Title: Midlife Crisis
Author: Rob Rosen
Release Date: August 20th 2016
Genre: Gay fiction, romance, comedy

Jack is thirty-five and single once again. He is not, as he as quick to point out, going through a midlife crisis. Still, it would be nice to have a partner, and so he sets out on an adventure to find the one-time love of his life, Bing, a man he hasn’t seen in more than fifteen years, a man who has seemingly vanished off the face of the planet. With the help of his family and friends, not to mention the family dog and his high school bully, he goes searching for Bing, only to unearth an ages-old mystery that puts them all in grave danger. In this hysterically funny tale, the question remains right on up to the surprise ending: can we return to our past in order to better our future?
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/30992218-midlife-crisis?ac=1&from_search=true
Buy Links: Amazon | B&N
"If you're looking for a
humorous and intelligent book to read, Rob Rosen's Midlife Crisis should be on the top of your list. A tale of going
back to move forward, as told by Jack, the story's main character, is full of
youthful and gay witty repartee balanced with the poignancy that comes with
adult life. It will make you laugh out loud one minute and get teary the next.
Oh, and if you like a good murder mystery, there's that too. Kudos to Rosen for
creating some very memorable characters." - Julian G, Simmons, Narrator,Widdershins
audiobook series
"Rob Rosen does madcap gay
humor better than anyone else writing today. Midlife Crisis is no exception." - Neil Plakcy, author of The
Mahu Investigations
"Can you go home again? Rob
Rosen explores the perils and promises of renewing a steamy boyhood affair in
this witty romance wrapped in a murder mystery, seasoned with a dash of mature
but spicy sex. The answer for his hero Jack seems to be "Yes," but
watch out: there may be more "there" there than you think." - Louis Flint Ceci, author of Comfort Me
“Parsnips?” Greg asked me.
I looked over at him from the living room couch as he in
turn poked his head out from the kitchen. “Um, huh?” I said, wondering if this
was some new pet name he’d thought of for me, as he was forever coming up with
new ones. Last I checked, I was being referred to as Professor.
FYI, I teach business at a local college. My students call
me Jack or Mister Nelson. Professor makes me sound a.) old and b.) like a
character in a television show. Also FYI, I am neither, though if he had to
come up with anything from the latter category, I was rooting for Pepper, a la
Angie Dickinson in Police Woman.
“Parsnips,” he
repeated, already looking peeved with me, which was, sad to say, par for the
course as of late. Par, bogie and eagle, in fact. Heck, let’s just toss in the
entire golfing green and call it a day.
In any case, it wasn’t a question or a comment anyone had
ever thrown my way. I squinted my eyes as I pondered this. In truth, I hadn’t a
clue what a parsnip even was. Had I ever eaten one before? Would I still seem
professorial if I asked what the hell one was? Did I even want to ask and risk
his wrath, which consisted of him ignoring me the rest of the evening? Greg,
you see, hated confrontation―though he loved being a world-class bitch.
“Just to be clear,” I
asked, forcing a smile so as to divert the inevitable kerfuffle, “are you
asking me if I want some with dinner?”
He matched my squint with a scowl. He started to say
something, realized a fight of some kind would probably ensue, took his
nine-iron and golf ball, and promptly left that aforementioned course. In other
words, Professor zero, kerfuffle one. And yes, we had parsnips with our
entirely silent dinner.
Exclusive Excerpt
I drove
through town. I ended up at the hospital. FYI, everyone who drove through town
ended up at the hospital, though few actually pulled into the parking lot. I
sighed as I stared up at the blocky structure. I had one friend in town I could
talk to, one person who knew what I was going through, and wouldn’t you know
it, he was nice looking, gay and had a twenty-year crush on me. When it rains
it pours. Sadly, I’d left my umbrella back in San Francisco.
got out of the car. It was either that or go shopping at the thrift store. Plan
B might’ve been fun, but I gave all my money to my father. And no, something
about that didn’t sound right.
I found him at his station. He smiled so
big and bright that I regretted not wearing my sunglasses. “We’re making quite
the habit of this, Jack,” he practically purred.
I strummed my fingers on his countertop out
of well-placed nerves. Dave had that effect on me. I wondered if he had that
effect on me way back when. I tended to doubt it, what with him bullying me and
me fucking Bing at the time.
“So,” I said. “Have you had sex with all
the people you picked on in high school?”
shrugged. “Most of them, yes.” He grinned.
“Seems like I saved the best for last, though.”
Damn, he was good, which is why I zigged to
his zag. That is to say, I smartly changed the subject.

Rob Rosen is the author of the critically acclaimed novels, Sparkle: The Queerest Book You'll Ever Love, the Lambda Literary Award Nominated Divas Las Vegas, which was the winner of the 2010 TLA Gaybies for Best Gay Fiction, Hot Lava, Southern Fried, the Lambda Literary Award Nominated Queerwolf, Vamp, Queens of the Apocalypse, Creature Comfort, and Fate, winner of the 2016 TRR Readers' Choice Award for Best Gay Romantic Comedy.
His short stories have appeared in more than 200 anthologies. You can find 20 of them in his erotic romance anthology, Good & Hot. He is also the editor of Lust in Time: Erotic Romance Through the Ages, Men of the Manor, Best Gay Erotica 2015 and Best Gay Erotica of the Year, Volumes 1 and 2.
Links: Website | Facebook | Goodreads
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