Alpha Trine (The Valespian Pact #1)
Ebook Release Date: September,
Audiobook Release Date: February 2015
Cover Artist: Aisha Akeju
Genre: Sci-Fi/Gay/Poly
ISBN: 9781620042434
Audio Purchase Links: Available at
iTunes and Audible
Book/Ebook Purchase Links:
Than Three Press -
& Noble -
sole survivor on a science vessel adrift in deep space, Zeus was adopted by the
Emperor and Empress of the Mar'Sani, though he is both human and blind, and
seen by most as unfit to join the royal family. Though they were able to repair
his vision, Zeus does not trust his eyes and the nobles of his parents' court
refuse to ever trust a frail human.
Dargon Kal-Turak, along with his symbiote and lover Alpha, command one of the most dangerous ships in the stars. Narrowly escaping a trap, they dock in a space port to make repairs, but find that the Psionics hunting them are closing in fast. In desperation they kidnap the port Master Mechanic, unaware that the man they've brought on board is more than he seems, and will bring far more upheaval to their ship, their lives, and the stars than any of them could have imagined.
Dargon Kal-Turak, along with his symbiote and lover Alpha, command one of the most dangerous ships in the stars. Narrowly escaping a trap, they dock in a space port to make repairs, but find that the Psionics hunting them are closing in fast. In desperation they kidnap the port Master Mechanic, unaware that the man they've brought on board is more than he seems, and will bring far more upheaval to their ship, their lives, and the stars than any of them could have imagined.
Striker (The Valespian Pact #2)
Ebook Release Date: June 2014
Audiobook Release Date: March 2015
Genre: Sci-Fi/Gay/Poly
ISBN: 9781620043783
Available in both ebook and print and audiobook
Audio Purchase Links: Available at iTunes and Audible
Book/Ebook Purchase Links:
Less Than Three Press -
All Romance -
Barnes & Noble -
Bookstrand -
The peaceful respite for which Zeus and his intended, Dargon and Alpha, had been hoping is shattered when Zeus is unexpectedly drawn to the Waters of Poseidon and told that the safety they've been promised is a trap.But the Fal'Amoric aren't the only important cargo on the Oethra 7, and countless others are depending on the success of their mission. If Zeus hopes to break the silent siege on Valespia, and protect those most precious to him, he will need not just powerful allies but the fortitude to survive overwhelming odds.
About the author:
Lexi has always been an avid
reader, and at a young age started reading (secretly) her mother’s romances
(the ones she was told not to touch). She was the only teenager she knew of who
would be grounded from reading. Later, with a pencil and a note book, she wrote
her own stories and shared them with friends because she loved to see their
reactions. A Texas transplant, Lexi now kicks her boots up in the Midwest with
her Yankee husband and her eighty-pound puppies named after vacuum cleaners.
Guest Post from author Lexi Ander
I'm a pantser, so when writing a story I don't plan
themes. I don't have an agenda, simply listen to the voices and write the story
that comes to me. Afterwards, when people talk to me about what they loved
about the book, I'm sometimes startled by what I'm told. Not because what they
like is shocking, but because it was a part of the story that I took for
One example of this was the feedback I received about
Alpha Trine. Sure, people adored the characters, the diversity, the world, and
the action. I did, too. There was something else readers loved about Alpha
Trine: the love between Zeus and his adoptive family. That made me stop and
The people who take Zeus into their home and lives are visually
very different from him. They don't love or give of themselves half way, but
throw their whole being into adoring and caring for each other. Even distance
and time doesn't dampen their affection for one another. This was an aspect of
the story that I didn't write on 'purpose'. In some ways, their relationships
come from my own with some hope and wishes thrown in, because everyone knows
that the best of families can still be difficult. Zeus's meme, Empress Ashari
Vondorian, was created from a combination of women in my own family. If you've
read Alpha Trine, you know her open and fierce acceptance of Zeus caused all
others to fall in line—or else. She accepted him as her own without worry or
question then so did the twins, Azaes and Mestor, and later her mate Valdor.
All too often we see and hear of children who are thrown
away, discarded for a multitude of reasons. In our LGBT village, we too often
hear about parents who turn away and shun their child for being born gay.
That's like abandoning a babe for being born with blond hair or brown eyes. It
doesn't make sense. Not only are the innocent punished and rejected for
something they don't have any control over, but the people who are supposed to love
them unconditionally.
Many authors write about the throwaways and the rejection
and are able to bring their characters through to a brighter day. Without
realizing it, it seems I have taken a different route and show what
unconditional love families can have for their children. I poured more of
myself and my family than I thought into the story. Looking back over the books
that I've written so far, the families are solid and loving. My own experience
hadn’t been anywhere near what I write. Raised in a broken home, life had often
been volatile and confusing. Unconsciously, I've written what I wished I had
known when I was younger. I was loved fiercely and deeply, I just didn't
recognize it.
So now, when someone comments on how much they love
Zeus's adoptive family, I get a little teary eyed and smile. That is one of the
best compliments because they are saying what an awesome family I have. And I
have to agree.
Thank you for stopping by and reading! Hope you enjoyed
today's topic and good luck in the giveaway!
Prize Pack #2

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