Thursday, November 30, 2017

All The World's An Undead Stage by Angel Martinez - Blog Tour with Excerpt and Author Guest Post

All The World’s An Undead Stage

Author: Angel Martinez
Publisher: Pride Publishing
Release Date: January 2nd, 2018
Format: eBook, paperback
Price: $3.99, $10.49
Story Type: Novel
Word Count: Approx 55K
Cover Artist: Emmy Ellis

Genre: Romance, Paranormal, Humor
Pairing: m/m
Tropes: law enforcement, established couple
Keywords/Categories: paranormal, police, Philadelphia, magic, vampire, zombie, humor

Series Name: Offbeat Crimes
Position in Series: 6
Necessary to Read Previous Books? No, But Doesn’t Hurt


Carrington Loveless III, skim-blood vampire and senior officer of Philly's paranormal police department, has long suspected that someone's targeting his squad. The increasingly bizarre and dangerous entities invading their city can't be a coincidence. So when a walking corpse spouting Oscar Wilde attacks one of his officers, Carrington's determined to uncover the evil mind behind it all.

As a rare books librarian, Erasmus Graham thought he understood some of the stranger things in life. Sharing a life with Carrington's shown him he didn't know the half of it. They've survived attack books and deadly dust bunnies together and got through mostly unscathed. Now his world and his vampire's appear ready to collide again. Books are missing from the rare books' collection—old tomes of magic containing dangerous summonings and necromancy. He's certain whoever's been stalking the Seventy-Seventh is composing their end game. It's going to take a consolidated effort from paranormal police, librarians, and some not-quite-authorized civilians to head off the impending catastrophe.

All The World’s An Undead Stage

Offbeat Crimes Series Blurb:

Every region has them, but no police department talks about them—the weird crimes, the encounters with creatures out of nightmares. The 77th Precincts exist in certain cities to handle paranormal crime and containment, usually staffed with experienced officers exhibiting psychic abilities.

In Philadelphia, through an odd mix of budget issues and circumstance, the 77th is manned entirely by officers with bizarre or severely limited psychic talents. The firestarter who can’t get a spark when it’s humid. The vampire who can’t drink whole blood. These are the stories of the misfits, the outcasts from even the strangeness of the paranormal community. Call them freaks, but they’re police officers first, serving and protecting, even if their methods aren’t always normal procedure.


"Hunter? It's all right. I promise." On his knees in the room LJ and Hunter shared, Carrington peered under the bed where Hunter huddled in the far corner. "No one here will hurt you."

To Carrington's relief, his mom had taken care of nearly all of the arrangements for this open house luncheon on and left him out of it. He would've preferred something with less fuss and fewer caterers but it was only for a few hours. The squad room would survive. His only task now was to try to coax an obviously spooked Hunter out from under the furniture.

"I have a theory," Jeff said from where he leaned in the doorway.

Carrington smacked his head on the bedframe trying to reach far ther underneath, so his next words were sharper than necessary. "Oh, yes? I don't suppose you'd care to share this brilliant bit of enlightened thinking."

Jeff let out a little huff. "Not if you're going to take my head off."

"My apologies. I'm not in the best position to be civil at the moment."

"I can wait until I’m not talking to your butt."

"Fine." Carrington eased out from under the bed and sat back on his heels. "What's your thinking here?"

"When Hunter was living on her own, she was pretty careful and particular, wasn't she?"

Living on her own translated as when she was homeless, and careful and particular into skilled and cautious thief but Carrington appreciated his colleague's care with Hunter in the room. "So one is given to understand."

"I'm thinking maybe someone or several someone's invited today might have been a target. Maybe Hunter's afraid of someone recognizing her and making the connection."

Carrington leaned down far enough to peer under the bed again. "Is that it, Hunter? Are you concerned that someone will recognize you from your previous life?"

Even with Hunter scrunched in the corner, she still managed a collar nod.

"Very well, then." Carrington patted the mattress. "We'll close the door, Ms. Hunter. You don't have to see anyone if you don't wish to."

A sleeve poked out from under the mattress to pat Carrington's hip. He took the hint and got to his feet to give Hunter room to wriggle out. She floated up and settled carefully on the blankets with her sleeves crossed.

"My word of honor." Carrington held up both hands. "You can lock the door behind us."

She slumped as if in relief and nodded. Then she twitched up straight, holding up a sleeve to ask them to wait. Jeff peered over Carrington's shoulder as Hunter pulled a box out from the steamer trunk she shared with LJ. She handed the box to Carrington with a sleeve motion that appeared to mime pulling up a zipper.

"This is for LJ?" He waited for her nod. "I'll bring it right out to him."

As he'd promised, he shut the door behind them to give Hunter her privacy and found LJ in the squad room with Audacity under one arm. Their kitten wore a scaled-down version of a black K-9 vest.
"Don't you look official?" Jeff let her catch one of his fingers to gnaw on.

Carrington gave her an approving nod. "It suits you. Do you like your new uniform?"

Mew. Miii-iiw. Audacity pedaled with all four paws until LJ set her down. She turned in an obvious modeling pose to show Carrington one side of the vest with POLICE stenciled in white block letters, then turned to display the other side with CADET FAMILIAR. If that wasn't Jason's idea, Carrington would eat his police hat and Amanda's.

"Outstanding, Cadet Audacity. Very sharp." Carrington carefully kept the laughter from his voice since she was taking it all so seriously. But it was difficult in the face of such monumental cuteness. 
"LJ, Hunter refuses to come out but she sent you this."

He handed over the box and stayed to watch LJ ease it open by pinching the top with his sleeve. The long slender shape of the box made guessing the contents easy and Carrington wasn't disappointed when LJ held up a regulation police uniform tie. LJ stared at it a moment, his version of staring at any rate, then gave a sharp nod before he handed tie and box to Carrington to hold.

"You don't—" Carrington nearly asked if he didn't want it but LJ's intentions became obvious when he zipped up his front and straightened his collar. "Ah. Would you like me to do the honors?"

LJ gave another nod as he held himself straight and still. Strange to see him that way. He almost never zipped himself closed and never floated completely still. Carrington stood behind him to get the tie on just right, easier than trying to think about tying one backward, and finished it off with the silver tie clip Hunter had provided.

"There, sir." Carrington clapped him on both shoulders. "Almost as sharp as Audacity."

LJ had no way to blush, but his front puffed out just enough to be noticeable and who would ever have predicted that? A jacket entity, former street thug and informant proud to wear police issue anything.

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Note: The general release date for this title is 1/2/18

Zombie Origins – More Horrid Than You Thought

What do you think of when someone says zombie? Most modern humans will immediately think mindless unfortunates hungry for brains, zombie apocalypse, and the recommended methods of disposal. Whether they're the shambling corpses in The Walking Dead, or the horrifyingly fast, infected monsters of Twenty-Eight Days Later, zombie hordes have become part of our collective psyche. We watch them, have nightmares about them, joke about them—and buy the merchandise.

Zombies are big business.

We can even trace horrific portrayals of undead hordes back to Mesopotamian writing where Ishtar threatens to raise the dead and order them to eat the living. Western culture certainly has precedence for fear of the undead. In modern media, it's the apocalyptic horde has become predictable and familiar, and even lacks, for the most part, the social concerns underlying the earlier iterations of the zombie apocalypse imaginings of George Romero (Night of the Living Dead, etc.) There's nothing wrong with a bit of monster fun – except that it obliterates the tragic origins of zombie lore. We have to go back to the enslavement of Africans in Haiti for that.

Conditions for slaves on the sugar plantations of Haiti were so brutal, so inhumane, that slaves looked forward to death as their only escape. Their belief was that death would allow them lan Guinée, a return to Africa to be at peace. While suicide certainly occurred, the fear among the enslaved was that if they committed suicide, the lan Guinée would be closed to them, that someone taking their own life would be doomed to remain in Haiti, working as an undead, tireless slave of the plantations for all eternity. For people living in the constant state of fear and agony of slavery, to be consigned to an eternity of slavery was surely the worst fate imaginable.

As Haitian and Haitian Creole culture developed, during and post-slavery, zombies became the creations of bokor, voudou sorcerers who raised the dead and enslaved them for their own evil purposes. While there are parallels to European necromancers who disturbed the dead to ask questions or perform a single nefarious task, the roots of voudou zombies in slavery make their state more horrifying while the enslavement is meant to be more permanent. (Also unlike necromancer raised undead, there are ways a regular non-practitioner can rescue zombies and release them to death again.)

A bit of a heavy post for a not-so-serious story? Probably. Watch the zombie shows. Read the books. Enjoy the genre. But please take some time to remember where they came from.   

Author Bio:

Published since 2006, Angel's cynical heart cloaks a desperate romantic. You'll find drama and humor given equal weight in her writing and don't expect sad endings. Life is sad enough.
She currently lives in Delaware in a drinking town with a college problem and writes Science Fiction and Fantasy centered around gay heroes.

You can take a look at Angel's Website and follow her on Facebook and Twitter.

In Case Of Emergency by Keira Andrews - Release Blitz with Giveaway

Buy Links: Amazon US | Amazon UK

Length: 32,000 words approx.

Cover Design: Dar Albert @ Wicked Smart Designs


Former stepbrothers find Christmas romance under the tree.

After years alone, Daniel Diaz is finally ready to shake up his orderly, solitary life. He's about to leave for a cozy Christmas getaway with his new man when he gets the call from the ER that his former stepbrother has been admitted with a concussion and a broken hand—and Cole put him down as his emergency contact. Why the hell would he do that? Daniel barely knows the guy. After all, their parents' marriage lasted less than a year and it was a decade ago!

But Cole has no one else to look after him and strict doctor's orders not to be left alone. So fine, Daniel will bring him along on vacation to make sure he doesn't starve or fall into a coma. This is supposed to be Daniel's chance to explore romance again after locking down his feelings for too long—except it turns out his could-be boyfriend is more interested in partying and being an obnoxious jerk. Daniel sends him packing, and now he's stuck with a virtual stranger in an isolated mountain cabin.

Cole Smith crushed hard on cranky Daniel when they were teenagers. Alone with him in a romantic winter wonderland, those feelings roar back to life. Glimpsing the caring, vulnerable man under Daniel's frosty shell, he yearns to get closer. Christmas is a time for surprises, and Daniel and Cole discover a scorching connection that just might melt their hearts.

This fluffy gay Christmas romance from Keira Andrews features former stepbrothers reconnecting as adults, sexy hot-tub shenanigans, cuddling by the fire, and of course a happy ending.

Author Bio

After writing for years yet never really finding the right inspiration, Keira discovered her voice in gay romance, which has become a passion. She writes contemporary, historical, fantasy, and paranormal fiction and — although she loves delicious angst along the way — Keira firmly believes in happy endings. For as Oscar Wilde once said:

“The good ended happily, and the bad unhappily. That is what fiction means.”


Hosted By Signal Boost Promotions

To Love And To Cherish by Addison Albright - Audiobook Blitz with Giveaway

Length: 7hrs 45 mins

Narrator: David Gilmore

Vow's Series

'Til Death Do Us Part - Amazon US | Amazon UK | Audible US | Audible UK
From This Day Forward - Amazon US | Amazon UK | Audible US | Audible UK


Jilted by his fiancé two weeks before their wedding, Nash Marino's outlook on life in general, and love in particular, is jaded. After months of couch-surfing, Nash is fed up. He's sick and tired of his living conditions, worn out by the demands of his nursing job, and despairs of ever finding love again. In fact, he doesn't think he's capable of true love. Monogamy, commitment, companionship, and regular sex...that's all he wants, and the sooner, the better.

When Nash crosses paths with a like-minded man who's also in need of a live-in nurse for a beloved relative, Nash figures all his problems are solved. But matters are complicated by a freak accident and amnesia. When Nash's marriage of convenience scheme is muddied by notions of love after his memory reboot, will their plans go awry, or will Nash's new outlook on life be just what the doctor ordered?

Companion to Til Death Do Us Part

Author Bio

Addison Albright lives in the middle of the USA with two peculiar cats. Her stories are gay (sometimes erotic) romance, and tend to be sweet man-love in contemporary settings. Her education includes a BS in Education with a major in mathematics and a minor in chemistry. Addison loves spending time with her family, reading, popcorn, boating, French fries, “open window weather,” cats, math, and anything chocolate. She loves to read pretty much anything and everything, anytime and anywhere.

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Queeromance Ink:

Hosted By Signal Boost Promotions

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Not Just For Christmas by Annabelle Jacobs - Release Blitz with Excerpt and Giveaway

Buy Links: Amazon US | Amazon UK

Length: 48,000 words approx

Cover Design: Natasha Snow


Ben has Christmas, cats, and mistletoe on his side…. Jason doesn’t stand a chance

For Ben Slater, moving back to Bristol means being closer to his family, living with his best mate, and volunteering at the local animal shelter. But there’s also Jason, his best mate’s eldest brother. Ben’s had a crush on Jason for as long as he can remember, but the eleven-year age gap has always seemed insurmountable.

Jason Armitage works as a vet at his uncle’s practice. He owns a cute cottage on the outskirts of the city, and a loving dog. The one thing missing is someone to share it all with. His brother’s best friend seems a bad choice, but Jason can’t help taking a second look. Ben’s changed a lot since Jason last saw him; both in appearance and attitude. Gone is the shy young boy, replaced with a confident, twenty-four-year-old man.

In the run up to Christmas, the festive period gives Ben the ideal opportunity to show Jason what he has to offer. But concerns for his brother’s feelings hold Jason back. If they have any chance of making this work, Ben must convince Jason that he’s old enough to know what he wants, and Jason needs to believe that a relationship with his brother’s best friend won’t ruin their friendship.


Ben tried not to look, but inevitably his gaze was drawn to Jason still sat on the sofa. He stood as Pete stepped back, and Ben got a proper look at him. Ben wasn’t the only one who’d changed a little over the past couple of years. The last time he’d seen Jason, his hair had been short, like an army cut, and he’d had a beard. He’d looked hot then, but now…. Ben had to forcibly shut his mouth so he didn’t gape.

Jason’s thick dark hair, still shaved at the sides, was now a good couple of inches longer on top. And he was clean shaven. Ben kind of missed the beard, but without it Jason looked much younger, and his strong jawline was a thing of beauty. He looked thinner, too. Ben frowned because Jason ate like a horse and had always been bulkier than his brothers. That thought somehow made its way out of Ben’s mouth.

“Have you lost weight?”

Jason laughed softly, one hand immediately going to his stomach. He patted his belly and sighed. “God don’t you start. Mum’s already been on at me about not eating properly.” He pulled Ben in for a quick hug. “It’s good to see you, even if you do put the rest of us to shame.”

Oh God, that voice. As smooth and deep as Ben remembered.

Author Bio

Annabelle Jacobs lives in the South West of England with three rowdy children, and two cats. An avid reader of fantasy herself for many years, Annabelle now spends her days writing her own stories. They're usually either fantasy or paranormal fiction, because she loves building worlds filled with magical creatures, and creating stories full of action and adventure. Her characters may have a tough time of it - fighting enemies and adversity - but they always find love in the end.


Hosted By Signal Boost Promotions

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Undercover Star by Jackie Keswick - Blog Tour with Review and Giveaway

Buy Links: Amazon US | Amazon UK

Length: 41,000 words

Cover Design: Emma Griffin


It sounds like the stupidest idea in the history of stupid ideas. Detective Inspector Josh Ingram wants to find a deadly medieval locket and through it, a murderer. So why does his boss decide to team him up with Matisse Vervein, a pop idol many consider just a pretty face... and expect the two of them to hunt down an art thief?

Marissa Godwin, Matisse's no-nonsense manager, isn't stupid. Neither is her brother-in-law, Detective Superintendent Tim Montgomery. Each is looking out for a lonely man on the verge of quitting what he does best, and both believe that their charges would make a great team.

The attraction sizzling between Josh and Matisse is hard to miss, but there's plenty of resentment, too. Focussed on pushing Josh and Matisse towards each other, Marissa and Tim haven't imagined the kind of trouble a music star and a detective can find when they ditch their prejudices and accept that the attraction between them is mutual. Or how far each is prepared to go to prove it to the other.

A feel-good, action adventure romance set in England and Scotland, featuring a reluctant pop star who's not out, a detective trying his hand at being a bodyguard, plenty of adventure, and a happy ending.

4.5 out of 5 stars

Undercover Star is a new contemporary m/m romance featuring a pop star and a detective on the hunt for his partner's killer. 

I'll admit that I'm a rather huge fangirl of this author from her first book in the Power of Zero series. So when I heard that she was writing a new story featuring a singer/musician I was pretty damn excited. That's  one of my favorite types of characters in any contemporary book. 

Undercover Star did not disappoint, in fact I had a hard time putting this book down for you know those important things such as work, sleep, and food. This story drew me in from the first page and really did not want to let go. 

It features what I've come to see as the author's style of characters, strong but distinctly flawed by either previous life trauma or not being true to themselves. Which Matisse embodies the latter in spades. Matisse, one of the leads, is a very talented pop singer who's living in the closet so he won't upset his fans. He's also hiding who he really wants to be/do in the music industry. And that is one of the spots in the story that lowered my rating. The author never allowed Matisse to say or show what kind of music it was that he really wanted to do. 

I did thoroughly enjoy the dynamic between Matisse and Josh as they discovered that first impressions really can be impossibly wrong. Josh's teasing Matisse by calling him Rock Star and then him realizing that he's not JUST a pretty face but a very intelligent and talented individual who is multi-faceted. Matisse realizing that Josh wasn't just hired muscle wrapped in a sexy body. That Josh was driven and dedicated to finding who killed his former detective partner. And the book does leave a part of this story open ended so I'm hoping that this isn't just a standalone and that the author will end up writing a continuation. That part of the story really needs to be closed along with giving us a further glimpse into Matisse and Josh's life after the end of this story. 

This is a well written, well paced story featuring detailed characters who exhibit both personal and emotional growth throughout the storyline. I highly recommend this story as a one to devour over your holiday time off, or a long weekend. Trust me you'll want some time carved out to read this in one go because it will suck you in! 

 I look forward to whatever comes next from Jackie Keswick.. if it's a continuation to this story, a new Power of Zero book, or a new standalone. She's definitely one of my go-to authors for a dependable good read. 

November 22 - Urban Smoothie Read

November 24 - OptimuMM

November 27 - Ebook Addicts, Making It Happen

November 29 - Zipper Rippers, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Valerie Ullmer, Wicked Faerie's Tales & Reviews

December 1 - Mirrigold: Mutterings & Musings, Bayou Book Junkie

Author Bio

Jackie Keswick was born behind the Iron Curtain with itchy feet, a bent for rocks and a recurring dream of stepping off a bus in the middle of nowhere to go home. She's worked in a hospital and as the only girl with 52 men on an oil rig, spent a winter in Moscow and a summer in Iceland and finally settled in the country of her dreams with her dream team: a husband, a cat, a tandem, a hammer and a laptop.

Jackie loves stories about unexpected reunions and second chances, and men who don't follow the rules when those rules are stupid. She has a thing for green eyes, blogs about English history and food, and is a great believer in making up soundtracks for everything, including her characters and the cat.

And she still hasn't found the place where the bus stops.

For questions and comments, not restricted to green eyes, bus stops or recipes for traditional English food, you can find Jackie Keswick in all the usual places:


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Snow Falling by Davidson King - Release Day Blitz with Excerpt and Giveaway

Snow Falling RDB Banner
RELEASE DATE: 11.28.17


COVER DESIGN: Morningstar Ashley/ Five Star Designs
COVER PHOTO: Stock Photo



After running from a past destined to kill him, Snow has been hiding on the streets.

Tell nobody your name.

Tell nobody your secrets.

Trust nobody!

These are the rules of the streets.

His entire life changes when he saves an eight-year-old boy from a violent end.

Christopher Manos is one of the most powerful crime bosses in the country.

Don’t ask anyone to do something you aren’t willing to do yourself.

Secrets can get you killed.

Trust nobody!

These are the rules he lives by.

When his eight-year-old nephew disappears, he never expects the boy’s savior to end up being his own.

A man with a dangerous past and a man with a dangerous future find love amidst murder and mayhem. But with Snow's life being threatened at every turn, will Christopher's best be enough to prevent Snow Falling?

Snow Falling Teaser 1


I should have known I wouldn’t get far. Frank grabbed my arm. “He’s not my kid. His pop will very much want to speak with you. Something tells me if you walk out that door, you’ll disappear, and I don’t have time to go lookin’ for you. So, I think you’ll come with us for now.” His firm tone made it clear it wasn’t a question.

When I looked around the police station, I was shocked that no cops were interfering in what was clearly a kidnapping. I shouldn’t have been too surprised. After all, in my book, police didn’t have a very good track record for doing what was right.

“Stranger danger!” I yelled, which just made Simon laugh.

“No, Snow, we aren’t strangers anymore. You come home and my pop will protect you. That’s what he does.”

Who the hell was his pop? Surviving was a lot about picking your battles. Looking around the precinct, it was obvious my choices weren’t going to win out. Frank and his goons weren’t going to let me pass. On the off chance I got away, then I’d have Roy and these guys chasing me.

“I don’t think I have a choice, do I?” Frank shook his head. “Okay then. Onward, my good man!”

If the limo wasn’t a huge giveaway that Simon’s pop was disgustingly rich, the enormous mansion with the iron gate was.  Two large Ms were worked into the iron. The house had a medieval look about it. A fountain of fear was on display in the middle of the circular driveway, some sort of gargoyles spitting water out of their mouths… or was it their eyes?  Gray stone, iron, and darkness made up this house. Whoever this guy was, he wasn’t just rich, he was powerful. Leaning over, I whispered in Simon’s ear, “Is your pop Tony Stark?”

 Simon chuckled. “No silly, he’s Christopher Manos.”

Christopher Manos? Oh, son of a bitch. At least Iron Man was on the right side of justice.

“Come on, Snow, you can meet my pop!” Simon grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the limo with all his might. When we came to the stone steps and I looked up, I came face to face with not only the most dangerous man in this city, but the most gorgeous. He was broad, and I could see the muscles in his arms and legs even through his expensive suit. He had midnight black hair and obsidian eyes. There was no doubt he and Simon were related.

“Pop!” Simon ran into his arms. The man didn’t miss a beat. He scooped Simon up without ever taking his eyes off me. “That’s Snow. He saved me.”

“Mr. Manos, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’ll have you know, I didn’t want to come here. I was forced. You have a beautiful home and a great kid and if you just let me go, I’ll happily walk home.”

He stared at me coldly. “You don’t know my home is beautiful, you haven’t seen it. Let’s rectify that. Come in.” He turned and walked inside. The nudge from Frank was likely the only encouragement I’d get.

I hope I don’t die.

Davidson King Logo

Davidson King, always had a hope that someday her daydreams would become real-life stories. As a child, you would often find her in her own world, thinking up the most insane situations. It may have taken her awhile, but she made her dream come true with her first published work, Snow Falling.

When she’s not writing you can find her blogging away on Diverse Reader, her review and promotional site. She managed to wrangle herself a husband who matched her crazy and they hatched three wonderful children.

If you were to ask her what gave her the courage to finally publish, she’d tell you it was her amazing family and friends. Support is vital in all things and when you’re afraid of your dreams, it will be your cheering section that will lift you up.


Circle of Darkness by Nicholas Bella and Aimee Nicole Walker - Blog Tour with Excerpt and Giveaway

Circle of Darkness Tour Banner

RELEASE DATE: 11-15-17




There isn’t a monster D’Angelo Kumar can’t destroy or a crisis he can’t manage until he meets Angel Bai. The insane attraction he feels toward the sexy waiter is unwelcome because D’Angelo doesn’t have room in his life for relationships. A solitary path is the only option for a man like him, but fighting his growing feelings for Angel may be the first battle he can’t win.

Angel’s abilities extend beyond memorizing the menu at D’Angelo’s favorite Italian restaurant, but he knows better than to trust anyone with his secret. When a vision reveals that D’Angelo’s life is in danger, he will risk everything to save him. The only thing scarier than monsters and demons to Angel is never knowing D’Angelo’s touch.

To say the demon hunter is reluctant to form a partnership with the psychic is putting it mildly, but D’Angelo needs every advantage he can get when the world’s very existence is threatened. As darkness looms nearer, D’Angelo and Angel’s unexplainable connection grows stronger. For a chance at happiness, the two men will need to call upon unlikely allies for an epic showdown between good and evil.

Sexy, witty, and action-packed, Circle of Darkness is the first book in the Genesis Circle paranormal romance series by Nicholas Bella and Aimee Nicole Walker.

 This book contains sexually explicit material and is intended for adults 18 and older.

COD Teaser1

I was walking towards my Jeep when I heard someone practically screaming my name. I turned to see the cute little waiter from Martinelli's rushing up behind me. What in the hell did he want?

He stopped short in front of me, huffing and puffing. "Oh... Oh thank god... I caught you," he panted. I was pretty curious as to what he wanted, it wasn’t like I owed the restaurant he worked at a tab. Although, I found myself eating at Martinelli's quite often since he’d started working there. The food was damn good, but I did have to admit, I went on the days Ansell worked. Damn, he was cute as hell. But as much as I loved to gawk at him, he was holding me up from the serious shit.

"Umm, want to tell me what this is all about?" I asked. "I'm in a bit of a hurry."

"That's just it... I..." He paused and looked off to the side like he was hesitant to tell me something.

"Look, Ansell—"

"It's Angel," he snapped.

For the first time, I saw the fire blaze behind his beautiful brown eyes, which were a lovely feature from his Chinese-American heritage. He had many features that appealed to me that were flattering on him as well. But his eyes... those blew me away. And, well, his lips, too. I'd love to see them where they rightfully belonged—all over my body. I swore, the fantasies I'd had starring him left me with morning wood on several occasions and on the others... sticky sheets.

"I like Ansell more," I said, purposely ignoring his attempt to correct me. "Look, I'm really in a hurry, so if this can wait..." I let my voice trail off so he would get the hint.

"You're in danger," he blurted out.

I cocked an eyebrow. "In danger from what? What the hell are you talking about, and how did you find me anyway?"

"What do you mean, 'how'? You eat at Martinelli's more than I do. Besides, you always pay with your company account," Ansell said, pointing to the sign above our antique shop.

Well, okay, that made sense. "Fine. Now, about this so-called danger..."

"Look, you have to listen to me. I know what I'm about to tell you may sound far-fetched, but it's all true." He was looking up at me with eyes that were pleading for me to take him seriously, so I did.

"Tell me."

  Aimee Logo

I am a wife and mother to three kids, three dogs, and a cat. When I’m not dreaming up stories, I like to lose myself in a good book, cook or bake. I'm a girly tomboy
who paints her fingernails while watching sports and yelling at the referees.
I will always choose the book over the movie. I believe in happily-ever-after. Love inspires everything that I do. Music keeps me sane.

Nicolas Bella Logo

About me? Hmmm, I'm just a person with a wild imagination and a love for words who was sitting around the house one day and said, "Why hasn't anyone written a book like this before?". As with every storyteller, I wanted to share mine with the world. I like my erotica dark, gritty, sexy... and even a little raunchy. I'm not afraid to go there and I hope you aren't afraid to go there with me. When I'm not writing, I love watching movies and TV shows, clubbing, biking, and hanging out with family and friends. I love life. I'd love to hear from you, feel free to send me a shout out!