Release Blitz & Giveaway:
Prancing of a Papillon by Tara Lain

Fuzzy Love, Book 2
Opposites attracting, billionaires getting kidnapped, a Papillon who’s smarter than you are, and near-death at a dog show….
Jericho Jones is giving up on social life. What social life? Six-foot-five and packed with muscles he barely earned, Jericho looks like an alpha top, when he’s actually a gentle bottom who teaches first grade and lives with his hypochondriac mother. When Jericho’s friends, Finn and Em, suggest he accompany Finn to a dog show as the handler for their Papillon, Batshit, he decides, while he might be the world’s least likely Papillon prancer, he’d be grateful for a new experience and a few days away from Mama.
Jericho’s prepared to take dog handling seriously, but he’s not prepared for the pure lust he feels for wealthy dog owner, Brees Apollonia, a guy totally out of Jericho’s league. But Brees’s family issues make Jericho’s look tame – his father wants to marry him to the daughter of a prospective business partner. When Brees starts being followed by unknown guys, he thinks his father’s trying to scare him and uses it as an excuse to be “protected” by big, hunky Jericho. But pretend gets way out of control, and suddenly the only thing between Brees and possible death is a smart dog with big ears, three intrepid women, and gentle wimp, Jericho Jones.
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Special Release Blitz Excerpt:
Jericho walked forward and Batshit fell in beside him like she’d been born there, which was funny, because when he took her for potty walks, she chewed grass, smelled every bush, and barked at all the butterflies. This was clearly something different.“Increase your speed a little, Jericho.” Ichiko waved a hand.He sped up and Bat followed right along, tail curled over her back, head up, and a bounce in her step. He gave a little chuckle. This was fun. He almost felt like that word that Finn had used—graceful. Batshit seemed to be enjoying herself too.“Excellent, Jericho. I’ve never seen Marisol having so much fun. Keep it up.”A couple of the others stopped to watch him and a little spark of joy and pride warmed Jericho’s chest. I’m doing it. I’m doing it well.Suddenly, the side gate opened, a flash of black-and-white fur raced into the yard, heading for Ichiko, barking at the top of its lungs, just as Jericho trotted past the gate. The little beast yipped and leaped to the side, Jericho swerved to miss it, tripped himself on Batshit’s leash, and tumbled straight to the ground in a heap of arms and legs.Ichiko yelled, “Oh my God, Jericho, are you okay?”“Woof, woof!” Batshit appeared in front of Jericho, licked his face, and barked like a loon as Jericho tried to sort out his extra-long appendages, while the leash wrapped itself around him, tighter and tighter with every move by Batshit.A soft, smooth voice said, “I’m so sorry. Rodolfo got away from me. May I help you in some way?”Jericho, who at that moment was lying face downward, but with his hips turned up and legs crossed while the leash bound his arms to his chest, raised his eyes to look at the most gorgeous man he’d ever seen. Medium height and as delicate-featured as a Papillon, his longish, dark hair contrasted with brilliant blue eyes that, at that moment, sparkled. His voice sounded very sincere, but his lips seemed to be fighting to turn up, and oh what lips they were, full and slightly rosy.Since the guy, soaking wet, couldn’t be half Jericho’s size, Jericho said, “I, uh, better get myself out of this.”“Woof. Woof.”“Werf.”Where a second before he’d had one dog licking him, there were suddenly two, as the little black-and-white critter that turned out to be a Papillon, too, joined the fun of lick the stupid klutz.Jericho sputtered, “Batshit, come on. Give me a break, please.” The little black-and-white dog ran, and Bat tried to follow, but the leash was wrapped around Jericho’s chest.The gorgeous man knelt beside him, the smile almost breaking through, and said, “Hold still. I’ll help.” He must have unfastened the collar from Bat, because she ran off, apparently to play with the other Papillon. Beautiful One pulled on the leash until it slid out from under Jericho’s body and he was finally free.But free to do what? He was still lying in a heap, looking what had to be indescribably foolish in front of a man so stunning he would have made Jericho tongue-tied without benefit of dogs and leash.The guy stood and extended a hand. Without thinking, Jericho took it and clambered to his feet. The man’s eyes widened as Jericho kept stretching up and up. About halfway to standing, the man’s hand ran out of leverage and he grinned. “Oh my, I didn’t quite realize I’d bitten off more than I can chew.”
Enter the Giveaway:
To celebrate the release of Prancing of a Papillon, Tara is giveing away a $10 Amazon Vouocher.
Enter the Rafflecopter Giveaway HERE
Check Out Book 1 in the Fuzzy Love Series:

Passions of a Papillon
After you’ve sold your soul to the devil, can you renegotiate with a dog?
Brilliant defense attorney, Finn Morgenstern, knows the worst guys pay best, so defending slimeball, Rance Franklin, becomes his path to senior partner and a whole lot of benefits. But then a walk home to his pricey townhouse brings him face-to-ears with a batshit-crazy little dog who just won’t leave him alone. So Finn takes the dog to the local veterinarian to find out how to get her back to her owners. Hello vet! Emerson “Em” Fairweather sure doesn’t match his stodgy name. Tall, platinum blond, and gorgeous, Em puts the pet in pet ownership. But Em has ugly secrets and Batshit dog is up to her ears in larceny. Suddenly Finn is the one who needs defending, and he’s faced with a choice between what he thought was important and a whole new batshit-crazy life.
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About the Author:
Tara Lain believes in happy ever afters - and magic. Same thing. In fact, she says, she doesn't believe, she knows. Tara shares this passion in her stories that star her unique, charismatic heroes and adventurous heroines. Quarterbacks and cops, werewolves and witches, blue collar or billionaires, Tara's characters, readers say, love deeply, resolve seemingly insurmountable differences, and ultimately live their lives authentically. After many years living in southern California, Tara, her soulmate honey and her soulmate dog decided they wanted less cars and more trees, prompting a move to Ashland, Oregon where Tara's creating new stories and loving living in a small town with big culture. Likely a Gryffindor or maybe a Ravensclaw but possessed of Parseltongue, Tara loves animals of all kinds, diversity, open minds, coconut crunch ice cream from Zoeys, and her reader
Connect with Tara:
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Facebook Reader's Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/255111391312743
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Thank you so much for having Prancing of a Papillon on the blog! Woof and hugs!