Monday, November 30, 2015

Signs of Desire by Tempeste O'Riley - Release Day Tour with Author Q&A and Giveaway



TITLE: Signs of Desire

SERIES: Desires Entwined

AUTHOR: Tempeste O’Riley

PUBLISHER: Dreamspinner Press


LENGTH: 200 Pages

RELEASE DATE: November 30, 2015

BLURB: Desires Entwined: Book Four

Simon Tyler knows his job as a gay romance author makes his lack of faith in love more than a little ironic, but he’s tired of being used for his wallet. When a night out turns into a matchmaking scheme orchestrated by his best friends, Simon’s not thrilled, but since he’s not the target and he’s sworn off happily-ever-after anyway, he goes along with it… until he meets Adrian, the object of their efforts, and finds perhaps he hasn’t given up on love after all.

Professor Adrian Keys has tried to date Hearing men before, but being Deaf himself, he’s never had any success at making a connection. After his friends con him into going out and Adrian realizes it’s all an elaborate plan to set him up, he braces for yet another failure, only to discover there is a spark—except it’s not with the man his friends had in mind, but with Simon Tyler instead.

Not all their friends have found a way past their romantic failures, but Simon and Adrian might be on the path to happily-ever-after.


A tap to his shoulder pulled Adrian out of his musings. He turned and realized the server was back with their dinners and blushed at how entranced he’d been. He didn’t usually stare, hating when others did that to him. “Sorry.”

“No sorrys.” Chase hugged Adrian, then dug into his bowl of chicken and dumplings.

Simon waved to get Adrian’s attention and smiled when he looked up from his country-fried steak and mashed potatoes with white gravy. “Chase said you were his teacher before and are now a friend.” Adrian nodded. “How’d he convince you to go out with his skinny butt?”

Heat infused Adrian’s face as he laughed. “Chase was very sweet and asked nicely.”

“I love your laugh, by the way. It’s deep like your voice, kind of carefree.” Simon looked slightly sad. Adrian knew he’d had a hard time lately. Chase said he’d been cheated on a year ago and had refused to date since. Adrian knew the feeling, though he pushed the thought away, hoping not to dwell on why he was alone.

He ducked his head slightly. “Thanks? I don’t know how anyone sounds, even myself, so it’s always weird to get comments like that.”

“I said the same when we went out,” Chase commented. “But don’t let him fool you. He’s an excellent teacher and speaks in all his classes. He knows his voice is good.”

“No, I know it’s clear enough for you to understand. That’s something I work hard to make true, but I have never heard my voice, so I have no idea how I sound. And well…. Chase was the first person to ever say something like that.”

He worked regularly with various computer programs to improve and maintain his speech, knowing if he didn’t it could cost him his position at the college. He had always struggled to make sure he spoke well for Hearing people, considering his family’s opinion of his Deafness. His dad knew sign language, but his mom refused to learn, insisting he learn to be “normal.” Adrian had always thought that was extremely unfair, especially as a child. Considering his hatred of being dependent on others for his communication, he was thankful he could read lips and speak as well as he did.

“Then you know the wrong people, ’cause he’s right.” Simon nodded to emphasize his point, confusing Adrian more. Why would he be so determined with his compliments?

Shrugging off his curiosity, Adrian tried to push past the topic. “What do you do?”

Simon’s eyes tightened at the edges slightly, his shoulders drooping a little more. “I’m a writer.”

“He’s a romance author, and a damn good one,” Jamie, or James as he knew the guy’s actual name was, said. Chase talked about his best friend often, though this was the first they’d met. “Don’t let him talk down about what he does.”

“James, hush. He’s not interested in what kind of writing I do.”

“Yes, I am. I love to read. Would I know any of your work?” Adrian didn’t have a large collection of romances, but he had read some. He couldn’t think of any authors named Simon, though.

“You’re an author?” Grayson asked, turning to join their conversation.

The nod seemed reluctant, but the smile on Simon’s face, while small, looked genuine. “Yeah, I write under the name Tyler Jacobs, a pseudonym, but I have a few books out. But, um, I thought we were trying to get to know Adrian and Grayson, not more about boring ol’ me.”

Adrian looked to Grayson and back, then shrugged. “I thought it was so we could all get to know each other.”

“Actually, I think Chase was trying to play matchmaker,” Rhys said, shoving Chase playfully.

“Matchmaker?” Adrian asked. Whom was he trying to set up with whom? And why?

Chase scowled and swatted Rhys. “I was hoping to introduce a few new friends and hoped everyone got on well, brat.” Chase reached out and patted Adrian’s hand, confusing him further. “I swear, I’m not trying to push you if you don’t want to date anyone right now.”

“Just who were you hoping to match up?” Dale asked, smirking as he stared at Chase.

Honestly, Adrian wanted to know that as well. It was obvious Chase meant to fix him up with one of his other friends, but he couldn’t imagine which one. James was married, Chase was happily with Rhys, and he didn’t know Simon, Dale, or Grayson beyond what he’d learned of them since he’d arrived, really.

Only two of the people at the table even interested him, truth be told, but he couldn’t figure out why anyone would try to set him up with either man. In Adrian’s experience, most Hearing people didn’t overly like dealing with having a Deaf partner. His few exes certainly hadn’t, no matter what he did to seem more “normal.”

Chase shook his head, clamping his lips closed as he glared at Rhys.

“Chase?” Adrian said and signed. “Who were you hoping to set me up with and why?”

Their eyes locked for a few moments before Chase looked away, his shoulders drooping. After a moment, Chase turned back to face Adrian and replied, “Grayson. He’s in IT, like you and I are, he’s super loyal and really cute in that quiet reserved-guy kind of way.”

“Grayson?” Well, he was handsome and seemed nice, if a little stoic. Adrian didn’t know how to feel about Chase trying to set him up with one of his friends, though. “I can get my own dates, Chase.”

“I know that. It…. Grayson is really nice, and I’d love to see Rhys’s buddy happy. And I like you, but we’re not right for each other, either. I thought of you two, though. You’d make a beautiful couple. His Native American features and your slightly Asian ones….”

He couldn’t help it, Adrian chuckled, amused at Chase’s logic. The man was sweet and a total flirt, but it seemed he was a bit of a ditz when it came to understanding his friends. Chase frowned, folding his arms across his chest as he stared at Adrian—more a glare really. “Sorry, sorry.”


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Wicked Faerie's: I’ll admit I’ve fallen in love with more than one of your characters, particularly Jamie, Chase, and Lexi. How do you pick your character’s traits and personality? Is it that they come to you as a fully formed character or are you more of start at the basics and build the character up from that point?

Tempeste O'Riley: Aww, thank you! My characters actually tend to grow organically. I begin with a basic idea and as the story develops, so does the character. With James (Jamie) I knew he was shy, battered, and lacking in confidence, but the rest of him developed as I wrote. With Chase, it was harder because I knew what he was really liked and hated hearing people fuss he was a cliché as he is so NOT, lol. I loved writing “Desires’ Guardian” because I got to finally show the man behind the façade.

Wicked Faerie's: What is the next book(s) that you plan on working on? 

Tempeste O'Riley: In general or in the series? In general, I’m working on the next story in the Chain of Fate stories. This time, it’s Sasha and Trace’s turn, lol. In the series though... Oh, lest’s just say that there’s a smart mouthed little vet on my hot plate next. Dale isn’t the only vet (just the only one that is the kind that works with animals, lol) so can you guess who might be my next set of MCs?

Wicked Faerie's: Would you share a little bit of your writing process with us today?
Tempeste O'Riley: Now that’s a hard one, actually. I tend to write in jags and burst. I begin with my basic idea and let it run in the back of m mind while I do other things. Kind of like how we listen to music or to the TV while not really paying a ton of attention. But then when I sit to write, it tends to pour out in larger burst of words. The only real problem is that I often don’t know what’s going to be on the page when I’m done until I’m writing. 

Wicked Faerie's: Are you planning more books in the Desires Entwined series? If so, are they characters we’ve already met or new characters?
Tempeste O'Riley: See above, lol. Yes, The next one has both MCs known. I have two more planned, but back to where only one MC is known. I mean, it’s a series where they are all interconnected by James and Chase, so it has to be them and their friends, right? J

Wicked Faerie's: What is your favorite genre to write? What is your favorite genre to read?
Tempeste O'Riley: Write? Contemporary with at least elements of BDSM. To read... hmm... Paranormal, I think.


Tempeste O’Riley is an out and proud pansexual genderfluid whose best friend growing up had the courage to do what she couldn’t–defy the hate and come out. He has been her hero ever since.

Tempe is a hopeless romantic that loves strong relationships and happily-ever-afters. Though new to writing M/M, she has done many things in her life, though writing has always drawn her back–no matter what else life has thrown her way. She counts her friends, family, and Muse as her greatest blessings in life. She lives in Wisconsin with her children, reading, writing, and enjoying life.

Tempe is also a proud PAN member of Romance Writers of America®, Rainbow Romance Writers, and WisRWA. Learn more about Tempeste and her writing at


Winner’s Prize: $25 Dreamspinner Press Gift Card

Runner Up’s prize: An ebook from Tempeste’s backlist

Magic & Mistletoe by Annabelle Jacobs - Release Day Book Blast with Giveaway

Author Name: Annabelle Jacobs

Book Name: Magic & Mistletoe
Publisher: Annabelle Jacobs
Cover Artist: Natasha Snow

Release Date: November 30, 2015


Christmas is Harry’s favourite time of the year, but it looks like he’ll be spending it alone. When it comes to the men he fancies, his luck is non-existent. Harry’s nerves always get the better of him—especially when he tries to talk to Andrew, the hot guy downstairs.

Everything changes when Harry meets a mysterious girl in the woods who professes to be a witch. He dismisses her claims, but when odd things start happening to him, he has to reconsider.

Andrew was attracted to Harry from the start, but their awkward encounters put him off. All goes well until Harry opens his mouth—and ruins it with his stupidity and silly comments. When Harry suddenly becomes more relaxed and they have a proper conversation, Andrew realises his first impression was wrong. As the days count down to December 25, they get swept up in the Christmas spirit and their relationship moves faster than either expected.

A little winter magic might have been the push they needed, but Harry worries that when it wears off, he’ll no longer be the man Andrew wants. 

Pages or Words: 40,000 words

Categories: Contemporary, Humor, M/M Romance

Harry didn’t need to look behind him to have his suspicions confirmed. The smug expression on Jason’s face said it all. “I hate you,” he whispered.
Jason kicked his shin. “Sit up, smile, and look happy to see him.”
Two minutes later, Andrew was pulling up a chair and setting his drink on the table.
Harry looked at the red takeaway cup topped with a mountain of whipped cream, and grinned. Instead of blurting out the first thing that came to mind—“Are you really gonna drink that?”—because God only knew what would happen this time to make him stop, Harry paused and took a sip of his coffee.
Andrew darted a glance between Harry and Jason, beginning to look uncomfortable, as though he thought he’d interrupted them.
Harry took a deep breath, then gestured at Andrew’s cup. “Is that one of the Christmas specials?” That wasn’t so hard, was it?
He relaxed a little as Andrew smiled at him and settled back in his chair.
“Yeah, it’s the gingerbread latte. I don’t normally indulge, but it’s bloody freezing out there today, and I fancied something delicious and bad for me.” His gaze caught Harry’s and lingered.
A flare of warmth filled Harry’s chest. This was flirting, right? It wasn’t his imagination.
Then Jason opened his big mouth and ruined the moment, saying, “Yeah, I think Kyle has that effect on a lot of people.”
Harry choked on his mouthful of coffee, just managing to swallow it instead of spraying it over the table. He glared daggers at Jason, who feigned innocence.
Andrew glanced over at the counter, then back at Jason, and laughed, his eyes crinkling at the edges. Harry bit his lip in frustration. Why couldn’t he get Andrew to laugh like that?
“Yeah,” Andrew said, “He’s not bad to look at.” Then his gaze slid back to Harry and his smile softened. “Not my type, though.”

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Meet the author:

Annabelle Jacobs lives in the South West of England with her three rowdy children, and two cats.

An avid reader of fantasy herself for many years, Annabelle now spends her days writing her own stories. They're usually either fantasy or paranormal fiction, because she loves building worlds filled with magical creatures, and creating stories full of action and adventure. Her characters may have a tough time of it—fighting enemies and adversity—but they always find love in the end.

Where to find the author:

Tour Dates & Stops:

Rafflecopter Prize: Backlist book from Annabelle Jacobs + $10 Amazon gift card

Never Too Early: Full Circle by Chris Owen and Tory Temple - Book Blast with Giveaway

Author Names: Chris Owen and Tory Temple

Book Name: Never Too Early: Full Circle
Series: Never Too Early
Book: Three
Series must be read in order
Publisher: Torquere Press
Cover Artist: Kris Norris

Release Date: November 25, 2015


In the final book of the Never Too Early series, cowboys Jake and Tor and firefighters Chance and Tucker have more on their plates than they bargained for. What started out as friendship has developed into strong feelings, and the couples continue to grow and learn about each other. However, adding two and two is more than a simple math problem. Words and emotions can be a dangerous mix, as the four men discover, and jealousy and miscommunication threaten what they've built together.

When two of the four unexpectedly connect, it sends all of them reeling. Pride is bruised and feelings are wounded, although they try desperately to hold themselves together in order to navigate this new territory. The physical distance between them all is both a blessing and a curse. When one of them reveals something that can't be taken back, it threatens the relationships of all four men. How do two separate couples blend themselves to become one unit? The doubts and fears threaten to overwhelm them all, and no one will emerge unscathed.

Pages or Words:  78,000 words

Categories: Contemporary, Erotica, Fiction, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Ménage/Poly, Romance, Western/Cowboy

Chance was quiet for several minutes. A woodpecker in the front yard tree gave its high-pitched tweeting call before busily getting back to work.

"I definitely was not prepared," he finally said. "And I know Tuck wasn't. I'll have to really sit and talk with him to see what he thinks. I can't decide if us leaving today is a good idea or a shitty one."

"I'll miss you either way," Jake said. "I don't know Tucker well enough to know how long it takes him to think things through, and he might be uncomfortable being here. Which would suck. But you guys leaving and not being here to sort it all out sucks, too."

"There isn't much of a choice," Chance sighed. "Our flight is at two. If I didn't have to attend a meeting at headquarters tomorrow, I'd try and change it. But we -- well, at least I -- need to get home."

"I know." The distance sucked, and the fact that everyone had responsibilities they couldn't shake off was both a good thing and a bad thing. It made for good people, but it made it difficult to handle issues as they came up. "Maybe the four of us can make this morning a good one, and everyone will feel better by the time you leave. Even if things aren't completely settled, maybe they'll be better."

"It'll be better right now if you kiss me like you mean it."

Jake smiled and set his coffee mug aside. "Like I mean it?" He touched Chance's cheek and kissed his mouth softly. "More?"

"More." Chance smiled against Jake's lips and kept his eyes closed.

Jake gave him more, the smiles fading as the kisses deepened and Chance's mug was put down as well. They turned to each other, and Jake would have happily let his coffee go cold if he could stay right where he was for an hour or so.

Chance didn't seem inclined to go anywhere, either. He put both hands on Jake's face and held him gently as he pressed light kisses to Jake's forehead, cheeks, and bridge of his nose before returning to Jake's mouth with a sweep of his tongue and a slight nip. "I'll miss you," he murmured into Jake's ear, then sucked Jake's earlobe into his mouth for a split second.

"One of these days I'll ask you not to go," Jake whispered back. "Someday we'll stay together." Jake had no idea how that would work, but he knew that he wanted it.

Chance pulled back and looked at him, eyes soft. "Maybe someday we'll work it out."

Jake nodded and kissed him again. He was about to say something even more honest and probably embarrassing when the door opened and Tor said, "So, you two don't need more coffee, then?"

Meet the authors:

Tory Temple:
I live in southern California, the land of no seasons. (Is wind a season?) I live with three dogs, two cats, and some tortoises. I'm married to a firefighter, which is great in the sense that some nights I get the TV all to myself, but not so great in the sense that some nights I have to figure out what to do when the washer starts leaking. (Or when there's a bat in the house, which is a thing that happened when he was working.)

Most of my books are centered around the firehouse. When you spend a lot of time around firemen, you write what you know! And what's hotter than a fireman?

Two firemen.

Chris Owen:
I am a writer of gay romances, a lover of dramatic TV and a fan of many things which are bad for me. I don't cook, I do read, I pretend to garden, and I take care of my pets. One of my favorite things is a clean desk; another is a messy desk.

Where to find the authors:

Chris Owen:

Tory Temple:
Facebook Author Page:

Goodreads Links:

Tour Dates & Stops:

Rafflecopter Prize: E-copy of 'Full Circle'

The Secret of Obedience by Liv Rancourt - Release Day Blitz

The Secret of obediance banner

Release Day Blitz


Book Title: The Secret of Obedience 
Author: Liv Rancourt 
Genre: M/M romance 
Release Date: November 30, 2015 
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions

Book Blurb

Can a jock find love with a hot little hipster? Opposites attract, but secrets divide.

Ronnie Durand is a country boy who transfers to the University of Washington after two years at Central. He'll have to give up playing football, though finishing his education at a major university in Seattle - and being out and proud without having to look over his shoulder - makes the sacrifice worthwhile.

But finding friends at a huge school is tough, especially when the hottest guy Ronnie meets makes him doubt his own sanity.

Sang's been on his own a long time. He's only a couple steps away from living on the street, and he's got dreams so big they don't leave space for a steady boyfriend. Then he meets Ronnie, who just might be strong enough to break through his long as Sang lets him in on one big secret.


My bike's parked right in front of the club. "Are we going far?" I ask.

"Four or five blocks."

I hand him the helmet. "Get on."

He slides the helmet on, and I help him tighten the buckles. He chitters a laugh, making the moment silly and a little awkward. I straddle the bike, and when he climbs on behind me it turns me on so bad I almost come again. Damn. I want to be stretched out in a bed with Sang, both of us naked, with a box of condoms and a Costco-sized bottle of lube.

With nudges and hand signals, he guides me to a big brick apartment building about a quarter mile away. I park, and he springs off, leaving me with a sharp shiver at the loss of his heat. By the time I get the bike locked up, he's on the front door phone.

"I need your bed, chica."

"I'm in it." The voice is muffled, most likely female, and laughing rather than annoyed.

"Then your couch."

The phone clicks and goes to dial tone, and the door buzzes. I follow Sang through the lobby, where the dark burgundy carpet could be original to the 1940s. We jog up a couple flights of stairs and down a hall to an open apartment door.

"Go." He hustles me in, then throws the deadbolt and taps on a closed door to our right. "Thanks, baby."

An indistinct bleat answers him, likely from the location of the occupied bed. The rest of the apartment is one room with a kitchenette in the corner. It's dark except for the streetlights outside, but Sang knows where to find candles and a match. We're quiet, wordless, working with borrowed solitude. Compared with the thrash of the nightclub and the sleazy bathroom stall, I'll take it.

I dump my jacket and helmet on the dining table. Sang sets two candles on the tiny bookcase, hauls me over to the couch, and pushes me down. I'm laughing, because for a little guy, he's bossy as hell. Then he straddles me, and I want to kiss him without pissing him off. I drag him close and nuzzle his neck, tasting, testing, planting not-kisses in a hot line down his throat. He sighs, and I take it as permission to keep going.

His pants are stretch leggings, so it doesn't take much to get them worked down over his hips to free his dick. It's so elegant, tapered and smooth. I want to suck on it again, to bring him off and make him sputter in Korean or Chinese or whatever language he babbled in last time. If he wanted me to, I'd fuck him, but he'd have to ask. I'm not really much for butt sex. If a guy's into it, I'll do what he wants, but my own preference is for hands and mouths, everything slick with spit and lube. I like messy sex. And kissing. I really like kissing.

I stroke him, rubbing my thumb over the head of his dick, and he flops against me like I've disconnected his spinal cord. The room smells of smoke and roses, and he's fumbling at my zipper, those delicate hands all trembling and raw, so I reach in and help. My hand's big enough to wrap around both of us, the heat of his thrust enough to drive both of us crazy. His lace shirt is tangling in my fingers and around our shafts, so I undo the buttons and shove it off his shoulders. My black silk is already kinda trashed, but he does the same for me, exposing my chest.

Our thrusting goes from eager to urgent to needy, his heavy-lidded gaze trapping me. His climax hits like a rocket, like fireworks going off in a black July sky. I follow, but it's more of a tease, dragged out, slow and seductive until I can't breathe and I arch off the couch. Sang crawls up my chest, hanging on, laying open-mouthed kisses over my ear, down my jaw.

If I'm lucky, this night will never end.

"We need to go soon."

His whisper hits me like a slap. "I'd bring you back to my dorm," I say, "but I haven't given my roommate the homophobia quiz yet."

He raises up and smirks at me. "I don't like him already."

I run a hand over his shoulder, smoothing his ruffled feathers. My calloused fingertips catch in the lace, and I wonder how something so old fits like it was made for him.

"What are you studying in that big school, anyway?" His question is tentative, cautious.

"Exercise science or maybe business. I haven't chosen a major yet." I pause, giving him a chance to ask a follow-up question. When he doesn't I step up. "What about you? What are you studying at that big school?"

He grimaces and shakes his head. "Nothing. I'm not at your school."

"Oh, it's my school now?"

He pats my cheek. "Yes. Your school."

"I see you every day in World History."

"No one sees me.” His lower lip softens, and he catches it with the tips of his teeth. “They see the clothes.” He reaches for the lace blouse, shaking it out and tossing it over his shoulders. “They see a girl or a scenester or a queer.” He stands, shakes his junk back into his stretchy pants, does a little hootchie dance to organize things. “No one sees me. Not even my family.”

Old pain erodes his effervescence, showing through the cracks like basalt under soil. I'm stretched over the couch, on display, my shirt open and my dick hanging out of my jeans. He covers my eyes with his hand, but I knock it away.

“I think you look real good. I’d like to see a lot more of you.”

Which sounds really kind of lame and try-hard, but this is what I came to Seattle for, too. Adventure. Maybe even romance, the kind I can show off in public.

“I want to,” he says.

For a moment he shows me his profile, private, thoughtful, and I give him some space to go on.

“And if I was going to see someone,” he continues with more laughter in his tone, “he’d be a lot like you.”

“So let’s do it.”

I should probably feel bad when he doesn’t respond, but the back-to-back orgasms catch up with me. I tip my head back and close my eyes, fighting sleep. Sang’s rummaging around the apartment. Haven't a clue why he’s lying about school and why he won’t take me up on my offer, but after two evenings he's an itch I won't be able to scratch on my own, so I let it go. Country boys are known for their determination.

Obedience teaser from banner

Meet the Author

I write romance: m/f, m/m, and v/h, where the h is for human and the v is for vampire…or sometimes demon, and I lean more towards funny than angst. When I’m not writing I take care of tiny premature babies or teenagers, depending on whether I’m at home or at work. My husband is a soul of patience, my dog’s cuteness is legendary, and we share the homestead with three ferrets. Who steal things. Because they’re brats.

I can be found on-line at all hours of the day and night at my website & blog (, on Facebook (, or on Twitter ( Come find me. We’ll have fun!

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