The new SBG novel from the author of Exchange of Fire.
When her secretly filmed tryst shows up on the internet, Michelle Alger goes on the run. She has no choice. Not only was her one-night stand the son of a US senator, but he’s been murdered—and she’s the number one suspect. With both the senator and an avenging drug lord on her trail, her life is in danger. There’s only man she can trust. He saved her once, but will he still be her hero six years later?
Captain Jeremy Malone and the rest of Delta Squad have the senator’s order:
find the mystery woman who killed my son. But to Jeremy, she’s no mystery. Six years ago his team of Green Berets rescued her from the torturous clutches of a Colombian cartel, and he’s never forgotten her. His personal and covert mission: find Michelle before anyone else. When he and Michelle do meet again, the sparks are explosive and consuming. They’re also dangerous as hell.
Because with each new bit of evidence, Jeremy suspects that Michelle’s innocence may be a ruse—a beautiful trap set by a woman who has even more secrets yet to bare.

Since P.A. DePaul first sounded out the words “See Spot run” and “See Jane walk,” she was hooked. Couple that with weekly trips to the library where she usually tried to get the maximum amount of books allowed, and watching both parents get lost in a book, you would think she’d get a clue that writing might be something she should investigate. But sadly, no. (She’s a little slow on the uptake.)
After years of escaping into fantastical worlds in books, P.A. DePaul started to get an inkling in the back of her mind that she could probably create something fun too. But again, as she was slow to move on to anything concrete, the idea just continued to fester until she picked up J.R. Ward’s compendium, The Black Dagger Brotherhood: An Insider’s Guide. Eureka! The three-way bulb in her brain finally clicked higher than the dim-watt. When she finished reading the “Advice and FAQs” section, her hands shook and her palms got sweaty. After she blinked away the lightheaded feeling, she thought to herself, “I can do this. I’ve read enough books to know what’s out there and what’s popular. I’m gonna give it a try.” Then she sat in front of her computer, chin in her hand, and drummed her fingers. What to write about? Even though she loved reading about vampires, werewolves, shape-shifters, and witches, she realized she had nothing new to offer. Frustrated, but not daunted, she went to bed and woke up the next morning with an idea; a concept that refused to go away. A couple of failed manuscripts and storylines later, she finally got it right. (Though, in her mind, those first couple of manuscripts weren’t failures. They were learning tools to help her hone her writing and learn how to construct a storyline. Some of the characters you’ll come to love in the Guardian Security and Investigations series started in those original pages and she just couldn’t part with them. Don’t be surprised if one day, she dusts one of those off and works it so they’ll finally be in print.)
Knowing she had a novel worth fighting for, she joined the Romance Writers of America (RWA) and entered it in four contests. She won third place in Utah Chapter’s Heart of the West Contest! Woohoo! Confirmation she was on to something.
P.A. DePaul originally hails from Carroll County and Baltimore County, Maryland, but also lived in Macon and Warner Robins, Georgia. She currently resides in a beautiful community just outside Philadelphia.
When her head is not completely absorbed with listening to her very demanding Guardians tell their stories, she can be found with her head in a book—not only enjoying the story but studying what makes the novel work for her or not. She loves action-adventure movies (if it blows up spectacularly, she’s there) and watching way too much TV. (Can everybody say “Procrastination?” To which she usually replies, “But it’s research!” Yeah, they don’t believe her either.). Her husband and three-year-old Shi Tzu, Montgomery, sometimes stand outside her closed office door and wonder, “Is she still alive? Do we dare bother her? What if she’s on a roll?” Monty usually answers by scratching on the wood anyway. Gotta love a dog who doesn’t care about boundaries! Good thing he’s so cute! -
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