Author Name: Amy Lane, Angel
Martinez, Elin Gregory, Freddy MacKay, JC Wallace, Tali Spencer & Tinnean
Book Name: Foolish Encounters: A Rainbow
Gold Anthology
Link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25105431-foolish-encounters
Publisher: Wilde City Press, LLC
Artist: Adrian Nicholas
Date: April 1, 2015
An accident, a chance encounter, a thought blurted out, a
boat blown off course, a change in direction that suddenly runs into the line
of fire – the smallest misstep can change everything. These foolish encounters
are the moments around which lives pivot and sometimes spin out of control.
Join us for tales of imprudent choices and bad decisions that can lead just as
easily to hilarity as they can to tragedy.
Pages or Words: 426 pages, 92,600 words
Categories: Contemporary, Gay Fiction,
Humor, M/M Romance, Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction (Please remember that
not all stories will encompass these categories.)
Shredding the Heart
By JC Wallace
Quinn shook his head and immediately
regretted the action as the gurney he laid upon swayed, as if a ship on a rocky
sea. He swallowed repeatedly as his mouth watered. He would not throw up. He
refused. Slowly, the nausea receded, leaving a fine sheen of perspiration on
his skin and a shuddering weakness infiltrating his bones. He was in no shape
to give a presentation, much less stand vertical for any amount of time.
Blindly reaching into his shorts, he fished out his cell and hit the button
until the phone beeped.
“Call Nya’s cell,” he instructed the phone.
He didn’t dare to open his eyes, fearing the light would further ignite the
firestorm of pounding in his head.
After only one ring, a shrill voice said,
“Quinn, where are you? You’re the one who called this prep meeting at the ass
crack of dawn. We’re all waiting on you.”
Quinn flinched. Had Nya’s voice always been
so high-pitched? “Could you speak a little softer?” he asked in a hushed voice.
She huffed and then in a booming voice asked,
“Are you fucking hung over? What the—”
Quinn pulled the phone from his ear, pushing
it against his chest to muffle her rant. When he pulled it away, she was
yelling his name.
Carefully, he put the phone to his ear. “Nya,
just listen. I’m at the hospital and—”
“Oh, my God, are you alright? Are you hurt?
I’m coming right now.”
She had always been a little high-strung and
was probably on her third cup of coffee.
“No,” Quinn lamented. He couldn’t handle her
intensity at that moment. What he needed was sensory deprivation. “I’m okay.
Just a collision in the park with a skateboard. Got a few stitches. I won’t be
in today. Can you reschedule with Phil?”
“A skateboard? Aren’t you a little old to
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About the authors:
Amy Lane
Lane has two kids in college and two kids in soccer, and four fur-babies up in
her business as she writes. She, her Mate, and her brood live in a crumbling
crap mansion and squander their funds on movies, travel, and joy.
While Angel Martinez
is the erotic fiction pen name of a writer of several genres, she writes both
kinds of gay romance – Science Fiction and Fantasy. Currently living part time
in the hectic sprawl of northern Delaware, (and full time inside the author's
head) Angel has one husband, one son, two cats, a changing variety of other
furred and scaled companions, a love of all things beautiful and a terrible
addiction to the consumption of both knowledge and chocolate.
Gregory lives in South Wales and has been making stuff up since 1958. Writing
has always had to take second place to work and family but now the kids are
grown up it’s possible she might finish one of the many novels on her hard
drive and actually DO something useful with it.
Historical subjects predominate. She has written
about ancient Greek sculptors, 18th century seafarers but also about modern men
who change shape at will and how echoes of the past can be heard in the
present. Heroes tend to be hard as nails but capable of tenderness when
circumstances allow. There are always new works on the go and she is currently editing a novel about spies in the 1920s, finishing one set in 6th century AD England and contemplating one about the Second World War. Any excuse to buy more books!
Freddy MacKay
Freddy grew up in the Midwest,
playing sports and running around outside. And honestly, that much has not
changed since Freddy was small and throwing worms at other kids, expect worm
throwing has been replaced with a healthy geocaching addiction. Freddy enjoys
traveling and holds the view a person should continually to learn about new
things and people whenever possible.
Freddy's contemporary LGBTQ book, Incubation: Finding Peace 2, won 3rd Place - Best Gay Erotic Fiction in the 2012 Rainbow Awards. In 2013, Freddy's story, Internment, tied for 3rd Place - Best Gay Fantasy in the Rainbow Awards. Freddy's steampunk/SF story, Feel Me, was a Finalist and honorable mention in the 2014 Rainbow Awards for SF.
Freddy's contemporary LGBTQ book, Incubation: Finding Peace 2, won 3rd Place - Best Gay Erotic Fiction in the 2012 Rainbow Awards. In 2013, Freddy's story, Internment, tied for 3rd Place - Best Gay Fantasy in the Rainbow Awards. Freddy's steampunk/SF story, Feel Me, was a Finalist and honorable mention in the 2014 Rainbow Awards for SF.
JC Wallace
JC "Jake" Wallace started writing from a young age, but
took a break for marriage, kids, and college (in that order). A few years ago,
he rediscovered his passion and ventured out into the brave new world of
publishing. He now has several novels and short stories published. At night and
on the weekends, Jake writes about all things men, believing there is nothing
hotter than two men finding and loving one another, whether for a night or
forever. An avid reader of M/M romance, Jake loves a good twist of a plot, HEA,
HFN, or tragic ending. He also writes what his bestie calls HUNK (Happy Until
the Next Kidnapping). In his daytime hours, Jake works with individuals with
autism and behavior problems. He is owned by a beautiful partner, three kids,
two grandchildren, two dogs and one cat. He lives in the Adirondack Mountains
in Northern NY.
Tali Spencer
Tali Spencer fell in love with writing at an early
age and never stopped. Thanks to a restless father, she grew up as a bit of a
nomad and still loves to travel whenever she can. Her longest stint in one
place was Milwaukee where she went to college, enjoyed a series of interesting
careers, and raised three surprisingly well-adjusted sons. She later married
her true love and put down new roots in Philadelphia, where she lives in an ongoing
Italian American family sitcom. At least she’s learned how make good pasta.
When not writing, Tali reads everything from sweet goofy romances to medical
research, manages her fantasy football team—go Gekkos!—and takes long walks
with her loving, if slightly neurotic, poodle.
Tinnean has been writing since the 3rd grade, where she was
inspired to try her hand at epic poetry. Fortunately, that epic poem didn't
survive the passage of time; however, her love of writing not only survived but
thrived, and in high school she became a member of the magazine staff, where
she contributed a number of stories.
It was with the advent of the family's second computer – the first
intimidated everyone – that her writing took off, enhanced in part by fanfiction,
but mostly by the wonder that is copy and paste.
While involved in fandom, she was nominated for both Rerun and
Light My Fire Awards. Now she concentrates on her original characters, and
recent novels have received honorable mention in the 2013 and 2014 Rainbow
A New Yorker at heart, she resides in SW Florida with her husband
and two computers.
Ernest Hemingway's words reflect Tinnean's devotion to her craft: Once writing has become your major vice and
greatest pleasure, only death can stop it.
Where to find the authors:
Dates & Stops:
3 eBooks of Foolish Encounters
$10 Gift Certificate
$15 Gift Certificate
An eBook copy of They Come by Night by Tinnean,
An eBook copy of Snow on Spirit Bridge by Freddy MacKay
Choice of eBook from Angel Martinez's backlist
Choice of eBook from Elin's Gregory's backlist
Surprise prize from Tali Spencer
Choice of eBook from JC Wallace's backlist
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