Monday, December 29, 2014

Just Stay by Aria Grace - Book Blast with Giveaway

Book Name: Just Stay
Author Name: Aria Grace
Publisher: Surrendered Press
Cover Artist: Sexy Men Pix


When Spencer agreed to help take down the leader of a Portland crime family, he didn't realize he'd end the night with the bloodied body of an unknowing accomplice in his arms. His initial interest in Dylan was purely physical but when Dylan stepped in front of Topher's gun and saved Spencer, the lust quickly turned into something more. Something he wasn't sure he'd ever find in the fast-paced dot com world he was from. 

For mature readers.

He looks over his shoulder at his back, straining to see the smeared blood. “This should be fun.”
I turn around and step back to him. “Oh, right. Well, um, I can, you know, help with your back…if you want.”
Dylan’s eyes drop to my crotch and slowly trail up to my face. “Sure, if you don’t mind.”
I silently follow him into the bathroom. He turns on the bath faucet and sets the temperature. Looking down at his boxers then back at me, he steps over the side of the tub and lowers himself into the rising water, careful to keep his bandages dry. “Ahh, that fucking hurts but it feels good.”
I reach for the bar of soap and unwrap the delicate paper surrounding it. Dipping it in the water with a hand towel, I lather it up. “Lean forward a little.”
Dylan looks deeply into my eyes before scooting forward and resting his cheek on the side of the tub. With gentle strokes, I wash away the smears of blood on his back and side. When there isn’t anything left on his back, I hold my breath and move the towel to the outside of his bronze bicep.
One eye peeks open and Dylan smiles faintly without stopping me. “I could just fall asleep.”
“Well, I probably can’t lift you out without hurting your shoulder so try to stay awake for another minute.” With much more force, I run the sudsy towel over the front of his torso, stopping about an inch from the waist band of his wet boxers.

Pages or Words: 240 pages

Author Bio: 

Born and raised in Los Angeles, California, Aria enjoys the year round sunshine and laid back environment of the west coast. She lives with her husband and two children on a quiet hill that gives her lots of time to read and write. Her first series was a semi-traditional look at sexy gigs found online. She has now ventured into the exciting M/M world of gay erotica. She loves to hear from readers so please feel free to drop her a note or visit her at

Where to find the author:

Twitter: @ariagracebooks

Tour Dates: December 29th, 2014

Tour Stops: 

Rafflecopter Prize: $25 Gift Card to Amazon, iTunes, or AllRomance plus a signed paperback of Just Stay

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Chance To Be King by Sue Brown - Blog Tour with Review and giveaway

Chance to be King

About The Book

2nd Edition

After working nonstop for two years, actor Eric Pawlowski desperately needs a respite from his grueling schedule and the crippling migraines that come with it. Thinking that a few weeks in a secluded cottage is just the thing, his vacation gets off to a rough start when he almost mows down the only other guy who lives on the remote road. Fortunately Thomas is quick to forgive, and soon he, Eric, and Eric's two dogs are palling around like they've known each other for years.

But when Eric witnesses Thomas coldly order a lost stranger off his property, he starts to question how well he knows him. Despite a mutual attraction that has Eric cursing every time a well-meaning member of the nearby small town interrupts their attempts to get intimate, Eric wonders if acting on his desire for Thomas will get him involved in a situation he shouldn't be in. When his rented cabin catches fire in the middle of the night and the firemen call it arson, it confirms Eric’s suspicions.

To keep Eric with him, it's up to Thomas to come clean about who he is... and his involvement in a decade-old web of tragedy and revenge into which Eric has unwittingly walked. 

Book Details

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press

Cover Artist: DWS Photography

Release Date: 17th December, 2014

Book Link: Dreamspinner Press


Eric paused for a minute to take in his surroundings. The lake was huge, surrounded by reeds and banked in places by sandy beaches. A short note in the paperwork said it was suitable to swim in, and Eric had brought his trunks hopefully. There seemed to be a narrow path following the shoreline. Eric called to the dogs and set off to follow it. He didn’t necessarily want to explore all of it today, but he did think the dogs would benefit from a long walk after being cooped up in the truck for most of the previous day.

In places the overhanging branches meant Eric needed to duck, one of the disadvantages of being well over six feet tall. The dogs, however, had no such issues, and they plowed ahead eagerly. Their enthusiasm meant he lost sight of them until he reached a clearer spot in the trees. Eric could hear them splashing up ahead and smiled to himself. Millie was a terror for getting in the water, be it puddle or pond. Toby was more of a wimp and would dance around the edges before finally getting up the courage to venture in.

Eric finally reached the shoreline, to see Millie in the water as he expected. However, the man playing with her as she swam around was a surprise. He’d obviously been swimming, because he was bare from the waist up and—oh fuck—he was a vision: lean muscles, firm abs, and dark nipples against tanned skin. Yummy. Not that Eric was looking closely. At all. Okay, maybe it didn’t take much for Eric to react to a gorgeous man dancing half-naked in cold water.

Eric squinted as he looked a bit closer. Wasn’t this his rescuer from last night? Tim… Tony… Thomas… that was it, Thomas.

“Morning,” Eric drawled as he watched them play. “Hope she’s not bothering you too much.”

As Eric spoke, Thomas looked up and stopped horsing around. Millie gave a disappointed bark as she paddled and nudged Thomas’s hand hopefully. Thomas ran his hands though his hair to get the drips out of his face, his muscles rippling in a most distracting way. Eric’s cock was quite appreciative and twitched in his sweats.

“I don’t get too many dogs rushing to join me in my morning swim.” “Sorry, she never can resist getting in the water.”

Eric was trying hard to concentrate on the conversation, but really, most of his attention was taken by the view in front of him. He spent his days surrounded by handsome men and beautiful women, but this man took his breath away. His dark blond hair curled damply around his ears, and his bright blue eyes sparkled in amusement. Damn, could I get more girly?

“Eric?” Eric blinked. “Uh… yes?” He’d been so busy staring at the water droplets running down Thomas’s chest… and—oh, are they freckles? Eric couldn’t tell from this distance.

“Earth to Eric?”

He dragged his gaze away reluctantly from Thomas’s body to his face. Not that it was any less distracting with those eyes…. Fuck, those eyes. “Yes?” Thomas was smirking at him unashamedly.

“Would you mind calling your dog back? I’m getting cold now, and I’d like to get out.”

Eric stared at him stupidly for a minute, and then his brain finally got on board with the conversation. “Yes… I mean, sorry. Millie, come here girl.”

4 out of 5 stars

Chris's Review ~

A little peace & quiet with his two dogs is all that Eric Pawlowski wants for the first vacation he's had in over two years. The fast pace of his career has worn him down so much that he suffers from debilitating migraines, so this is his change to rest and recover a bit before going back to the insane schedule. Almost running down his new neighbor on the way to the isolated cottage, however, was not in his plans. Luckily, Thomas happens to catch Eric's eye as much as Eric catches Thomas' eye. 

This was a solid, well-written story with two super adorable dogs that almost stole the show, along with two very private men who stumble on the one person that they don't want to live without. It's the journey for them to get to the point where they can share everything that gives the story that extra bit of punch. There's also a bit of a suspense thread to the story that leaves you guessing up almost to the end of the book. 

I did enjoy both main characters quite a bit, only wishing there was a little more backstory and even just a touch more at the end of the story. But, that is also a sign that it was a good book because I did get wrapped up in the characters and their HEA. There was a strong set of secondary characters that helped move the story forward and also provided some small glimpses of Thomas' backstory. 

All in all this was definitely a good read with strong, very likable characters that I couldn't put down until I finished it. I would recommend this for anyone that loves a story with furry characters that try to steal the show. Also for those that enjoy a bit of suspense with their romance. 

Author Bio

Sue Brown is owned by her dog and two children. When she isn't following their orders, she can be found plotting at her laptop. In fact she hides so she can plot and has gotten expert at ignoring the orders.
Sue discovered M/M erotica at the time she woke up to find two men kissing on her favorite television series. The series was boring; the kissing was not. She may be late to the party, but she's made up for it since, writing fan fiction until she was brave enough to venture out into the world of original fiction

Sue can be found at her -


Dec. 15
Dec. 20
Dec. 26
Charlie Cochet – Promo Spotlight
Prism Book Alliance – Guest Post
Foxylutely Books – Guest Post + Book Review
Dec. 16
Dec. 22
Dec. 27
Alicia Nordwell – Book Review
Bike Book Reviews – Book Review
Elisa: My Reviews & Ramblings – Promo Spotlight
Andrew Q. Gordon – Promo Spotlight
Dec. 17
Dec. 23
Dec. 29
Elin Gregory – Promo Spotlight
RJ Scott – Guest Post
GGR-Review – Guest Post
Molly Lolly – Promo Spotlight
MM Good Book Review – Review + Promo Spotlight
Inked Rainbow Reads – Book Review
Dec. 18
Dec. 24
Dec. 30
LM Brown – Guest Post
The Novel Approach – Guest Post
Amanda C. Stone – Author Interview
Two Men Are Better Than One – Promo Spotlight
Dec. 19
Dec. 25
Dec. 31
Love Bytes Reviews – Author Interview + Spotlight
Diverse Reader – Book Review
3 Chicks After Dark – Author Spotlight
BFD Book Blog – Book Review + Author Interview

Rafflecopter Giveaway

What is the author giving away?

A $20 Gift Card from Amazon/Are (Winner’s choice)
3 E-copies of “Chance to be King”

Friday, December 26, 2014

Nights Like These by Chris Scully - Cover Reveal with Three Quick Questions with Chris Scully and Giveaway


Book Name: Nights Like These
Author Name: Chris Scully
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Cover Artist: Bree Archer


Starting over sucks. At forty, Miles Koprowski thought he had life all figured out. He had a nice car, a hot young lover, and a cushy job… and then he didn’t. Call it fate, or karma, or a downturn in the market, but this opinionated cynic is now forced to play rent-a-cop in a dying office building in the burbs just to make ends meet. Throw in an unhinged ex, a coworker who hates him, and a hot new boss, and suddenly everything is uncertain. 
Miles doesn’t plan on liking the night shift or becoming embroiled in a mystery that reawakens old passions and puts him in danger. And he certainly doesn’t plan on falling for the overbearing head of security, Colton Decker, former soldier and doting dad. But nights like these can change a man, make him start to believe there’s more to life than a high paying job and a warm body in his bed. With a thief on the loose and his new job in jeopardy, Miles will have to decide what’s truly important. He might discover things he never knew he wanted… as long as he makes it through the night.

Categories: Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Mystery

Sales Links:

“Why don’t you watch where you’re going, dumb—” I managed to sputter before my mouth stopped working entirely and dropped open. The ability to speak, to think, deserted me at the first sight of the hunky stranger standing in front of me, his face contorted with apology as he tried to mop up my sodden jacket with a handful of napkins. He was a few inches taller than me—closer to six feet—and on the stocky side. His broad shoulders filled out a nicely tailored suit, and he projected an air of confidence that I’d never be able to pull off in a million years. He was clean-shaven too, with a dark buzz cut that made me long to run a hand over his head simply to feel the texture. And gorgeous. Did I happen to mention that?
In short, he was the kind of guy you’d want to be stranded with on a deserted island; the kind you could count on to save you. If you were so inclined. Me? I didn’t need saving.
A pair of friendly, light-colored eyes now stared back at me, bemused. Odd that his lips were moving, but no sound was coming out.
“What?” I asked, blinking back to attention. I couldn’t remember the last time anyone had literally made me speechless. Me, Miles Koprowski, who never met a silence he didn’t want to fill.
Hell, I couldn’t recall the last time I’d been on the receiving end of a full-body pat-down either. At least not so quickly. His hands were still drifting over my chest, wiping up the last drips of coffee, and the simple touch was doing alarming things to my heart rate.
“Are you okay?” he demanded. “Did you get burned?” Before I could react, he seized my wrist and held my hand up for inspection. Strong, lightly calloused fingers, I added to my mental list. Working hands. Dumbly, I looked down. The skin on the back of my right hand was red and stung like a son of a bitch, but it wasn’t blistering. I did flinch slightly when he skimmed his thumb over the sensitive area, but not from pain, more from the touch itself. My entire body lit up, as though I’d stuck a finger in an electrical socket. “It doesn’t look too bad. I think you’ll live. Put some aloe on it when you get home.”
“Doctor?” I croaked, because really, that would be too perfect.
“Nope. Just seen a lot of injuries.” His lips twitched with barely contained amusement. “Sorry to disappoint you.” Sense of humor, check.

Words: 69,000
Author Bio:

CHRIS SCULLY lives in Toronto, Canada where she grew up spinning romantic stories in her head. When the tedium of a corporate day job grew too much, she took a chance and found her creative escape in writing. Always searching for something different, she has discovered a home in M/M romance and strives to give her characters the happy endings they deserve.
Author Contact:

Three Quick Questions with Chris Scully

Q: What is number one on your bucket list?
A:  I’ve been very fortunate in my life to travel where I wanted to travel, and do what I wanted to do. Sure there are always places or things I’d like to revisit, but none that would leave me regretful if I didn’t get to them. I’ve always set 5 or 10 year goals for myself (which doesn’t sound nearly as exciting, but is almost the same thing as a bucket list), and a couple of years ago, I checked off some pretty big ones from my list, including being published. Next came having a book actually in print. Check. At the top of my goals list now is having that ‘Bestselling author’ tag attached to my name.

Q: What is the best gift you ever received?
A:  I was blessed to have a very creative cousin who entertained me and my sister for hours on end when we were young by making up stories. I was always a reader, but she was the first to show me that you could also create stories. I was in awe. Since then, I’ve had characters in my head (it’s not as creepy as it sounds, really). I look at young people now, who can’t entertain themselves without some gadget in their hand, and I know that gift of imagination she gave me is priceless.

Q: What talent do you wish you had but don't?

A:  I wish I was musically inclined and could sing. I played the flute in high school and took guitar lessons for several years, but was never very good at it. But I love music—all kinds. My CD collection rivals my book collection.

Tour Dates/Tour Stops:

Rafflecopter Prize: E-book copy upon release

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Where the Road Takes Me by Jay McLean - Cover Reveal

Where the Road Takes Me 
will be released on FEBRUARY 10TH.   

Amazon Pre-order Link:


Chloe has one plan for the future, and one plan only: the road. She’s made a promise to herself: don’t let anyone in, and don’t let anyone love her. She’s learned the hard way what happens if she breaks her rules. So she’s focused on being invisible and waiting until she can set out on the road—her dream of freedom, at least for a little while.
Blake Hunter is a basketball star who has it all—everything about him looks perfect to those on the other side of his protective walls. He can’t let anyone see the shattered pieces behind the flawless facade or else all his hopes and dreams will disappear.
One dark night throws Chloe and Blake together, changing everything for Blake. For Chloe, nothing changes: she has the road, and she’s focused on it. But when the so-called perfect boy starts to notice the invisible girl, they discover that sometimes with love, no one knows where the road may lead.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Before Ryan Was Mine by Kahlen Aymes - Blog Tour with bonus excerpt and Giveaway

The Mad, Mad Love Begins….
Before Ryan Was Mine-live (1).jpg
The highly anticipated pre-quel to The Remembrance Trilogy is NOW AVAILABLE!

Barnes & Noble:
RELEASE DATE: December 16th, 2014

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When Ryan Matthews meets Julia Abbott for the first time at Stanford University, he immediately knows she will change his life.  They have an instant, unbreakable connection that goes beyond partying and palpable attraction.  Although his intelligence and good looks land him any girl he wants, Ryan hesitates to cross that line with Julia because she quickly becomes the best friend he’s ever had.

Both secretly in love, Ryan and Julia are terrified to take the chance that could mean the loss of the very person they don’t want to lose.  As the bond between them grows stronger, they are both miserable as they are forced to watch as they each date other people.  But will Ryan’s all-consuming jealousy and Julia’s deeply broken heart torment them enough to make one or both walk away?

Join Ryan and Julia on the beginning of the journey that has made Kahlen Aymes’ Remembrance Trilogy an international bestselling favorite among her readers.  This book was written after The Trilogy was finished due to an abundance of reader requests for more of Ryan and Julia’s story.

And so…
The Mad, Mad Love Begins…
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Excerpt #1
Excerpt from Before Ryan Was Mine, The Remembrance Trilogy, Prequel, Copyright 2014, Kahlen Aymes, All Rights Reserved.

My beer slipped from my fingers, and I scrambled to catch it but it was being lifted by another set of slender fingers without the blazing red nails.  By the time my eyes shifted up and focused, Julia was leisurely taking a drink from my bottle.   Her hooded green eyes appraised me, with my date almost on my lap.  I barely noticed Leah because my attention was on Julia, and then her eyes shifted twelve inches right, landing on Leah.  Julia hated beer, but still here she was, stamping her ownership with something as simple as a pull on my beer bottle.   She probably didn’t even know the effect it had on me at such a base level, but I fucking loved it.  Something tightened deep inside my chest, and my dick twitched inside my jeans.
“Ryan!  Are you gonna let her do that?”  Leah demanded indignantly, her eyes flashing haughtily up at Julia.
My lips raised in the slightest smirk.  Julia echoed it when her eyes locked with mine.
“Yeah, she… uh, she can do that,” I confirmed without emphasis.  Amusement at Julia’s confidence made me want to laugh out loud.  I felt fucking elated.
Leah huffed beside me and angrily flung herself back against the cushions of the couch, removing her leg from mine.  “Well, do you know her?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I know her.”  Boy, do I know her.
Julia wobbled a little, and I could see she’d had more to drink than she needed.  Still, she grinned at me, her arm bent at the elbow as she curled my beer close to her chest, not drinking, just holding it in place.  My instinct was to reach out or stand up to steady her.
Angrily, Leah pushed on my shoulder and spewed venom in Julia’s direction.  “Are you going to introduce us?  Is she your sister?”
Julia started to giggle.  “Pffft!  Do I look like his sister?”
“Then who are you?” my date demanded, her expression hard.  I watched the exchange, anxious to see what Julia would say.
“Oh, we’re ….”  She handed back my beer and walked behind me to sit on the top edge of the back of the couch and slid her hand over the shoulder Leah had shoved.  “Well, let’s see… we’re…  mmmm...”  Her words were nonchalant but her eyes widened, waiting for me to finish the sentence.  “What exactly are we, Ryan?”
“This is my best friend Julia.  Jules, this is Leah.”  I said the words carefully, but couldn’t tear my eyes from Julia’s face.  Her features were filled with laughter and devilry.
“His date,” Leah spat.
“Congratulations.”  Julia focused on Leah and wagged a finger in her direction.  She was clearly tipsy.  “You need a donut.”
A laugh burst from my chest because I couldn’t help myself.  You need a donut. I thought it was fucking hilarious, but Leah was clearly pissed.
“What did you say?”
“You seriously need a donut.”
Leah looked indignant and furious, but my shoulders were visibly shaking with laughter when Julia turned her attention to me. “Can I talk to you for a sec?”
“Excuse me,” I murmured to Leah then immediately rose to follow Julia a few feet away.  “Are you being careful?”
“Is it just a coincidence that you and Twiggy are here tonight?”
I swallowed at the accusation in her tone.  She was tipsy, but her eyes still burned into mine.  “Yeah.  I had no idea you were even going out, but I’m glad I’m here.  Who is that guy?”  I wanted to ask why she let him touch her in such a familiar way but clamped my jaw shut.
“He’s a guy.  Collin, I think?  No big deal.”  She shrugged nonchalantly, and her hand came to rest on the front of my shirt.  I should have been reassured as her deep green eyes looked up imploringly.  “Don’t worry, Ryan.”
It was all I could do not to cover her fingers with my own.  “I worry.”
“I know.”  She leaned in and wrapped her arms around my waist in a brief hug and the scent of her perfume engulfed me.  “I’m glad to see you.  I’ll call you tomorrow.”

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Bonus Excerpt

The biggest moment of my life found me unexpectedly.  It crept up softly, and settled around me like a fuzzy blanket.  A mere whisper; it hit me like a sledgehammer.  At the time, I knew it was significant, but I didn’t realize just how those few seconds would change absolutely everything: how one brief glance could leave such an indelible stamp on the remainder of my life.  It would become a contradiction; an unstoppable force that would send me reeling out of my control, churning and shredding my emotions, but create the most incredible contentment I’d ever feel.  Contentment that could wrap me up in a warm, safe place or devastate me to the core and leave my heart in shambles.  It would become years of want and pain, lust and love… It would hurt like the deepest hell, but become the most euphoric and precious ecstasy I’d ever know.  I’d never forget that day, that moment; that glance.
It would wreck me.  It would make me.     
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The Remembrance Trilogy Reading Order
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Before Ryan Was Mine (Book 0.5)

Barnes & Noble:

Haven’t read this series yet?  Now is your chance, Grab the box set!
The Remembrance Trilogy: Books 1-3
Barnes & Noble:
About the Author:
Kahlen Aymes
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I'm a single mother of one daughter, Olivia. She's amazing in every way.

I was born in the Midwestern United States and educated at a private university where I received a Bachelor's degree in Marketing and Business Administration.

I've always been creative with art, music, theater and writing. I decided to write a story as a way to build a network for a business venture. The reader support of my stories and my overwhelming desire to find out where my characters would take me, soon had the writing morphing the business. No one was more shocked than I. When readers began nominating my work for online awards, it took my breath away and only made me love it more. It soon became clear that writing was, and should be, my focus.

Stalk Her: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

5 Signed Paperbacks w/$10 Gift Cards (Open Internationally)