All Cocks stories, book 7
There comes a time in every man’s life where he has to make a choice between what is right, and what is easy.
Born and raised in Fort Worth Texas by extremely open minded parents, Dean Anderson realized early in life that he was attracted to both sexes. He never picked his lovers because of the parts they did, or didn’t have, more so based on personality and common interests. He met Maggie in college, fell in love, got married and started a family. And they were happy… until they weren’t.
Adam Chase’s life was slightly different. His mother is South African, his father American military working at the US Embassy in Pretoria, South Africa. His parent’s positions in the South African and American governments awarded Adam dual citizenship, so he decided to attend University in America, Berkley to be exact. In America, Adam is able to live openly as a gay man, something that could get him killed in his mother’s home country. He met his husband, Patrick Carter, at college and they too were happy… until Patrick died.
Two lives converge when they cross paths and, it would seem, fate is giving them both a second chance at happiness. Dean decides to stay in New York and moves into the apartment his son, Dusty, shares with his boyfriend David. He and Adam are quickly welcomed into All Cocks vastly growing family. One phone call changes everything.
The men of All Cocks are about to learn that death is just another part of life, a road everyone travels eventually. They rally together, drawing strength from each other as their close knit family experiences the best, and the worst, life has to offer. Choices are made, decisions that will change their lives irrevocably. But that’s what families do, right?
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NOTE: This is an unedited synopsis that could likely change.
A totally NSFW Excerpt from Choices and Changes...
There comes a time in every man’s life where he has to make a choice between what is right, and what is easy.
Born and raised in Fort Worth Texas by extremely open minded parents, Dean Anderson realized early in life that he was attracted to both sexes. He never picked his lovers because of the parts they did, or didn’t have, more so based on personality and common interests. He met Maggie in college, fell in love, got married and started a family. And they were happy… until they weren’t.
Adam Chase’s life was slightly different. His mother is South African, his father American military working at the US Embassy in Pretoria, South Africa. His parent’s positions in the South African and American governments awarded Adam dual citizenship, so he decided to attend University in America, Berkley to be exact. In America, Adam is able to live openly as a gay man, something that could get him killed in his mother’s home country. He met his husband, Patrick Carter, at college and they too were happy… until Patrick died.
Two lives converge when they cross paths and, it would seem, fate is giving them both a second chance at happiness. Dean decides to stay in New York and moves into the apartment his son, Dusty, shares with his boyfriend David. He and Adam are quickly welcomed into All Cocks vastly growing family. One phone call changes everything.
The men of All Cocks are about to learn that death is just another part of life, a road everyone travels eventually. They rally together, drawing strength from each other as their close knit family experiences the best, and the worst, life has to offer. Choices are made, decisions that will change their lives irrevocably. But that’s what families do, right?
Add Choices and Changes to your TBR shelf on Goodreads
NOTE: This is an unedited synopsis that could likely change.
A totally NSFW Excerpt from Choices and Changes...
lay on his back in Adam’s large, four poster bed. Naked as the day he was born
and as nervous as a fucking virgin on prom night. So much for taking things slow... He thought, just before all
common sense flew out the window with the softest brush of Adam’s fingers over
his hip. His hands were gripping the pillow under his head so tight, it was a
wonder he hadn’t torn it to shreds. The only thing keeping him calm was Adam.
His eyes roamed over every square inch of Dean’s body, drinking in his fill
until Dean thought he might splinter apart, just from the intensity of Adam’s
the hell had they gone from, “Come back
to my house for some quiet time. We can watch a movie, have a drink and talk
more, there’s still a lot we don’t know about each other.” Adam suggested as
they were leaving the restaurant to, “Oh
my god in heaven if you don’t put your dick in my ass right the fuck now, I may
die from sheer need!” was anybody’s guess. But the minute the key turned in
the lock and Adam swung the front door open, Dean was pushed up against it, his
mouth plundered by the pirate actively seeking the treasure that was Dean’s
tonsils. From there it was a frenzied rush to remove any and all barriers that
were stopping them from skin to skin contact. There was a trail of shirts, a couple
of popped buttons, pants and god only knew what else leading from the door to
the bed. And so, here they were, both naked and Dean splayed out on Adam’s
ginormous bed, wanton and ready to be fucked… thoroughly and hard.
god, Adam, please,” He wasn’t above begging.
Tentative release date April 15th 2017

Smith is a single mom of three disturbingly outspoken and
decidedly different kids, one of which is Autistic. Besides her writing, she is
passionate about Autism advocacy and LGBT rights. Because, seriously people,
Love is Love!
Author links: Amazon || Smashwords || Website || Facebook || Twitter
Gay for Pay
An All Cocks story, book 1
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Fame and Fortune
An All Cocks story, book 2
How to Deal
An All Cocks story, book 3
Dare to Hope
An All Cocks story, book 4
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Live for Love
An All Cocks story, book 5
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Hide and Seek
An All Cocks story, book 6
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An All Cocks story, book 4
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Live for Love
An All Cocks story, book 5
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An All Cocks story, book 6
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