I understand this blog
post will be coming out at the very end of November, but I'm surprisingly
organized at the moment, and I'm writing it on National Coming Out day. When Blue Steel Chain came out, I talked a bit about coming out as
an asexual, after having only found out that there was such a thing at age 45.
But today, continuing
my process of writing stories that have personal relevance to myself, I want to
talk about gender, in the sense of the gender binary. Up until fairly recently,
it's been assumed by most people that there were two genders, male or female,
and that both came with certain social roles attached. So people of the female
gender would be less aggressive than those of the male, they would be better at
communication and working in teams, but not as good at spacial awareness or
lifting heavy objects.
I explain this stuff
badly because I have never really understood it. All my life I've been certain
I wasn't a woman. But since about age twenty or so, I've really found it
difficult to believe I was a man either. As I unlearned my internalized
misogyny, I grew more reconciled with everything feminine, but never to the
extent that I felt I was included in that group.
Over the years it's
caused me no end of distress. What bathroom should I use? If I was in a social
situation with different uniforms for different genders, I would feel like a
fraud whichever one I wore. Every time the topic of gender would come up I would
try and try to get to the bottom of what the hell it was and how it applied to
me, and I would fail, and I would feel like such a freak, you've no idea. I
remember my parents almost weeping with relief when I wanted to get my ears
pierced because they were afraid I would always look like a boy. I didn't have
the heart to tell them it was because I wanted to wear a single earring like
all the hard lads, and I knew this was the only way to get them to agree.
I used to think that
everyone felt the same way about gender – that it wasn't real, that it was
stupid and would soon die out because it was nothing but an annoyance. But then
I had children, and my daughter knew she was a girl from the moment she could
make her opinion known. She forced me to buy pink things. She forced me to
acknowledge femininity as a good thing – she liked it, and I wasn't going to
dismiss anything my daughter found valuable.
And then I had my
other child who was assigned as female at birth, but he too knew, as soon as he
could speak, that he was a boy, and he moved the world to get it to agree.
I saw that for them
their gender was innate, obvious and extremely important, and it became clear
to me that my lifelong inability to know what I was was unusual and specific to
Since then, I decided
that if I hadn't figured it out in 50 years, I was unlikely ever to, and I've
settled on defining myself as a person who doesn't have a gender. That makes me
agender, or genderqueer, or non-binary.
I remember I used to
feel a kind of kinship to angels, who were supposed to be sexless, and to
eunuchs, who occupied a liminal space between men and women. Not quite one, not
quite the other. You will see me writing more eunuch characters in the future,
I think. Those were the only models I had of people with whom I felt I could
But that was a case of
my own ignorance, thank goodness. Because it turns out there have been
third-gender people throughout history. And – now we're finally coming to how
this is relevant to Labyrinth – the Minoan civilization was one of those
It's too late now to
make a long story short, so I'm going to summarize the evidence for there being
a third gender in Minoan civilization by saying that there are persons in the
wall-paintings who are depicted with the wrong colour skin or the wrong clothes
for the sex they appear to be. There are depictions of full breasted people
with phalluses, and there are people who even the scholars cannot decide what
sex they're supposed to be.
The more we look, the
more Minoan goddess worship seems to have influenced or been influenced by, or
be part of a continuum with Greek and Anatolian goddess cults, and to share the
concept of the Cybellian eunuch priest/ess-hood.
Copyright by Kathleen Cohen.
That's where I went to
for my non-binary main character Kikeru. And then of course I thought “Well,
it's nice that there was a role for NB people in that society, but what about
the NB people who didn't want to dedicate their lives to a goddess? What
if they wanted to have a normal life making pottery instead?” Not everyone
wants to be holy, you know? Not even those who are born or marked out to it.
So Labyrinth is, I
guess, a very ungrateful book! I went and found a civilization in which my
non-binary character could have the option to talk about their gender dilemma
and be accepted into society in an honourable role. And then I made Kikeru want
something different. Because what's a story without conflict, eh? Even if the
conflict is five thousand years out of date, some of us can still relate.
I hope it works for
you too!
About Labyrinth
Kikeru, the child of a priestess at the sacred temple of Knossos in
ancient Crete, believes that the goddesses are laughing at him. They expect him
to choose whether he is a man or a woman, when he’s both. They expect him to
choose whether to be a husband to a wife, or a celibate priestess in the
temple, when all he wants to do is invent things and be with the person he
Unfortunately, that person is Rusa, the handsome ship owner who is most
decidedly a man and therefore off-limits no matter what he chooses. And did he
mention that the goddesses also expect him to avert war with the Greeks?
The Greeks have an army. Kikeru has his mother, Maja, who is pressuring
him to give her grandchildren; Jadikira, Rusa’s pregnant daughter; and
superstitious Rusa, who is terrified of what the goddesses will think of him
being in love with one of their chosen ones.
It’s a tall order to save Crete from conquest, win his love, and keep
both halves of himself. Luckily, at least the daemons are on his side.
Labyrinth is now available
from Riptide Publishing! http://riptidepublishing.com/titles/labyrinth
About Alex Beecroft
Alex Beecroft is an English author best known for historical fiction,
notably Age of Sail, featuring gay characters and romantic storylines. Her
novels and shorter works include paranormal, fantasy, and contemporary fiction.
Beecroft won Linden Bay Romance’s (now Samhain Publishing) Starlight
Writing Competition in 2007 with her first novel, Captain’s Surrender,
making it her first published book. On the subject of writing gay romance,
Beecroft has appeared in the Charleston City Paper, LA
Weekly, the New Haven Advocate, the Baltimore City
Paper, and The Other Paper. She is a member of the Romantic Novelists'
Association of the UK and an occasional reviewer for the blog Speak Its Name, which
highlights historical gay fiction.
Alex was born in Northern Ireland during the Troubles and grew up in
the wild countryside of the English Peak District. She lives with her husband
and two children in a little village near Cambridge and tries to avoid being
mistaken for a tourist.
Alex is only intermittently present in the real world. She has led a
Saxon shield wall into battle, toiled as a Georgian kitchen maid, and recently
taken up an 800-year-old form of English folk dance, but she still hasn’t
learned to operate a mobile phone.
She is represented by Louise Fury of the L. Perkins Literary Agency.
Connect with Alex:
- Website: alexbeecroft.com
- Blog: alexbeecroft.com/blog
- Facebook: facebook.com/AlexBeecroftAuthor
- Twitter: @Alex_Beecroft
- Goodreads: goodreads.com/Alex_Beecroft
To celebrate the release of Labyrinth, one lucky winner will receive their
choice of an eBook off Alex’s backlist! Leave a comment with your contact
info to enter the contest. Entries close at midnight, Eastern time, on November
26, 2016. Contest is NOT restricted to U.S. entries. Thanks for following the tour, and don’t forget
to leave your contact info!
This was fascinating...I never thought that nonbinary gender would be such an issue in the 21st century, so the historical aspects here are instructive!
Congrats on the release and thanks for a very personal & informative post!