Friday, August 31, 2018

Safe Place by Jay Northcote - Release Blitz

Buy Links: Amazon US | Amazon UK

Cover Design: Garrett Leigh @ Black Jazz Design

Length: 48,000 words approx.

Rainbow Place Series

Book #1 - Rainbow Place - Amazon US | Amazon UK


Where do you go when your home is no longer a safe place?

Alex is about to turn eighteen and is firmly in the closet. He’s been biding his time, waiting to escape to uni, and finally come out away from the oppressive influence of his homophobic father. When he flunks his exams, he’s stuck in the small town of Porthladock—and what’s worse is that he’s working for his dad. The only thing that makes it bearable is Cam.

Cam’s comfortable with his bisexuality, but he doesn’t broadcast it. Young, free, and single, his social life revolves around playing rugby and hanging out with his mates. He’s attracted to Alex, but with the six-year age gap, Cam’s wary of getting involved. Plus, he thinks Alex needs a friend more than he needs a lover, and as their friendship grows, Cam decides he’s not willing to risk ruining it for casual sex.

When Alex’s dad finds out about his sexuality, Alex is suddenly both jobless and homeless. He finds work at Rainbow Place, the local LGBT-friendly café and Cam lets Alex stay in his flat for a while. But Alex would rather be sleeping in Cam’s bed than on his sofa. With them both living under one roof, their feelings for each other grow stronger, and the sexual tension is hard to ignore. Will giving in to it ruin their friendship and complicate things for Alex even more?

Although this book is part of a linked series, it has a satisfying happy ending, and can be enjoyed as a standalone.

Jay lives just outside Bristol in the West of England. He comes from a family of writers, but always used to believe that the gene for fiction writing had passed him by. He spent years only ever writing emails, articles, or website content.

One day, Jay decided to try and write a short story—just to see if he could—and found it rather addictive. He hasn’t stopped writing since.

Jay writes contemporary romance about men who fall in love with other men. He has five books published by Dreamspinner Press, and also self-publishes under the imprint Jaybird Press. Many of his books are now available as audiobooks.

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The Pearl by Geoffrey Knight - Book Blast with Excerpt

The Pearl
Geoffrey Knight
Gay Romance
Release Date: 01.25.17


The Top End of Australia—a tropical paradise filled with beauty. Wonder. Danger.

For two young boys growing up in the Northern Territory—half-Aboriginal Jarrah "Jad" Yindi and his best friend Luke Lawson—the remote beaches and aqua waters of the Top End are a playground of adventure. And as two best friends become young men, true love washes over them like the sea upon the sand.

But life is full of challenges and change, and if Jad is to discover who he really is, he must piece together his ancestral past, his dream-filled present and his uncertain future to become the man he was always destined to be.

Through water and fire; through love and loss; through the days of youth to the stories of the world's oldest living culture, journey across the heart of Australia to discover what's in the heart of one young man.


The moon set and the last hour before dawn was the hardest. I could barely see where I was going. More than once my boots slid on a rock and I hit the ground, bruising my side, my back, my thigh.
Slowly the black of night turned to the blue of a new day.
Slowly the stars disappeared and the pink of dawn filled the sky.
And then, with a sigh of relief, I saw the sun break on the far horizon and rise in a wavy ball.
I felt the instant blast of heat.
Then I looked around, and in the light of day I felt so incredibly alone. And so far away from everything I knew and loved.
I was in Arnhem Land.
Vast and roadless.
A sparse landscape of rocks and canyons, scrubby bushland and red sand, most of it untouched by humankind for millions upon millions of years.
And here we were.
Me and Billy Shakespear in our rijis and nothing else.
I squinted into the sun. Billy was still fifty metres ahead of me, his barefoot step certain and unceasing.
My step was more erratic, desperate to keep up. I stumbled on another rock. I felt the bite of the sun on my brown skin which had lightened noticeably from my time in Sydney. My time away from the beaches and waters—my childhood playground—of the tropical north.
“Billy, wait up.” I breathed it at first, unsure of whether or not I really wanted to announce it.
Then my left foot slid forward on a loose rock and I fell backward on my arse so hard it made me grunt in pain.
That’s when I saw what had been sleeping under the rock.
That’s when I screamed out, “Billy!”
Growing up in the Northern Territory, I knew enough about snakes to know an Inland Taipan when I saw one. I’d seen charts. I’d studied it at school. And now I was staring at the world’s deadliest snake as it came swirling angrily through the red sand toward me, heading straight for the clumsy bastard that had tipped over its rock, slithering between my sprawled legs. And me, wearing nothing but that stupid riji to protect me?
“Billy!” I tried to squirm backward, elbowing my way frantically through the sand. The snake was faster than me, relentless in its pursuit. “Billy!!”
The old Aborigine was still fifty metres away when I heard him shout, “Stop! Stay still!”
In the heat of the desert sun, against my natural tendency to run from confrontation—especially one this deadly—I froze.
The second I stopping scrambling, the snake stopped chasing.
Its body was still curled, ready to spring, ready to attack at any second.
And all the while I lay there panting in terror, propped on my elbows, legs spread with the killer snake between my knees, staring at me, its tongue flicking in and out, tasting my fear. Or rather, reading the threat. This much I knew, we learned it in school. Along with the fact that a single bite from an Inland Taipan can kill a hundred adult humans. But hell, when there’s one of them twenty centimetres from your balls, it doesn’t matter what your teachers taught you. You just want that snake gone.
My legs trembled.
That’s when the pearl shell of my riji quivered and picked up the sun.
The rainbow shimmer caught the eyes of the snake.
The Taipan raised its head, not aggressively, but hypnotically.
Its eyes seemed caught in the glint of the pearl shell. Mesmerised.
So much so that it didn’t notice the head of Billy’s spear nudge gently into the sand beneath its curved body.


Geoffrey Knight is the author of more than 30 gay fiction novels, novellas and short stories, ranging in genre from gay adventure, gay romance, gay suspense and gay comedies. He is the recipient of two Rainbow Awards including Best Mystery Winner and Best Overall Gay Fiction Runner-up. His work has been featured in several anthologies including Best Gay Erotica 2013, and he appeared as Guest of Honor at the inaugural Rainbow Con in Florida, 2014.

Geoffrey has worked in advertising, politics and journalism, but nothing is as fun as telling stories. He lives with his partner, their baby daughter, two dogs and two cats in a rambling old house in North Queensland, Australia, where the paint is fraying and life is good.

Second Chance Ranch by RJ Scott - Release Blitz with Excerpt and Giveaway

Buy Links: Amazon US | Amazon UK

Length: 55,300 words approx.

Cover Design: Meredith Russell

Montana Series

Book #1 - Crooked Tree Ranch - Amazon US | Amazon UK 
Book #2 - The Rancher's Son - Amazon US | Amazon UK
Book #3 - A Cowboy's Home - Amazon US | Amazon UK
Book #4 - Snow In Montana - Amazon US | Amazon UK


Rob runs to Crooked Tree determined to find a safe place for his nephews. A family for them is the final thing on his list, and then he can vanish completely. Falling for a local paramedic along the way is a disaster in Rob’s otherwise perfect plans.

Paramedic Aaron, the middle of five brothers, would like someone to love. A great believer in fate he is convinced though, that one day he’ll find someone. He just never thought it would be a man in so much pain, or that children would be part of the package.

Rob is ready to leave. Aaron wants him to stay. Their love has an expiry date, and it’s tearing them apart. Can they find a way to save what they have?

The Final book in the Montana Series


Chapter 1

Rob Brady knew three things. His sister was dead, he was the guardian to her two boys, and he was stuck in Hell.

And why am I fixating on Hell?

Oh yeah, the room, the kids, the crushing grief of absolutely fucking everything.

If Hell was a small, airless room with no windows, a flickering light, and two utterly silent children staring at him as if he’d personally murdered their mother.

Oh, and a thin-lipped woman from Child Protection Services looking at him the same way.

Of course, he hadn't killed his sister because he only ever took out the bad guys. With ruthless efficiency, he’d carved out the poison in the US and kept its citizens safe. Most people would’ve described him as an assassin, but he was more than that; the last resort when normal lines of defense failed.

At least, he used to be until he caught a bullet things went pear-shaped.

“How long have they been on their own?” Rob Brady didn’t know what else to ask. He wanted to be angry with the DCFS but how could he be? Instead, he wavered between anger and guilt, and it was guilt that was winning.

“Mr. Brady, they were never on their own.”

“My sister—” He stopped talking when he realized he was just about to state how long ago his sister died when her children were sitting right there in the room. Lowering his tone, he then turned to Sylvia from the DCFS, efficient and steady, and just ever so slightly pissed at him. “A year. They’ve been on their own a year.”

Sylvia inhaled sharply and clutched her folders to her chest.

“And for a little less than that, we have tried to track down their uncle and been unable to find anything.”

“I know. I get that.” Anyone trying to find him would reach several dead-ends whichever way they went. First of all the navy and his time in the SEALs, then when he joined the team combatting mainland terrorism. At every turn, his existence was classified, and in the end, he'd become nothing more than a ghost. “That isn't my point.”

Sylvia tapped a finger on the files in a steady rhythm. “Then please, can you enlighten me as to what exactly is your point?”

He opened the door and gestured for her to go into the hallway, following her out and shutting it behind them. He had questions and didn’t want to ask them in front of his nephews.

“Why has no one adopted them? Why don’t they have a forever home with a new family?”

“Because your sister’s intention was that you would take the boys. It’s explicitly stated in every legal form we have, and it was her dying wish.”

“But she couldn’t have known I would ever come back. Or that I was even alive…” He floundered for something to say. He’d come back to town on the off chance he’d see what was left of his extended family from a distance, and instead, he’d learned his sister was dead, after losing a battle with cancer, that there was no father in the picture, and that his nephews were in the system.

“Nonetheless, they are legally your responsibility. Given you worked so hard to get authorization from Governor Chilton, something I’ve never seen before, along with psych evals that no normal person would have access to, you are now in a position to leave with your nephews.”

The minute he’d heard about the boys, he'd realized he needed to get things done. He’d called in favors, had people who owed him create a backstory so tight he seemed like Mother fucking Teresa, and now he was here. His nephews needed a home, and he thought on his feet because he only had another three good months to put anything in place for them. He wanted them looked after, safe, and so he had one more mission before leaving. He’d have to delay spending his last weeks on a beach in Aruba, sipping cocktails and sleeping with anything that moved.

“I can take them today?” he asked. A small, hesitant part of him wanted her to say no, that there were more details to be ironed out.



“Yes.” She pursed her lips as if it were against her better judgment. But he'd passed all the checks, and the references were sound, he had the governor's endorsement. It was done.

“Okay then.”

He pushed back into the room. Bran, the older of his two nephews, stared at him steadily. Toby, the youngest, sniffled and gripped his brother hard. Any ordinary uncle would’ve hugged them close and told them everything was going to be okay. But he wasn't a regular uncle, and he swore Bran knew that because there was accusation in his eyes.

You don’t even know us; he seemed to be saying.

Was it right for Rob to be taking them from their new foster home? They’d been placed with a family currently fostering six kids, and on the surface, everything seemed okay. He’d done his due diligence, and the parents checked out, but there was a weird vibe in the house, a rule of fear, and he didn’t like it.

He’d stayed alive this long by listening to his instinct, and his gut told him he should take Bran and Toby, that he was the boys’ kin. He also knew where he could find them a better home. In the mountains, with rivers and horses, and a whole group of people who would look out for them.

“Everything will be okay.” Was he reassuring himself or the boys?

If anyone who knew him had seen he was being handed two children to take care of, they'd call the cops.

Of course, he could handle the cops. He’d done it before, but the kids would slow him down. Unless he strapped them to his back and—

“Mr. Brady?”

Sylvia talked to him, or at him, and from her expression, she wasn't impressed he'd stopped listening.

“Sorry, say again?” He glanced at Toby who was sniffling harder and snuggling deeper into his brother. I should go to Toby and…

And what?

Do what? Say what? Scare the kid rigid by being all up in his face?

“We need an address for our records. Unless you reside with Governor Chilton?” The last she added sarcastically.

Oh yeah, a house, an address, he probably needed those. He’d managed to fool them with his credentials so far, and the recommendation he'd gotten from the governor for a favor owed had cut through the red tape. The address was easy; it was the only place he had on his to-do list, the one where the kids could maybe have a home. He just needed to hire a lawyer, update his will, get Justin to agree to his proposal, and he'd be able to leave without any worries.

“Crooked Tree Ranch, outside of Helena, Montana.”

RJ’s goal is to write stories with a heart of romance, a troubled road to reach happiness, and most importantly, that hint of a happily ever after.

RJ is the author of the over one hundred novels and discovered romance in books at a very young age. She realized that if there wasn’t romance on the page, she could create it in her head, and is a lifelong writer.

She lives and works out of her home in the beautiful English countryside, spends her spare time reading, watching films, and enjoying time with her family.

The last time she had a week’s break from writing she didn’t like it one little bit and has yet to meet a bottle of wine she couldn’t defeat.

She’s always thrilled to hear from readers, bloggers and other writers. Please contact via the following links below:

Email RJ (

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Meik & Sebastian by Quin Perin - Release Blitz with NSFW Excerpt and Giveaway


Book Title: Meik & Sebastian - Obsessed #2

Author: Quin Perin

Publisher: Self-Published

Cover Artist: Garrett Leigh

Genre/s: Gay Erotica / Gay Erotic Romance

Length: 24 000 words

Release Date: September 1, 2018

Buy Links - Available on Kindle Unlimited

Blurb - Book 2

Ever since the first sexual encounter with Sebastian, Meik has felt off-kilter.

He can’t sleep, can’t eat, can’t work without thinking about the musician and so, Meik decides to settle into an arrangement with him. There is no love. There is no romance. Sebastian gets a warm place to sleep, and Meik gets to keep his boy toy.

The perfect bargain.

But when Sebastian's presence triggers memories of his first and only love, Meik unravels under the reminiscences that carved him into the man he is today. Will Meik be able to hold himself together or will his carefully crafted badass image fall apart?

This is the second book of the Gay Erotic Romance “Obsessed”. It features explicit adult m/m content as well as romantic elements. The book ends on a cliffhanger.

Excerpt (18+ Readers only)

“You read books like that?"

Meik jerked, the tablet falling flat against his stomach as he turned his head to glance over at the musician. Amusement spread across Sebastian’s face as he leaned over the blond’s shoulder. “I thought you were sleeping.” His tone was accusing, like he’d just been caught with his hands down his pants, watching porn or something. Which...wasn’t too far from the truth.

Sebastian straightened up, his hands folded behind his back. He wasn’t wearing the towel anymore, pale body bare in the dim light of the living room. And he was hard, cock flushed a deep red, and the flared, shimmering head pointed directly at Meik. “Woke up,” he said, offering a crooked grin, “decided to come and see what you were doing. Didn’t expect be reading smut.”

“What are you talking about?” Meik huffed, glaring at him.

“I saw what you were reading.” The little smirk spread into a full-on grin.

Meik wanted to fuck it off his face. “What about it?”

“It’s porn.” Sebastian laughed. “You were reading about a ranch hand fucking some twink. I saw it. Why when you could just fuck me?”

“I’m not fucking you. I already told you, I’m not going to let you get me sick.” Blue eyes dropped back down to that stiff cock, and he smirked faintly. “Look at you. Such an eager little whore, huh? Too bad for you, isn’t it?”

“Mm? Too bad for me?”

Sebastian’s eyes twinkled with something other than his fever as he stalked his way along the couch. It was an odd feeling; being looked at as though he were prey when it was usually the other way around.



Read Book 1 for FREE here

Quin Perin presents “Meik&Sebastian - Obsessed” - A best-selling Gay Erotic Romance

All Meik cares about is lust, not love.

An eager boy toy, that’s what he’s looking for. Someone who worships the ground he walks on. The very second he lays eyes on the enigmatic, street musician Sebastian, he believes he found his new playmate. Obsessed with the young man, Meik introduces him to a world full of sins and desire until the man’s presence threatens to reveal dark memories he had locked away tightly.

This is the first book of the Gay Erotic Romance “Obsessed”. It features explicit adult m/m content. The book ends on a cliffhanger but can be read as a standalone. This part does notentail any romantic elements.


About the Authors 

Hello there! This is Quin&Perin. We are a pair of sultry gay erotica writers who focus on detailed, toe-curling, and realistic smut scenes with a fair share of dirty talking (Oh, boy). Unlike other authors in the genre, we write without the goal of publishing anything. Publishing is just the cherry on top of a cream-covered bubble butt.

That said, it is time for the next level of smut: stories featuring fire, lust & desire.

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Thursday, August 30, 2018

Patchwork Paradise by Indra Vaughn - Book Blitz with Giveaway

Buy Links: Amazon US | Amazon UK

Cover Design: Dar Albert

Length: 205 pages


Oliver and Samuel’s relationship is fairy-tale perfect. They share a gorgeous house in Antwerp, go out with their friends every weekend, and count down the days to their dream wedding. But their happy ending is shattered one late night, and just like that, Ollie is left bereft and alone.

The months that follow are long and dark, but slowly Ollie emerges from his grief. He even braves the waters of online dating, though deep down he doesn’t believe he can find that connection again. He doesn’t think to look for love right in front of him: his bisexual friend Thomas, the gentle giant with a kind heart and sad eyes who’s wanted him all along.

When Thomas suddenly discovers he has a son who needs him, he’s ill prepared. Ollie opens up his house—Sam’s house—and lets them in. Ollie doesn’t know what scares him more: the responsibility of caring for a baby, or the way Thomas is steadily winning his heart. It will take all the courage he has to discover whether or not fairy tales can happen for real.

Author Bio

After living in Michigan, USA for seven wonderful years, Indra Vaughn returned back to her Belgian roots. There she will continue to consume herbal tea, do yoga wherever the mat fits, and devour books while single parenting a little boy and working as a nurse.

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For You I Fall by T.N. Nova & Colette Davison - Release Blitz with Excerpt and Giveaway


Book Title: For You I Fall

Series: Angels & Misfits Book 1

Author: T.N. Nova & Colette Davison

Publisher: Self-Published

Cover Artist: Colette Davison

Editor: A.C. Minx

Genre/s: MM, Paranormal, Gay Romance

Length: 78 000 words/ 239 pages

It’s the first of the series but can be read as a standalone story.

**Contains explicit language and scenes**


Sometimes you must fall before you can fly free.

Despite having had a rough life, Seth has a big heart. After spending nearly ten years sleeping rough on the streets of New York, he’s managed to get himself freelance work and a place to live. But his new-found security is about to be torn apart, as the horrors of his past come back to haunt him in the worst possible way.

Dante was sent to watch over a young Seth when his mother died. As an angel, he had many rules to follow. The most important of which was to never fall in love—especially when it involves a human who is your charge. For the last ten years, Dante has kept his feelings for Seth hidden. That is until the night Seth’s past catches up with him.

When Seth is murdered, their destinies are changed forever. Feelings and emotions come to the surface, but will the rules that govern the afterlife keep Dante and Seth apart for eternity, or will they be able to find their happily ever after together?

Buy Links - Available on Kindle Unlimited



Seth kept the last cup of coffee, now barely lukewarm, for the man who always sat alone, distant from the rest. There was something about him that mesmerized Seth in a way he couldn’t describe. It was probably the man’s eyes, which were a vivid shade of blue that pierced even the darkest night. He sat on the same bench every night, huddled in a tatty black trench coat.

“Seth.” Blue Eyes nodded his thanks as he wrapped his hands around the cup Seth handed to him.

“It’s not very warm, I’m afraid.”

Blue Eyes shrugged, never taking his gaze off Seth as he sipped the coffee. His dark hair fell to his shoulders in waves, framing his handsome face. His olive skin tone made him appear healthier than the rest, although Seth was reasonably sure that was deceptive. A short beard and mustache helped further define his broad chin and sculpted cheekbones. Seth thought to ask his name, but couldn’t convince the question to leave his lips.

He was always like that around Blue Eyes: tongue-tied and awkward. The man was incredibly gorgeous, and Seth couldn’t help but be physically attracted to him. Maybe in another lifetime, under very different circumstances, he would have the confidence to ask Blue Eyes more about himself; discover the mysteries sparkling in the depths of his eyes. But things were what they were and showing interest in the man was wholly inappropriate. So, instead of asking Blue Eyes his name, he uttered a goodbye and turned to go.


About the Authors

T.N. Nova

T.N. Nova, Terri to her husband and Blazing Zane to her daughter, is the author of contemporary and paranormal gay romance. She's lived in the desert southwest all of her adult life, most recently in Phoenix.

Her guilty pleasures are Minecraft, music, geeky stuff, diet Dr. Pepper, and all things Thor and Loki. She's addicted, so now you know how to bribe her.

Colette Davison

Colette’s personal love story began at university, where she met her future husband. An evening of flirting, in the shadow of Lancaster castle, eventually led to a fairy tale wedding. She’s enjoying her own ‘happy ever after’ in the north of England with her husband, two beautiful children and her writing.

Social Media Links

T.N. Nova

Colette Davison


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Dra'Kaedan's Coven by Jessamyn Kingley - Release Blitz with Excerpt and Giveaway


Book Title: Dra’Kaedan’s Coven (D’Vaire, Book 1)

Author: Jessamyn Kingley

Publisher: Self-Published

Cover Artist: LJ Anderson of Mayhem Cover Creations

Genre/s: M/M Fantasy Romance, M/M Paranormal Romance

Length: 65 000 words/287 pages

It’s the first book in the series so it can be read by itself but the story arc continues in the next seven books now available.


Buy Links - Available on Kindle Unlimited


Dra’Kaedan of Leolinnia was born with a mark of Fate proclaiming that someday he would be the Grand Warlock. Standing in his way is Carvallius of Mallent who is desperate to rule the warlocks. His granddaughter Latarian has little magic so Carvallius concocts a plan to kidnap Dra’Kaedan to steal his power. After carving spells into Dra’Kaedan’s back, he begins life anew as Latarian’s familiar whom she calls Ayden. With no memory of his past, the pair are shuffled off to a cottage while Carvallius enlists the help of a brutal elven tribe to rob Dra’Kaedan of his future title. The tactic backfires, and the Coven of Warlocks is destroyed.

Minutes after Brogan shifts into a dragon for the first time, his best friend is banished from their court. Loyal to the core, Brogan follows Aleksander through the castle gates of their old home. Fate turns Aleksander into a king and Court D’Vaire is established. Considered cursed by dragonkind the D’Vaire’s are ostracized. After six centuries of loneliness Brogan leaves his family desperate to find his mate. He has no idea Fate has intervened and sent his other half right to Aleksander’s doorstep.

As a familiar Ayden struggles between a voice inside him that insists he is something more and Latarian’s stringent set of rules. He finds himself torn as he and Brogan try to find common ground. Can the pair find love and will Dra’Kaedan find out his true destiny before it’s too late?


“Before you met me, did you ever try and imagine what your mate would be like?” Ayden asked.

“Sometimes. I’m shallow, so I wanted him to be good-looking. I like to laugh, so I hoped he’d have a good sense of humor. I dreamed of someone who’d love my family because my preference is to be with them. I consider myself very lucky because I got a mate who has everything on my shopping list,” Brogan replied. “How about you?”

“I honestly didn’t consider it. We were trapped so long, my only thoughts were about getting out of that cottage. I suppose if I had to make a list, the one thing I’d put on it would be to have someone taller than me. Life isn’t easy for us short people.”

“I know, I’ve seen your struggles with shelves, but I like your height. You fit just right in my arms.”

“Kind of cheesy,” Ayden decided.

“How about I love the delicious fit of your sexy, toned physique against the tall manliness of mine?”

“Too wordy.”

“Okay, last choice. Your body feels amazing against me.”

“Still has some cheese factor, but I’ll take it,” Ayden declared.


“I have no regrets,” Ayden informed him.

His dragon grinned. “Somehow I’m not surprised.”

“We all have to be good at something. I’m learning to be excellent at saying whatever comes to mind.”

“You’re a good kisser,” Brogan countered. “You could spend more time doing that and less time being bratty.”

“Yeah, I’ve been trying, but my mate’s a pain in the ass and doesn’t give me much opportunity.”

“So, what you’re saying is that you wait for him to make all the moves?”

Ayden was dumbstruck. That was exactly what he’d been doing. He couldn’t believe he’d let Brogan dictate their progress until the previous night, when he’d finally demanded that the man give him more. If life was about embracing what he wanted, Ayden craved nothing more than Brogan.

Without a word, Ayden leaned forward and kissed his mate. It was no gentle peck—his tongue dueled with Brogan’s, and the dragon took control. He hauled Ayden close and massaged his back with his large paws as their mouths made love. Ayden wound his arms around Brogan’s neck as moans tumbled past his lips. Long before Ayden was ready, Brogan pulled away.

“I like it when you take charge,” Brogan told him.

“I wasn’t finished.”

“You keep kissing me like that, and I’m going to forget we’re in the living room.”

“Please, Madeline and Larissa make out in here all the time.”

Brogan’s brow furrowed in irritation. “Good for them. I don’t like sitting in here making out. My dick’s pressing against my zipper, and it fucking hurts.”

Ayden jumped off the couch. “Let’s go to my room then.”

“Taking it slow, remember that?” Brogan reminded him from where he still sat on the sofa.

“Damn it, why did we agree to something so stupid?” Ayden demanded and slapped his hands onto his hips.

Brogan narrowed his eyes in frustration as he stood. “Because you have no experience.”

“I’m over six centuries old. How long are you going to make me wait?”

“Long enough to make sure you’re ready.”

Tilting his head back, Ayden’s eyes met an angry set of navy ones, but he was an expert on what he was ready for, and he wasn’t going to tolerate anyone else making rules or guidelines for him. He’d had enough of that in his lifetime. “I think I know when I’m ready.”

“How? Huh? You’ve never been in a relationship, so how do you know?”

“I know myself, don’t I?” Ayden yelled.

“What the hell’s going on in here?” Aleksander asked as he stalked into the living room.

Ayden was lost in his anger and he didn’t think, he just acted. Lifting his finger, he aimed it in Brogan’s direction. “We’re both hard, and he won’t do a damn thing about it.”

“I’m out,” Aleksander responded as he turned on his heel and exited in the same direction he’d just come from. “I’ll be in my room if anyone needs me. You two can figure this one out on your own.”

There was a tense silence in the living room for several minutes; then Brogan bent over in half from the force of his laughter.

It made heat bloom in Ayden’s cheeks. “I can’t believe I said that to him.”

Brogan straightened, and their eyes met. “He’s heard worse. Don’t worry. Look, I know you want more, but we need to stick to the plan. This is too important to make mistakes.”

“I’m ready for more.”

“How about I’ll allow kissing and maybe a little more to be determined on a case-by-case basis,” Brogan offered as he took a step closer to Ayden and grinned.

Bridging the distance between them, Ayden walked forward until their toes bumped. “You’ll allow? It doesn’t work that way unless you want to be covered in oozing sores.”

“I think that’s more disgusting than the enormous damage you wanted to do to my ass earlier.”

“Give me one of those pecks you’re so fond of, and let’s go get a snack. We can talk about that little more you mentioned,” Ayden said as he held out his hand.

Brogan grabbed it and leaned down to touch their lips together. “We ate lunch less than thirty minutes ago.”

“Do you have a point?”

About the Author 

Jessamyn Kingley lives in Nevada where she begs the men in her head to tell her their amazing stories which she dutifully writes it all down in what has become a small mountain of notebooks. She falls in love with each couple and swears whatever book she wrote last is her absolute favorite. Jessamyn is married and working toward remembering to start the dishwasher without being distracted by the scent of the magical detergent. For personal enjoyment, she aids in cat rescue while slashing and gashing her way through mobs in various MMORPGs. Caffeine is her very best friend and is only cast aside briefly for the sin better known as BBQ potato chips.

She loves to engage with readers there.

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