Book Title: Finding Trix
Author: L.M. Brown
Publisher: Self-published
Cover Artist: Sheri McGathy
Release Date: June 7, 2019
Genre/s: Sci-fi M/M/M Romance
Trope/s: One-night stand, MPreg
Themes: Bound mates
Heat Rating: 4 flames
Length: 71 000 words/ 205 pages
It is a standalone story.
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Trix is one of many felines who sells his body on the Pleasure Station, a space station devoted to entertainment, gambling, and the pleasures of the flesh. He’d never intended to spend his life there, but the place offers him security, regular cream, and over time it has become his home.
As a dual-gendered feline, Trix knows the risk of pregnancy is high, and sets his prices equally high to discourage customers. Trix never imagines that Delta, a canine with credits to spare will call his bluff.
When Delta pays for himself and Farron, a naïve avian from the swan clan, to spend the night with Trix, the three of them forge an unexpected bond, one that leaves Trix pregnant.
As a swan avian, Farron is incapable of being unfaithful to his mate, even when the bond is only partially formed. To complete the mating ritual, Farron must find Trix before the babies are born, or the bond will break forever, and Farron will be forced to live a life of celibacy.
When the Pleasure Station falls under new ownership, and the humans ban prostitution, Trix is left homeless. Upon hearing about this, Delta too races back to find Trix.
Both Farron and Delta arrive too late. Trix has vanished and the race is on to find him before he gives birth. Only then will they know if the bond they formed on their first night is strong enough to last a lifetime.
Two games in and Trix heard the voice of one of the more annoying felines working at the Pleasure Station. Like Trix, Brak was a working whore with a preference for male cocks. He was also a bigot, and for some reason had issues with dual-gendered felines. Which meant he had issues with Trix.
“What are you doing working the tables Trixi?” Brak asked.
Trix hissed at him, ignoring the question. He’d give his right testicle to know who had told Brak his parents had named him Trixi. He hadn’t told anyone that since he’d left Furyne. He supposed someone must have recognised him while passing through.
“Trixi?” the swan avian asked. “Isn’t that a female name?”
Trix sighed. Because the avian was a customer, Trix was obliged to answer his question. “Yes, it is.”
“Why do you have a feminine name?”
“My father thought my name should reflect what I am.”
“What do you mean?”
Brak laughed as he leaned on the table. “Trixi isn’t a male,” he stage-whispered.
Trix dealt the next round of cards as his face heated, more with fury than embarrassment.
“He looks male,” the avian replied. “Are you sure?”
The canine snorted. “He is male. He’s also sitting right there and getting more pissed off by the minute.”
Trix hadn’t realised his annoyance was so obvious. He’d thought he was hiding it quite well.
“I’m sorry,” the avian offered. “I’m not from around here.”
“That’s obvious,” the canine replied. “What our uninvited guest here is hinting, is that Trix is dual-gendered.”
From the confusion on the avian’s face, that didn’t help explain matters for him.
Thankfully for Trix, Brak was there to open his big mouth and clarify things in his own special way. “Trixi has a cock and a pussy, which means he can literally fuck himself.”
“Actually, no, we can’t do that,” Trix pointed out with a hiss of anger. He usually didn’t bother to correct Brak, but this avian was hanging on his every word and looked naive enough to believe him. “It just means I have both male and female sex organs.”
The canine smirked at him. “That’s not quite all it means, is it?”
Trix noticed the falcons collecting their credits and leaving the table. Damn. Valerie was going to be annoyed with him for driving away her players.
“What else does it mean?” the avian asked.
Trix sighed. “It means I can carry a litter of babies.”
Brak laughed. “During which time, Trixi becomes a female.”
“I do not!”Damn it, why couldn’t Brak go annoy someone else? And why was he even bothering to explain all this to some ignorant avian? “I’m dual-gendered whether I’m pregnant or not. It’s just a little more obvious when someone like me is pregnant.”
“How obvious?” the avian asked.
The canine snorted and shook his head. “Are you really that stupid?”
“He’ll get a nice big pregnant belly and grow breasts so he can feed the babies. There are probably other signs too, but those are the obvious ones.”
“Not that real males want to have anything to do with his kind,” Brak added. “You have to feel sorry for them, really.”
“I don’t need your false sympathy,” Trix snarled, at the same time the avian asked why.
Brak ignored Trix to focus on the question. “It’s like this, you see. For those who prefer the female form, hard chests and cocks aren’t what they’re looking for. Yet for those who desire males, they run the risk of accidentally shoving their cocks into the wrong hole.” He gave an exaggerated shudder as though the very thought of a vagina was repulsive to him. “Imagine, you’ve got to know him, you’re just getting intimate, then you slip your fingers between his legs only to find he’s really a mutant.”
Trix hissed across the table. “Did you really just call me a mutant?”
Brak shrugged. “Are you telling me that you’ve never had a customer recoil from you after discovering what you are?”
The sad truth was that he couldn’t. It had happened all too often, as Brak was well aware. While those who preferred females gave him a wide berth, the ones who preferred males could be particularly cruel with their rejections. Brak wasn’t the only one who believed Trix wasn’t a real male and refused to accept his gender identity because of his bigoted beliefs.
About the Author
L.M. Brown is an English writer of gay romances. She believes mermen live in the undiscovered areas of the ocean. She believes life exists on other planets. She believes in fairy tales, magic, and dreams. Most of all, she believes in love.
When L.M. Brown isn’t bribing her fur babies for control of the laptop, she can usually be found with her nose in a book.
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