Author Name: Julia Talbot
Book Name: Emerald Eyes
Series: Bloodrose
Book: Nine
(Though it could be read as a
standalone, Julia suggests reading book 4, Belling
the Cat, for background information.)
Publisher: Torquere Press
Cover Artist: Kris Norris
Date: September 23, 2015
When Jonny, the owner of
club Bloodrose finds out his shifter mate Luc has a twin brother, he decides
Yves needs protection from the bad guys who have tried to kill Luc. He sends
Reuben, a werewolf security agent, to keep Yves safe from the killers. And from
Yves himself.
Reuben has never met someone as determined to find
trouble as Yves. The guy has this obsession with a set of emeralds, a dead
younger brother, and some kind of demon ritual. All of this should make panther
shifter Yves a bad bet as a mate, but that doesn't keep Reuben from falling
hard. Can he and team Bloodrose keep everyone alive long enough to convince
Yves they're made for each other?
Pages or Words: 23,000 words
Categories: BDSM, M/M Romance,
Jonny glanced up from
his stack of surveys and geological reports, frowning. Kasey rarely sounded so
serious these days, which for a broody older vampire was quite a feat. Hooking
up with a werewolf had been the best thing for the fellow, really.
"What's wrong?"
Kasey's black brows
drew together in what looked to be a puzzled scowl. "We have a situation."
He barely held back his
eye roll. "Goody."
"Yeah, yeah. Deke
got these today. Came in from our monitoring entry into the country."
Kasey handed him a stack of printed photos. Of what looked like his lover, Luc.
No, not just looked like. This was Luc, except that his slinky werekitty was
asleep in cat form four feet above him on the top of his armoire.
He let one eyebrow
raise and pinned Kasey with a look. "Explain."
"Yeah, somehow I
think we might have to ask Luc to do that." Kasey walked over and pulled
that fuzzy black tail hanging down like a lamp chain.
He did enjoy his lover's
speed, the wild yowl, the flash of claws. Good thing Kasey had a vamp's
"Hey, furball. I
need you to be human for a minute," Kasey said.
Luc muttered, calling
Kasey a wild assortment of things, including a few insults about Kasey's
mother, as he crawled down the armoire.
"It's not as if he
can see the photo, Kasey," Jonny reminded gently. "He's blind."
"Oh. Right."
Kasey grinned over at him. "He's so good at everything, I forgot."
Jonny did glare at his
mate, however. "Tell me, sweet, do you have family I don't know about?"
Luc stretched, totally
unconcerned with hurrying to console him in the least. Possibly. Which one in particular?
"One who looks
just like you?" It was uncanny, really.
My twin. Yves. So casual. Ah yes, my twin -- as if it
were nothing.
Jonny glared, knowing
Luc would feel his disapproval. "This didn't seem important?"
"Children, we need
to share the information with the investigator," Kasey reminded them.
"He has a twin,
apparently." Jonny nudged Luc with the toe of this shoe. "Come speak
to Kasey."
Luc sighed, a sound
that came out as a cough for a kitty, before shifting to his human form, which
always made Jonny's ears pop.
"I thought you
knew," Luc murmured.
"How could we
Luc shrugged. "He's
never in the States. He's always in South America bonding with the natives and
hunting precious gemstones. He's an addict. Has to hunt. I haven't talked to
him in..."
Luc stopped and frowned,
and Jonny didn't like this. Not at all.
" a bit."
"How long?"
Kasey asked, tone sharp. Someone else felt the weird vibes, too.
"Right before I
met my mate, I think. I spoke to him then."
Jonny exchanged a
glance with Kasey, who scowled. "What did you talk about?"
"Emeralds. He had
asked me to acquire a certain pair, I did the job, put them in a safety deposit
box, and let him know."
"Oh, for fuck's
sake. Who else knew about these emeralds?" Now Kasey was growling as
though he was the werewolf instead of his lover, Deke.
"I have no idea. I
had an address, a window. That was it."
Jonny nodded slowly. "Okay.
Kasey, you and Deke find out who else had an interest and if Silvia has
anything to do with this. Luc, you need to get ahold of your brother. I want a
detail on him."
"What does that
mean?" Luc scribbled down an address, a safety deposit box number. "He'll
go here. I mean, I'll put an ad in the paper, see if he hollers. He's... slippery."
"That means if we
thought he looked like you, someone else might think he's you," Kasey
said. "I'm on it, Boss."
Jonny sat back with a
sigh, drew his mate into his lap. "You are a very great deal of trouble,
"I'm worth it."
Luc kissed him. "Yves is... not like me."
"Tell me about
him?" Jonny stroked Luc's hair, curious as hell.
"He's addicted to
gemstones, to the stories behind them. It's like a sickness, worse than the
jobs I used to work, I think, because I was at least collecting funds for it."
Luc leaned in, snuggling close. "There was another of us. He died fighting
insurgents in the desert, long before there were troops on the ground. Yves
went a little crazy when we lost Girard."
"I'm sorry, sweet."
His family had been gone so long that he barely remembered them fondly.
"It was a long
time ago; he'll get over it."
The sudden stiffness in
Luc's body said perhaps that was a bit of a fib. Jonny didn't remark upon it;
he simply touched and kissed until Luc relaxed.
"Love you, Mate."
And that was that, yes? What they had together, it was love.
"And I you, Luc."
He kissed Luc's jaw. In fact, he loved his kit enough to want to finish off
whoever had hurt him and to protect this unknown brother Yves.
Good thing Kasey and
Deke knew what to do from here.
Someone needed
to have a clear head in all this. He hoped his friends could do that for him.
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Meet the author:
Julia Talbot lives in the great Southwest, where
there is hot and cold running rodeo, cowboys, and everything from meat and
potatoes to the best Tex-Mex. A full time author, Julia has been published by
Torquere Press, Dreamspinner and Changeling Press. She believes that everyone
deserves a happy ending, so she writes about love without limits, where boys
love boys, girls love girls, and boys and girls get together to get wild,
especially when her crazy paranormal characters are involved. Find Julia at
@juliatalbot on Twitter, or at
Where to find the author:
Tour Dates & Stops: September 17, 2015
Parker Williams, Divine Magazine, The
Jena Wade,
Havan Fellows, Wicked Faerie's Tales and Reviews, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue
Bayou Book Junkie, Charley Descoteaux, Molly Lolly, The Hat Party, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, Jessie G. Books, Dawn’s Reading Nook, BFD
Book Blog,
MM Good Book
Happily Ever Chapter, Inked
Rainbow Reads,
Werewolves, and Fairies, Oh My
Prize: E-copy of the book
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