Title: Ivory
Author: J. Rocci
Publisher: NineStar Press
Release Date: December 4, 2017
Heat Level: 3 - Some Sex
Pairing: Male/Male
Length: 28500
Genre: Contemporary, Chefs, Depression, Doctors, Homophobia, Interracial
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Trapped by familial obligations, engaged
to a fiancée he doesn’t love, and crippled by the regrets of his past, Dr.
Bradley Durrant is miserable and rapidly caring less about his own health as he
works himself to the bone at the family hospital. But then he meets Nashan
Windham, the grandson of his late father’s scandalous old friend, and Brad’s
downward spiral is derailed, at least for the moment.
Brad lets Nashan and his grandfather
pull him into a world where families—blood and the ones you choose—support each
other and understand that love is unconditional. Brad gets his life together
again, with Nashan’s help, and he can finally accept who he is and knows what
he wants, but can he convince Nashan?
J. Rocci © 2017
All Rights Reserved
“—is a very influential woman who is a
close friend of Dr. Mathews. Bradley? Are you still there?”
Bradley made an affirmative noise in his
throat, adjusting his reading glasses as he turned a page in the patient file
spread across his desk.
“I said that Mrs. Ambrose is a close
friend of Dr. Mathews. Bradley, you need to secure this invitation if you want
to join—”
He let his mother continue on
speakerphone as he studied the latest blood panel results. A little girl, age
nineteen months, neuroblastoma. Her response to chemotherapy was not what he’d
been hoping for, but with children especially, every cancer case was unique. He
dragged one of his reference books across his desk and started flipping through
“—that noise? Bradley?”
“Yes, Mother, I am,” he responded
absently, pulling out his sticky notes.
“It’s getting late, darling. Why are you
still at the office?” she asked with a sigh in her cultured tones. She was
nearing sixty but looked and sounded as though she were still in her
mid-forties. She had guided Bradley’s father through social galas,
philanthropic work, and maintaining the proper connections, and now Bradley
bore the brunt of her energies as she attempted to groom him to become the
chair of the hospital board.
Thirty-four years old and he had learned
to rebel in small ways.
“Mother,” he said gently, “I’m almost
finished here, then I’ll head out.”
“Ah yes, your Tuesday dinner with
Brianna,” she said with an undertone of satisfaction. “Please give her my
regards, darling.”
“I will. Goodnight, Mother.” He
disconnected and returned the phone to its customary position under several
medical journals.
Checking his watch, he pushed away from
his desk and headed for the door, pausing only to return the stray toys on his
carpet to the basket on his bookshelf. The pictures of patients and their
families on the shelves always made him smile.
Scrubbing tiredly at his face, he strode
down the hall to the elevator banks and debated getting a cup of coffee from
the cafeteria but ultimately decided against it. He’d be fine.
Only one of the four night-shift nurses
was sitting behind the children’s oncology station when Bradley arrived. He waved
and she blushed, looking down at her desk.
“Oh, Dr. Durrant,” Glen said, glancing
up again. “Monica left a note for you on Room 342.”
He slowed down. “Is it urgent?”
“No, her parents have requested a visit
in the morning, after your rounds.”
He nodded. “Let them know that I’ll stop
by, please.”
She grinned at him and he gave a
halfhearted smile before continuing to the recreation room. Visiting hours and
rec time were long past, but Bradley didn’t need more than the light of the
city streets outside to navigate the room.
His objective gripped firmly in one
hand, he went to see his nightly “problem” patient.
He popped his head around the privacy
curtain in Room 355. Sure enough, Mrs. Lewkowski was snoring in her cot,
exhausted, and a pair of bored seven-year-old eyes blinked at him from the
hospital bed.
“Hey there,” Bradley whispered. “You up
for company?”
Tommy nodded eagerly. “Yeah. What do you
have tonight?”
The drugs always affected kids
differently. Tommy had the worst of it in the evenings, when he’d get restless
and was prone to making a fuss, which could set off half the floor. His parents
traded off nights at the hospital so someone was always home with Tommy’s
brother and sisters. Tommy had a clip-on book light and comic books for when he
couldn’t settle down, but even with palliative care, the pain could be taxing
on a kid.
If Bradley could be a distraction for a
couple hours a night to let either parent rest, he considered it part of
maintaining his patient’s overall health.
“How are you at Uno?” he asked
conspiratorially, tucking himself in the visitor’s chair and ready to stay for
a while.
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