Title: Blood’s Song
Author: Tempeste O’Riley
Series: House Millar books, #1
Genre: LGBTQ Romance, Paranormal Romance, Vampires, Urban
Fantasy, Young Adult / New Adult
Publisher: Encompass Ink, Teen
Release Date: Nov, 24th, 2017
Edition/Formats Available In: eBook & Print
Even in darkness, love lights the way.
Anya awakens alone and afraid in
a new world soaked with blood and terror. The only things she knows for certain
are her name and that humans are precious.
Unwilling to give in to her
hungers, she sets her feet upon a path of discovery, searching for clues to her
forgotten past. Along the way she runs headlong into the unimaginable world of
the undead and the waiting arms of Nicholas, a fearless nocturnal defender
searching for his love, lost in eternity.
Into their midst stumbles Declán,
a young, natural born vampire hunter and Guardian whose passion for Anya is
only matched by his draw to Nicholas. His arrival could mark the end of their
tale, or with the gift of Anya's blood kiss, it might bring about the beginning
of a new chapter for them all.
Fate has a wicked
sense of sensibility…
Book Links
“You want me
to go to a party? With you and your humans? Really?” His eyes were wide as he stared
at me.
“You don’t have to go. I won’t be upset if you
don’t feel comfortable....” I trailed off, silenced by his strange look.
“Anya, relax, please. I’m just surprised you’d
want me to meet your humans.”
“You do not feed on humans, so why not? I mean, I
know what you said, and your eyes back up your words.” I had yet to see the killer type’s eyes, but Star’s description of
the blackness taking over even the white part, not merely the colored part, did
nothing to make me want to seek one out. “Declán is excited at the thought of
balancing out the estrogen with another
male.” I couldn’t contain my smile at the memory of his face when Declán had spoken.
“That’s not what I meant. I would never endanger
one of your friends! It was more the idea of you willingly introducing me, to share
your humans. Aren’t you worried about what they will notice if they see me next
to you?”
The strange mixture of confusion and intrigue
charmed me.
“What they would see? Do you mean because our
features are so similar?”
He nodded.
“We hardly adhere to the general vampire lore.
Not to mention, even if they did suspect
such a thing of us, we don’t have large fangs hanging
out of our mouths or dress anachronistically. I even lack the ridiculous
coffin that seems so common in their
myths,” I explained, certain having a pale friend wouldn’t be a problem, other
than possibly if one of them developed a crush on him.
“Besides, I don’t speak loud enough for them to
be affected by my voice or for them to really
even hear the unusual ring to it.”
“True. Well, I suppose you can count me in then.
Your friend Declán, he isn’t the jealous type, I hope? I have an unfortunate
habit of turning heads.” A slight sour note tainted his voice by the end.
“Well, he is dating Skye, so make sure you are
thoughtful when interacting with her. His sister is Kayla. I would say be
considerate of how you relate to her, as well. He’s a bit protective of them.”
“I don’t get involved with humans.”
A decidedly
wary look crossed his face suddenly. “Star has warned you about getting
involved with one of them, hasn’t she? Romantically, physically I mean?” he
asked, suddenly on his knees, towering over me.
“Um, we haven’t discussed romance or intimacy. Star mentioned she
is not like us and left it at that. Why?”

First, let me say hello to you and all your wonderful readers. (waves) 
Now, let me try answering this simple, yet not question. You see, as many know, I have children. Six bio, plus a step, a DIL, etc. Plus I remember how confusing, painful, and just plain hard it was to be a teen. So even though my main focus has been writing homoerotic romance, I never lost sight of also wanting there to be things my kids could read and see themselves in—ignoring the paranormal bits, lol. But I also wanted to write what I wish there had been for me to read when I was a teen. You see, I have loved to read since I was little. My mother has a few reading awards from the library programs of mine to prove it. But it was all either no romance, violent/abusive, rapey, and/or het (bodice ripper or no). The closest things I found were the likes of Interview with a Vampire and Rice’s later books in that series (very homoerotic even if there’s only ever het sex in it the one-time Lestat gets to have sex :/ so annoying!) and others that skirted the lines. But… those weren’t teen books! Not really.
And then there was the issue of my own children fussing that they weren’t allowed to read my writings. If I was “nice” I’d write something that they could read. So, fingers to keyboard, Anya, Declan, and Nicholas were born. I hadn’t intended this to be a f/m/m story, exactly, but I want to show all kinds of love, all kinds of people and pairing, so who am I to judge my characters and their choices? As the series moves forward, there will be m/m, trans m/f, and more. So you just never know how the vampires and their loves will match, but that once they love, it’s eternal.
Oh, and I have a series love of the fanged and fabulous, LOL. I blame Louie!
Tempeste O’Riley is an out and
proud pansexual genderfluid whose best friend growing up had the courage to do
what they couldn’t—defy the hate and come out. He has been their hero ever
Tempe is a hopeless romantic who
loves strong relationships and happily-ever-afters. Though new to writing M/M,
they has done many things in their life, yet writing has always drawn them
back—no matter what else life has thrown their way. They counts her friends,
family, and Muse as their greatest blessings in life. They lives in Wisconsin
with their children, reading, writing, and enjoying life.
Tempe is also a proud PAN member
of Romance Writers of
America®, WisRWA,
FFPRWA, and Rainbow Romance
Writers. Tempe’s preferred pronouns are they/them/their/theirs/themselves.
To learn more about Tempeste and their writing, visit http://tempesteoriley.com.
Author Links
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Other Works by Tempeste
Desires Entwined
Designs of Desire *
Simple Desires * Bound by Desire
Desires’ Guardian *
Desires’ Pride
Temptations of Desire
* Truth in Lace
Signs of Desire
Chain of Fate
Whiskers of a Chance
Fangs with a Heart
House Millar
Blood’s Voice
Standalone Titles
Adventures (Simple Desires)
and Love Anthology
the Page….
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