Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Reunited by Felice Stevens - Release Blitz with Review and Giveaway

Title: Reunited
Series: Rescued Hearts #2
Author: Felice Stevens
Genre: M/M Romance
Release Date: January 31, 2017


Ryder Daniels and Jason Mallory seem to have it all but even the most loving marriage takes work. Ryder's past leads him to remain silent yet resentful in the face of conflict while Jason strives to prove he can take care of his family without Ryder's wealth, even if it costs him precious time with his husband and daughter.

When a devastating illness leaves them shaken and helpless, Ryder is forced to face the one person he never thought to see again with a life or death request that even he isn't sure will be granted, but his decisions have far-reaching consequences. Believing he and Ryder have no secrets, Jason is distraught to discover otherwise, revealing yet another crack in their once-perfect relationship.

Adrift and uncertain, both struggle to hold onto a love previously thought unshakable. A forbidden past is exposed, shocking Ryder to the core, but it means little without Jason by his side. Marriage is a true partnership and both men must learn that only by working through their pain and heartbreak together can they achieve a lifetime of love.

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Four-year-old Gemma’s plaintive cry split the night. Ryder squinted at the glowing numbers on the digital clock next to his bed. Three a.m. Shit. Nothing good ever happened at this hour of the night, or morning, if he wanted to get technical. Maybe it was a bad dream, even though Gemma rarely woke up at night anymore.

He settled down beneath the warmth of the comforter, preparing to fall back asleep. Jason moved closer to him, and Ryder slid his foot down Jason’s calf, relishing the scrape of his hairy leg. As long as he was up, it shouldn’t be a total loss. Ryder kissed Jason’s naked shoulder and licked up his strong neck, the steady pulse of life quickening beneath his lips. Jason’s sighs spurred him on, and Ryder smiled to himself, unsure whether his husband was fully awake, but that didn’t stop him from palming Jason’s ass and giving it a hard squeeze.

“Daddy, please. Come.”

Damn. No use. Fully awake now, Ryder slid out of bed, immediately missing Jason’s solid heat. Longingly he gazed back down at him splayed out in the center of the bed and shook his head with dismay. The man worked too damn hard. Jason had collapsed after they put Gemma to sleep the night before, barely able to stifle his yawns long enough to eat dinner. Mallory Brothers Construction had taken off in the past few years, and though Jason and Liam had hired several other architects and construction engineers to help alleviate the load of work they took on, Jason still tried to be as hands-on as possible. He and Ryder had numerous discussions about his long hours and how they kept him from being home with Gemma, but Jason insisted his presence was necessary, and Ryder backed off, unwilling to argue about it.

The past few weeks, Ryder tried to push dinner later and later, but Gemma had fallen asleep at the dinner table too many times for that to remain feasible. He loved the quiet times at night when they’d sit together and he’d read her a bedtime story, but Ryder missed having Jason beside him, sharing those special moments. The last thing Ryder wanted was for Jason to work so hard he missed Gemma’s childhood; his own father had missed his and Landon’s childhoods by burying himself in his work. Ryder wouldn’t allow Jason to do that, but he had to find a way to tell Jason without him getting upset.

“What’s wrong?” Jason mumbled, his face buried in the pillow. “I had a dream someone was copping a feel.” He turned his cheek on the pillow and mustered a tired smile. “Thought I was gonna get lucky.”

“You were about to, but Gemma woke up before I could make your dreams come true. Go back to sleep, babe.” Ryder leaned down to kiss Jason’s stubble-rough cheek. “She probably had a bad dream.”

“Mmm. Well, hurry back. I was dreaming of the beach, and you were my hot cabana boy.” He wiggled his ass. “I’m ready for my massage.”

Ryder snorted and rolled his eyes. “You’re insane.” But he couldn’t help kissing Jason’s smooth shoulder again. “Be right back,” he whispered against Jason’s skin, but all he received was an answering sleepy sigh.

4.5 out of 5 stars
Reunited is the sequel to Felice Stevens's very first book, Rescued. This story picks up after the events in Rescued and continues Ryder and Jason's relationship. This is truly a sequel and must be read after Rescued for the full story. 

Rescued is one of my absolute favorite books by this author, so when I heard that she was doing a follow up story to Ryder and Jason, I was very excited. But...I was curious what more could she do because they had their HEA. I mean of course I'm not going to say no to more of one of my favorite couples but I had that hesitancy of what more could be spun of their story. Well, lets just say that the author didn't disappoint and I warn you now to have tissues near by while you read Reunited. 

Reunited picks up five years after the end of Rescued. Jason and Ryder are happily married, living in a lovely house with their two dogs, Pearl and Trouper. They also have a beautiful little girl, Gemma, who's 4 and is the ultimate love in their lives. She's adorable and precocious, and loves her daddies and her doggies. And that's where I'll leave you with the plot because this is a story that really needs to be read for the full impact vs spoiling the plot with bits and teasers. 

Reunited is a family centered continuation of Ryder and Jason's love story. We see some familiar characters from Rescued but we also get to see more of both Ryder and Jason's families. Of course there is conflict that drives the story forward and provides quite a bit of angsty moments. But it all wraps up into one well written story about two men completely and utterly in love with each other. I wish I could share more of the plot but it really deserves to be read and experienced from cover to cover (so to speak). 

I highly recommend Reunited, but ONLY after you've read Rescued for the whole love story. 

Also Available


 Author Bio

I have always been a romantic at heart. I believe that while life is tough, there is always a happy ending around the corner, my characters have to work for it, however. Like life in NYC, nothing comes easy and that includes love.

I live in New York City with my husband and two children and hopefully soon a cat of my own. My day begins with a lot of caffeine and ends with a glass or two of red wine. I practice law but daydream of a time when I can sit by a beach somewhere and write beautiful stories of men falling in love. Although there is bound to be a few bumps along the way, a Happily Ever After is always guaranteed.

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Rogue Magic by Kit Brisby - Blog Tour with Giveaway

About Rogue Magic

While trapped in a stalled subway train on his morning commute, PR rep Byron Cole flirts with Levi, a young waiter with adorable curls. But Byron's hopes for romance crash and burn when Levi saves him from a brutal explosion—with outlawed magic.

When Levi is imprisoned, Byron begins to question everything he's ever believed. How can magic be evil when Levi used it to save dozens of lives? So Byron hatches a plan to save Levi that will cost him his job and probably his life. If he doesn't pull it off, Levi will be put to death.

Byron discovers that he isn't the only one questioning America's stance on magic. And he learns that Levi is stubborn, angry, and utterly enchanting. Time is running out, though. Byron must convince Levi to trust him, to trust his own magic, and to fight against the hatred that’s forced him to hide his true nature his entire life. The more Levi opens up, the harder Byron falls. And the more they have to lose.

Now available from Riptide Publishing. http://www.riptidepublishing.com/titles/rogue-magic

About Kit Brisby

Kit Brisby lives in Tampa Bay, Florida, with her two young sons and two rescue dogs. A graduate of the University of Florida, she's been writing professionally since 2002. Her career has taken her from writing think pieces on breastfeeding to writing erotica for the adult industry—and nearly everything in between. She works in digital marketing and helps businesses find and tell their stories.

Kit is always trying to find balance between working full-time, revisiting or writing books every night, and modeling badass behavior to her two boys. Sometimes the lure of Tumblr interferes with all of that balancing. She's just old enough to still be utterly enchanted by animated gifs.

A single mom and aspiring yogi, Kit is open about her struggles with anxiety and the importance of self-care. She also advocates for neurodiversity and acceptance of those on the autism spectrum. Few things get her as riled up as bisexual erasure.

Though she lives in the South, Kit is a NYC girl at heart, and makes a point of traveling to the city as often as she can to catch a few shows and eat as much ramen as humanly possible.

She reads avidly, and gravitates toward historical queer romance and young adult fantasy, especially when the stakes are high. She's a fan of awkward first dates unless she's participating in them, and is outspoken about embracing kink and sex positivity.

Connect with Kit:


To celebrate the release of Rogue Magic, one lucky winner will receive a yoga mat from Kit and a $15 Riptide credit! Leave a comment with your contact info to enter the contest. Entries close at midnight, Eastern time, on February 4, 2017. Contest is NOT restricted to U.S. entries. Thanks for following the tour, and don’t forget to leave your contact info!

A Face Without A Heart by Rick R. Reed - Release Blitz with Giveaway

Cover: Aaron Anderson

Publisher: DSP Publications

Length: 56,887 words


A modern-day and thought-provoking retelling of Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray that esteemed horror magazine Fangoria called "...a book that is brutally honest with its reader and doesn't flinch in the areas where Wilde had to look away... A rarity: a really well-done update that's as good as its source material."

A beautiful young man bargains his soul away to remain young and handsome forever, while his holographic portrait mirrors his aging and decay and reflects every sin and each nightmarish step deeper into depravity... even cold-blooded murder. Prepare yourself for a compelling tour of the darkest sides of greed, lust, addiction, and violence.


He was beautiful. Beauty is so seldom ascribed to men, too often incorrectly attributed to men with feminine features, wavy blond hair, fine cheekbones, teeth cut from porcelain. But I've always thought of beauty as a quality that went deeper than the corporeal, something dark, dense, inexplicable, capable of stirring longings primal, longings one would be powerless to resist.

He was beautiful. I sat on a Red Line "L" train, headed downtown, bags of heavy camera equipment heaped at my side, one arm resting protectively over them. I watched the young man, unable to train my thoughts on anything other than this man who had blotted out the reality of the day, magical and transforming. Beauty, especially so rare a beauty, can do that. The young man was an eclipse, his presence coming between myself and the reality of the day hurtling by outside train windows.

He had come in behind three foreign people, a bright counterpoint to their drab clothes, colorless, already wilting in the August humidity. They chattered to one another in a language unrecognizable, Polish maybe, and I was annoyed at their yammering, unable to block it out sufficiently enough to concentrate on the book I was reading, a biography of William Blake.

I almost didn't notice him. It wasn't like me to pay much attention to what went on around me, especially when I was preparing for a shoot. Usually I used the time on the train to set up the photographs I would take, the way I would manipulate light and shadow and how it fell on my models, to arrange the props, set up and test the lighting.

But something caused me to look up when the doors opened, perhaps I was struck by the dissonance created by the unknown language, and I saw him. Close-cropped brown hair, a bit of stubble framing full lips, a bruise fading to dull below his right eye. The bruise did not detract from the man's beauty but served to enhance it, making of the rough features something more vulnerable. The bruise was the embodiment of a yearning for the touch of a finger, the whisper of a kiss. He wore an old, faded T-shirt with a Bulls logo, black denim cut off just above his knees, and a pair of work boots, the seam on the left beginning to separate. In spite of the workman's garb, there was something intellectual about the man, an intensity in his aquamarine eyes that portended deeper thought.

At that moment, I made a decision. I don't know what caprice seized me. I have always led an orderly life, completely without surprise. But when the train pulled to a stop and the young man stood, I acted on an impulse that was as sudden as it was uncontrollable.

Author Bio

Rick R. Reed is all about exploring the romantic entanglements of gay men in contemporary, realistic settings. While his stories often contain elements of suspense, mystery and the paranormal, his focus ultimately returns to the power of love.

He is the author of dozens of published novels, novellas, and short stories. He is a three-time EPIC eBook Award winner (for Caregiver, Orientation and The Blue Moon Cafe). He is also a Rainbow Award Winner for both Caregiver and Raining Men. Lambda Literary Review has called him, "a writer that doesn't disappoint."

Rick lives in Seattle with his husband and a very spoiled Boston terrier. He is forever "at work on another novel."

Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/rickrreedbooks
Twitter: www.twitter.com/rickrreed
Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+RickReedWRITER
Blog: http://rickrreedreality.blogspot.com/
Website: www.rickrreed.com
Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/rick-r-reed
Email: rickrreedbooks@gmail.com

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1001 Dark Nights Anthology - Release Day Blitz

Discover Bundle 9 - RDL banner    

We are absolutely thrilled to bring you the Release Day Launch for 1001 Dark Nights: Bundle Nine, brought to you by 1001 Dark Nights. Introducing Discovery authors Melanie Harlow and Lili Valente, the Bundle contains 6 novellas, including novellas from New York Times and USA Today bestselling authors Carrie Ann Ryan, Heather Graham, Jennifer Probst, and Christopher Rice! Grab your copy of this incredible bundle today!

    Bundle 9 cover

About 1001 Dark Nights: Bundle Nine:

From New York Times and USA Today bestselling authors Carrie Ann Ryan, Heather Graham, Jennifer Probst, Christopher Rice, and introducing Melanie Harlow and Lili Valente.

Six Dark Tales. Six Sensual Stories. Six Page Turners.

Hidden Ink by Carrie Ann RyanHailey Monroe knows the world isn’t always fair, but she’s picked herself up from the ashes before. Sloane Gordon lived through the worst kinds of hell yet the temptation next door sends him to another level. He’s kept his distance but when she comes to him with a proposition, he’ll do everything in his power to protect her. 

Blood on the Bayou by Heather Graham
When a family friend receives a message from the Blood Bayou killer—It's your turn to pay, blood on the bayou—he comes to Danni Cafferty for help. Cafferty and Quinn soon realize that a gruesome local history is being repeated. They find themselves in a fight to save not just a friend, but, perhaps, their very own lives. 

Searching for Mine by Jennifer Probst
Connor Dunkle knows what he wants in a woman, and it’s the three B’s. Beauty. Body. Boobs. Other women need not apply. Ella Blake is a single mom and a professor at the local Verily college. When sparks fly, neither of them are ready to face their true feelings, but will love teach them the ultimate lesson of all? 

Dance of Desire by Christopher Rice
From New York Times bestselling author Christopher Rice, comes a steamy, emotional tale of forbidden romance between a woman struggling to get her life on its feet and the gorgeous cowboy her father kept her from marrying years before. 

Some Sort of Happy by Melanie Harlow
Skylar Nixon. She’s even more beautiful than I remember. Ten years ago she was an impossible dream, and now she’s right here in front of me, offering everything I ever wanted. But happiness never lasts, not for someone like me. 
Sebastian Pryce. He’s the most complicated, frustrating, beautiful man I’ve ever met, and my body craves his with a hunger I’ve never known. My heart is his completely. Why won’t he let me in?

Magnificent Bastard by Lili Valente
Face it, ladies: love sucks and then you cry…while your ex rides off into the sunset banging your best friend. But why let a break-up end in tears when it can end with sweet revenge? Enter Magnificent Bastard Consulting and me, chief executive bastard. With the help of my virtual assistant, I’ve built an empire giving broken-hearted women the vengeance they deserve, while keeping myself far from the front lines of the heart. Until my virtual assistant shows up on my real doorstep for the first time, begging for a Magnificent Bastard intervention of her own. 

Every Dark Nights tale is breathtakingly sexy and magically romantic. 


Experience the 1001 Dark Nights: Bundle Nine Here…

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About the 1001 Dark Nights: Bundle Nine Authors-

  Carrie Ann Ryan - headshot

About Carrie Ann Ryan: New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Carrie Ann Ryan never thought she’d be a writer. Not really. No, she loved math and science and even went on to graduate school in chemistry. Yes, she read as a kid and devoured teen fiction and Harry Potter, but it wasn’t until someone handed her a romance book in her late teens that she realized that there was something out there just for her. When another author suggested she use the voices in her head for good and not evil, The Redwood Pack and all her other stories were born. Carrie Ann is a bestselling author of over twenty novels and novellas and has so much more on her mind (and on her spreadsheets *grins*) that she isn’t planning on giving up her dream anytime soon.

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  Heather Graham - headshot

About Heather Graham: New York Times and USA Today best-selling author Heather Graham has always been an avid reader, from classics to sci-fi, mystery, horror, thriller, romance, and all kinds of non-fiction. She’s fairly certain that her mom’s deliciously crazy family–arriving in the US a bit before her birth from Ireland–gave her the love of storytelling. She started out in theater and commercials, but once her children began to arrive, she stayed home and gave writing a try. She’s incredibly grateful to be doing what she’s doing for a living. Heather belongs to MWA, RWA, Sisters in Crime, HWA, and ITW, and has the recipient of the RWA Lifetime Achievement Award, a Silver Bullet for charitable works, and this year, she will receive the Thriller Master title from ITW. She has over 200 novels in print, and has been published in 22 languages.  

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  Jennifer Probst - headshot

About Jennifer Probst: Jennifer Probst wrote her first book at twelve years old. She bound it in a folder, read it to her classmates, and hasn’t stopped writing since. She took a short hiatus to get married, get pregnant, buy a house, get pregnant again, pursue a master’s in English Literature, and rescue two shelter dogs. Now she is writing again. She makes her home in Upstate New York with the whole crew. Her sons keep her active, stressed, joyous, and sad her house will never be truly clean. She is the New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of sexy and erotic contemporary romance. She was thrilled her book, The Marriage Bargain, was ranked #6 on Amazon’s Best Books for 2012, and spent 26 weeks on the New York Times. Her work has been translated in over a dozen countries, sold over a million copies, and was dubbed a “romance phenom” by Kirkus Reviews. She loves hearing from readers. Visit her website for updates on new releases and her street team on her website. Sign up for her newsletter for a chance to win a gift card each month and receive exclusive material and giveaways.

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  Christopher Rice - headshot

About Christopher Rice: After publishing four New York Times bestselling thrillers by the age of 30 and being declared one of People Magazine’s Sexiest Men Alive, award-winning writer Christopher Rice became the first author to make his erotic romance debut part of the 1,001 DARK NIGHTS series. THE FLAME: A Desire Exchange Novella kicked off a steamy new series set in New Orleans, featuring magical candles and a sexy new breed of supernatural beings, The Radiants, who are devoted to helping heroes and heroines realize their heart’s desire. THE FLAME earned accolades from some of the biggest names in erotic romance and was quickly followed up by THE SURRENDER GATE: A Desire Exchange Novel, available from Evil Eye Concepts as a Blue Box Special. Aside from authoring eight works of dark suspense, Christopher is also the co-host and executive producer of THE DINNER PARTY SHOW WITH CHRISTOPHER RICE & ERIC SHAW QUINN, all the episodes of which can be downloaded at TheDinnerPartyShow.com and from iTunes. Make sure you’re subscribed to The Dinner Party Show’s You Tube channel to receive their newest content in 2016. Photography credit: NANCY ROSE PHOTOGRAPHY

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  Melanie Harlow - headshot

About Melanie Harlow: USA Today bestselling author Melanie Harlow likes her heels high, her martini dry, and her history with the naughty bits left in. She’s the author of AFTER WE FALL, MAN CANDY, the HAPPY CRAZY LOVE series (contemporary romance), the FRENCHED series (contemporary romance) and the SPEAK EASY duet (historical romance). She writes from her home outside of Detroit, where she lives with her husband, two daughters, and one insane rabbit.      

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  Lili Valente - headshot

About Lili Valente: USA Today bestselling author Lili Valente writes both naughty things and funny things (that are also naughty). She has slept under the stars in Greece, eaten dinner at midnight with French men who couldn’t be trusted to keep their mouths on their food, and walked alone through Munich’s red light district after dark and lived to tell the tale. These days you can find her writing in a tent beside the sea, drinking coconut water and thinking delightfully dirty thoughts.      

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Monday, January 30, 2017

The Impossible Boy by Anna Martin - Blog Tour with Review and Giveaway

The Impossible Boy - Anna Martin

Publisher: Dreamspinner

Cover Design: Garrett Leigh

Length: 67,000 words


This is not your average love story.

Ben Easton is not your average romantic hero. He’s a tattooed, badass, wannabe rock star, working in a perfectly horrible dive bar in Camden Town. His life is good, and he’s totally unprepared for how one man will turn it upside down.

Stan isn’t your average heroine. As a gender-fluid man, he proudly wears his blond hair long, his heels sky-high, and his make-up perfectly executed. A fashion industry prodigy, Stan is in London after stints working in Italy and New York City, and he quickly falls for Ben’s devil-may-care attitude and the warm, soft heart Ben hides behind it.

Beneath the perfect, elegant exterior, Stan has plenty of scars from teenage battles with anorexia. And it only takes the slightest slip for his demons to rush back in while Ben’s away touring with his band. With the band on the brink of a breakthrough, Ben is forced to find a way to balance the opportunity of a lifetime with caring for his beautiful boyfriend.

4.5 out of 5 stars
The Impossible Boy is a new standalone contemporary by author Anna Martin. 

For those of you that see that first line - 'This is not your average love story.' - and are hesitant... Please don't be. This is a wonderful romance with two fantastic characters, their relationship, and their own insecurities and issues. It's a sexy, and fun story, and both Stan and Ben are able to work through any issues they experience. It's not complete and utterly angst filled, however Stan has previously battled an eating disorder and talks about it with Ben. 

I utterly loved Stan from the first moment he showed up on screen. You honestly don't realize that he's much younger than he is until he tells Ben his age. Stan's character is so thoroughly described that I could envision how he looks, and dresses. The thing that I enjoyed best about the story, is that the author did not have Stan be apologetic for WHO he is. There are so many times I've seen gender fluid characters in books who apologize for liking who they are and how they dress. It was really refreshing to see a character that was comfortable enough with who he was to stay true to himself. That Ben absolutely liked, and then eventually loved Stan as he was, was fantastic. He never once wanted Stan to change who he was. 

The story does contain some time jumps especially toward the end when Ben and his band leave for a tour. It was a little jarring when Stan health issues resurface seemingly out of the blue when Ben arrives home. I think the book would have been benefited from showing Stan spiral, not the deep dark details but at least give a hint that the character really wasn't okay missing Ben while he was on tour. That honestly is the only reason that the story didn't get a full 5 stars from me because this  was one of those perfectly character driven stories that I tend to love. 

While the time jump is a bit of a jar the remainder of the story showing Stan recovering, Ben hovering but being a loving partner, and Ben's mate Tone stepping up to become a solid friend to Stan really adds to the overall solid storyline. I highly recommend The Impossible Boy as a whole package kind of romance with truly fantastic characters. 

January 21 - Urban Smoothie Read
January 23 - Bonkers About Books
February 1 - Romantic Fanatic
February 3 - Bayou Book Junkie

Author Bio

Anna Martin is from a picturesque seaside village in the south west of England and now lives in Bristol. After spending most of her childhood making up stories, she studied English Literature at university before turning her hand as a professional writer.

Apart from being physically dependent on her laptop, Anna is enthusiastic about writing and producing local grassroots theatre (especially at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, where she can be found every summer), visiting friends who live in other countries, Marvel Comics, learning new things, and Ben & Jerry’s New York Super Fudge Chunk.

Although her most recent work is in the LGBT Adult Fiction genre, in the past Anna has worked on a variety of different projects including short stories, drabbles, flash fiction, fan fiction, plays for both children and adults, and poetry. She has written novels in the Teen/ Young Adult genre, Romance, and Fantasy novels.

Anna is, by her own admission, almost unhealthily obsessed with books. The library she has amassed is both large and diverse; "My favourite books," she says, "are The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee and Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood." She also several well-read copies of Michael Crichton's Jurassic Park books and re-reads the Harry Potter novels with almost startling regularity.

Anna claims her entire career is due to the love, support, pre-reading and creative ass-kicking provided by her closest friend Jennifer. Jennifer refuses to accept any responsibility for anything Anna has written.


Hosted By Signal Boost Promotions

The Visionary by Charli Coty - Book Blitz with Excerpt and Giveaway

Title:  The Visionary
Author: Charli Coty
Publisher: NineStar Press
Release Date: January 30
Heat Level: 3 - Some Sex
Pairing: Male/Male
Length: 78600
Genre: Romance, NineStar Press, paranormal, age gap, gay, LGBT, ESP, erotic romance, private detective


Colin Page, eighteen-year-old community college student, apple polisher and all-around goody-goody, has a secret. He sees things that aren’t there. Unfortunately, the Doc Martens on the floor of the mail vestibule in his apartment building really are there and attached to a dead body. Hunkered over the body is someone Colin had barely noticed before, Private Investigator Al Green. Most people scare Colin, but for some reason, Al doesn’t, even after he reveals that he knows about the hidden reality of their world.

Alonzo Green, despite his low-power mind, is determined to help right the wrongs he unknowingly contributed to. He’s also hopelessly smitten. He knows it’s wrong—probably even dangerous—to enlist Colin’s help with the investigation. And that’s before considering all Al has to fear from Colin’s fiercely protective and powerful mother.

Colin and Al put some of the pieces together, but as soon as one thing becomes clear, the picture changes. The search for the Big Bad takes them from Portland to Tacoma and Seattle, and eventually to San Francisco, but their journey into each other’s arms is much shorter.


The Visionary
Charli Coty © 2017
All Rights Reserved

Colin always hesitated before getting into the rickety old elevator. It didn’t seem safe to ride in something, even four floors, if you could see the individual boards―which looked suspiciously similar to two-by-fours―vibrating. Or maybe it had more to do with the dust, grime, and cobwebs coating every visible surface, or maybe the preconceived notion he’d had that college would be different from high school. He held his breath and stepped in as the door closed.

He looked around, and thought he was alone in the lobby until he’d made it halfway to the front door. Someone cursed, and Colin turned to see a pair of black Doc Martens lying on the floor, partially sticking out from the mailbox alcove. He recognized the white symbols hand drawn on the backs of the heels. The guy who owned those boots―Tattoo Guy―lived in the building, but he and Colin hadn’t done more than nod hello. Colin’s mom had warned him time and again not to talk to anyone in the building because he’d be dragged into some drama or other, and he needed to focus on school. Maybe Tattoo Guy was hurt and needed help. He couldn’t just leave.

He reached the juncture of the hallway and the alcove housing the tarnished little brass doors to everyone’s mailboxes and saw another familiar someone. The large man was hunkered down beside Tattoo Guy. He wore battered jeans and steel-toed boots with a hole in the leather of one toe. The neck of his dark-green T-shirt was stretched out of shape, and his black leather jacket looked a half size too small. Colin struggled to come up with a word to describe him but couldn’t think of an antonym to doppelganger. That man was everything Colin was not, especially tall and dark.

“What’s that purple mist?” Colin asked, startling himself. He never spoke to strangers, especially not about―

“It’s more a fog.”

Odd. The man didn’t seem surprised. It did remind Colin of pictures of fog rolling in around the Golden Gate Bridge. Only these misty tendrils were purple and gradually disappeared as they moved farther away from Tattoo Guy.

“Why won’t you answer me?”

“What else do you see?” He turned slightly toward Colin but remained hunkered down, studying Tattoo Guy but not touching him.

“Nothing.” Colin blinked, and that fast, it wasn’t true anymore. “Crap, his tattoo just moved.”

“The raven?”

“No. The flower.” The purple tendrils had decayed so much they’d stopped diverting Colin’s attention from the blood on Tattoo Guy’s arm and the back of his shirt. He was obviously more than hurt.

“The violet moved?”

“It slapped the cymbal. I heard it.” Colin thought about running, but his feet refused to move.

“Anything else?”

“Like what?”

“It’d help if one of them named the killer.” The large man stood slowly and brushed off his hands. A little over six feet tall and slightly bulky, his long shaggy hair and full beard shot through with gray made him look like a street person. “Some of these tats have mouths. Are they saying anything?”

“What?” Colin took a step back. “Aren’t you going to call the police?”

“Already have. But I plan on starting an investigation of my own. The police are busy. If he doesn’t have any family to make noise―and I know he doesn’t―they won’t put much effort into finding out who killed him.”

“Why do you think someone killed him?”

“Murder is purple.” He slowly reached into his jacket and smiled as he brought out a pastel-green business card. “I’m a private investigator. Al Green.”

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Meet the Author

Charli misspent a large chunk of her youth on the back of a Harley, meeting people and having adventures that sometimes pop up in her fiction. She grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area during a drought, and found her true home in the soggy Pacific Northwest. Charli has survived earthquakes, tornadoes, and floods, but couldn’t make it through one day without stories.
Charli Coty is a pseudonym of the author known as Charley Descoteaux.

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One lucky winner will receive an ebook of their choice from NineStar Press