Sex on the Hoof
Silvia Violet
M/M Romance
Cover Design: AJ Corza
Cover Photo: Stock Photo
Release Date: 12.31.15
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A stag
and a vampire. Mortal peril. True love.
shifter, Jason Fleetfoot, has turned his life around. After years of taking
chances, he’s working as a crime lab technician, and he’s determined to forgo
the risky behavior of his past. Then he meets Drew Danvers, the only undead
detective in the city. Jason hates vampires, or does he? Drew defies all the
stereotypes of his kind and something about him has taken hold of Jason and
won’t let go. Jason might just dare to take a chance on a man others would
label a risk to his health if not his very life.
novella was previously published. It has been re-edited and expanded by over

I’m Jason Fleetfoot. I’ve made a lot of stupid mistakes in
my life. The stupidest of all was taking a job with some assholes intent on
manufacturing illegal chemical weapons.
My sister, Natalie, lost her job when her company folded,
and I lost mine because my fucking boss was a bastard. I’ve got authority
issues. And control issues. All right, I’m seriously fucked up, but I wasn’t
going to let my sister starve because I couldn’t keep it together.
So I made a deal with the devil and damn near got myself and
Natalie killed. She saved me. She and her cop boyfriend, Wolf. The name’s not a
joke. He’s a werewolf. Did I mention we’re shifters, Natalie and I? Deer
shifters. If you think my human form is impressive, you should see me as a
ten-point buck. So yeah, a werewolf and a deer shifter. Somehow they’re making
it work.
When I was a kid, we were all in hiding—wolves, deer,
rabbits, foxes, and all the other shifters, vampires and demons too. Then the
Big Collapse happened. Worst econ crash since the Great Depression. The world
was in chaos, the US Government near collapse, the unemployed filling the
streets. A bunch of supernaturals said, fuck it, the humans can barely keep
themselves together, it’s time we had our day. I thought there’d be a war, but
none of us were organized enough to attack and the humans had their own
problems so now we all live together.
Peacefully? Fuck no. Most humans tolerate us, just. Some
love us only for the thrill we can give them. And others would like to kill us
on sight, but at least we don’t have to pretend anymore. I love what my body
can do and I’m never going to apologize for it.
But that’s enough history. Let’s get back to the now and my
life on the straight-and-narrow, working hard to earn an honest dollar. I
fucking hate being beholden to Wolf, but I wouldn’t be where I am now if it
wasn’t for him. Once the Atlanta PD cleared me, Wolf helped me get a job in the
crime lab where I can use my knowledge of chemistry and computers for the good
As the newest hire, I work nights, babysitting the equipment
and working on what comes in during the wee hours. For the most part, I like
it. It’s quiet and I get a chance to play around with new techniques and do a
bit of programming. There’s only one problem: Detective Drew Danvers.
He works nights too. Not because he’s new, but because he’s
a goddamned vampire. They say he was Changed against his will. But what the
hell was he doing picking up a vampire at a bar? I certainly have no intention
of fucking a vampire. No matter how damn fuckable Drew is. Yeah, I like men,
what of it? And Drew is a fine specimen of a man, like some Viking warrior.
He’s at least six three with sculpted arms and pecs that make him look like he
could lift a truck one-handed. Considering he’s a vamp, he probably can.
Getting involved with Drew would be stupid on too many
levels to count. And I’m finished with making stupid decisions. So why does my
body want so desperately to be impaled on him—his cock, his fangs, anything
he’d like to stick in me. Natalie’s right, my dick really doesn’t communicate
with my brain. I don’t just want to fuck him, I want to be taken by him, and I
never want that. Like I said, I have control issues. But with Drew… No, there’s
never going to be anything with Drew.
Silvia Violet writes erotic romance in a variety of genres including sci fi, paranormal, alternate history, and historical.
She can often be found haunting coffee shops looking for the darkest, strongest cup of coffee she can find. Once equipped with the needed fuel, she can happily sit for hours pounding away at her laptop. Silvia typically leaves home disguised as a suburban stay-at-home-mom, and other coffee shop patrons tend to ask her hilarious questions like "Do you write children's books?" She loves watching the looks on their faces when they learn what she's actually up to. When not writing, Silvia enjoys baking sinful chocolate treats, exploring new styles of cooking, and reading children's books to her wickedly smart offspring.
She can often be found haunting coffee shops looking for the darkest, strongest cup of coffee she can find. Once equipped with the needed fuel, she can happily sit for hours pounding away at her laptop. Silvia typically leaves home disguised as a suburban stay-at-home-mom, and other coffee shop patrons tend to ask her hilarious questions like "Do you write children's books?" She loves watching the looks on their faces when they learn what she's actually up to. When not writing, Silvia enjoys baking sinful chocolate treats, exploring new styles of cooking, and reading children's books to her wickedly smart offspring.
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