken an ominous liking to his new
When they arrive at Edmund’s family
estate, his sick mother and her loathsome best friend await them. While ducking
religious curses, Edmund struggles to harness an unexpected power gifted him by
the Elder. Andrew fears for his beloved as Edmund becomes more and more
monstrous—but vampires have always been monsters, haven’t they?
A battle is coming, for Edmund’s heart
and his soul, and Andrew will lose neither. He escaped island exile and a near
tragedy at sea to be with Edmund, the beautiful young sailor he loves. Andrew
will do anything to keep Edmund by his side, but his most dangerous adversary
may be Edmund himself.
Escaping Mortality
Sara Dobie Bauer © 2019
All Rights Reserved
Chapter One
Edmund tries desperately not to shiver,
but he forgets himself every minute or so and allows a full body shake that
vibrates the wet edges of his hair. We’re back on deck after our desperate leap
into the ocean, my sailor and I. A half-hysterical Michelle wrapped us both in
the heaviest fabric she could find once we were both safely lifted back onboard
with our new passenger: the Elder.
He sits across from Edmund at a large
table in our ship’s common area while I stand and glare. Michelle and Felipe
linger silently to my left and right.
This Elder is nothing more than a
rotting skeleton, covered in loose, hanging flesh. He smells of dead fish and
refuses to take his dark eyes off the man I love.
“You are dying,” the creature says, his
voice like the swinging of a rusted gate.
Edmund chuckles. “Yes. So you understand
why I need your help.”
“Why do you want this gift, dead man?
Power? Prestige?”
“Then, why?”
The creature’s gaze momentarily swings
up, and I stand straighter. For the first time since we escaped the rolling
waves, the Elder addresses me: “How frustrating for a strong vampire such as
yourself that you cannot save the one you adore.”
I’m about to respond when Edmund speaks
first. “I would prefer to keep this conversation between the two of us, if you
don’t mind. It is, after all, my life we discuss.”
The Elder studies Edmund and says
nothing. For a long moment, he merely observes. Although the blanket covers
Edmund’s black, infected flesh, it’s impossible to miss the green pallor of his
skin, the purple circles around his eyes, and the color of his lips, now
practically white. All signs of the healthy young man I first met are gone.
“You have no fear right now, dead man.
Strange for one with so little time left. I tasted it underwater, your fear.
Quite a strong bouquet.” A tongue like a slippery snail pokes out from the
Elder’s mouth to lick cracked lips.
“You tried to pull me under.”
“You offered yourself.”
“I needed to get your attention.”
I’m not sure, but I think the Elder
smiles. He shows his teeth anyway—long, pointed fangs bigger than any I’ve
seen. “And now, you have it, dead man.”
“My name is Edmund. And you?”
Again, those eyes—so dark as to be
almost black—glance at me. “Brien.” He growls the R. “If the world is still how
I recall, Edmund, nothing is free. You woke me with your dying flesh because
you need something.” He opens his hands before him, skin wrinkled, sharp fingernails
like weapons. “What do I get from you?”
Edmund shivers and groans. When he bends
over in pain and rests his forehead on the table, Michelle stops me from
rushing forward. “What do you want?” Edmund asks.
As my darling struggles to find the strength
to sit, Brien watches with interest—I assume. It’s difficult to tell with the
sagging, wet flesh. Logic says the Elder should be dry by now, but he continues
to drip foul water as though made of the stuff.
“You can have anything,” Edmund says.
Brien leans forward and sniffs, seeking
Edmund’s scent. “I want to kill you.”
I step toward them. “No.”
The Elder stares at me. “No?”
“Edmund requested I do that.” I could
say more about how I want to taste his soul, how I want that moment to belong
to me and me alone. I want him in my arms the moment he takes his last breath.
So many things do I want, and this monster of the sea would steal it all.
“Dead man?” Brien practically purrs.
“Damn it.” Edmund closes his eyes.
“Fine. My life is yours.”
“It is better than the alternative,
love,” Edmund mutters. “Is that all you require?”
“I will travel with you wherever you now
“Michelle?” Edmund says her name but
doesn’t turn. I don’t think he’s strong enough to move anymore.
My old friend—once enemy, now
leader—steps forward in her sweeping skirts. “Of course, Elder Brien. We are at
your service.”
“You might want to…” Edmund coughs.
“Find something to wear. They frown upon naked corpses walking around London.”
Felipe laughs—one short burst of
“Do we have a deal?”
Brien lowers his head. “Yes, Edmund.” He
looks up and shows his teeth. “Ah, there it is—the smell. Now, you are afraid.”
Edmund’s eyes are red. I don’t know if
he cries from pain or from the thought of his own murder at the hands of a
hideous monster. Perhaps he found comfort in the thought of me doing it because
he knew I wouldn’t let him hurt. Brien appears liable to chop off each of
Edmund’s fingers before letting him die—but I will not let that happen. I will
be at his side. I will hold Edmund’s hand as his heart stops beating. Thinking
of this, my own chest begins to ache.
My God, what if this doesn’t work? What
if the Elder kills my darling and jumps back overboard? What if these are the
last moments I have with the only creature I have ever loved? I lean down
quickly and kiss Edmund’s forehead.
His hand finds my face. “I’m ready,” he
whispers. “Are you?” He smiles at me.
I pick him up and carry him to our room.
The others follow close behind. In fact, the entire crew stands in the hall,
watching us pass. What’s about to happen hasn’t happened in centuries, and I
suppose everyone wants a view.
By the time I rest my shivering love in
the center of our bed, someone has given Brien a cloak, although it does little
to hide the emaciated ground meat of his face. Michelle comes in but locks
everyone else out, for which I am thankful.
I kiss Edmund, and Jesus, he smells
almost as bad as the Elder. I kiss his lips softly as he whispers he loves me.
“I love you too. I’ll be right here.” I
squeeze his hand and kneel on the edge of our bed.
From across the room, Brien watches me
again with what I suspect is delight. I want to bark at him and ask what on
earth could be so funny, but I bite my tongue. Now is not the time to provoke
the only man who can save Edmund. As he leans forward, I lean back, paying the
Elder respect.
He looms over Edmund, but strangely,
instead of beginning his feast, he rests on his side and touches Edmund’s hair
with his pointed nails. “I am going to kill you now, but I will give you a new
life. One without sickness or death. Do you accept this gift I give?”
Edmund nods.
“As I feed, I want you to think. Picture
yourself healthy—the way you were before this. Perhaps, the way you were when
you first met your vampire.”
“Half drowned on a beach?”
Although I can’t help but smile, the Elder
seems confused. “Perhaps not. Picture yourself how you want to be, and in a
little while, it will be so. Do you understand?”
Edmund nods again and flails for my
hand. I entwine our fingers.
“Thank you for your offering,” Brien
says. He then moves faster than even my eyes can manage to follow.
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