Thursday, March 31, 2016

Patchwork Paradise by Indra Vaughn - Blog Tour with Giveaway

Oliver and Samuel’s relationship is fairy-tale perfect. They share a gorgeous house in Antwerp, go out with their friends every weekend, and count down the days to their dream wedding. But their happy ending is shattered one late night, and just like that, Ollie is left bereft and alone.

The months that follow are long and dark, but slowly Ollie emerges from his grief. He even braves the waters of online dating, though deep down he doesn’t believe he can find that connection again. He doesn’t think to look for love right in front of him: his bisexual friend Thomas, the gentle giant with a kind heart and sad eyes who’s wanted him all along.

When Thomas suddenly discovers he has a son who needs him, he’s ill prepared. Ollie opens up his house—Sam’s house—and lets them in. Ollie doesn’t know what scares him more: the responsibility of caring for a baby, or the way Thomas is steadily winning his heart. It will take all the courage he has to discover whether or not fairy tales can happen for real.

About Indra Vaughn

After living in Michigan, USA for seven wonderful years, Indra Vaughn returned back to her Belgian roots. There she will continue to consume herbal tea, do yoga wherever the mat fits, and devour books while single parenting a little boy and working as a nurse.

The stories of boys and their unrequited love will no doubt keep finding their way onto the page—and hopefully into readers hands—even if it takes a little more time.

And if she gleefully posts pictures of snow-free streets in winter, you'll have to forgive her. Those Michigan blizzards won't be forgotten in a hurry.

Connect with Indra:

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·         Twitter


To celebrate, Indra is giving away an ebook from her backlist at EVERY BLOG STOP! She’ll also be giving out a grand prize of $25 in Riptide credit. Leave a comment to enter the contest. Entries close at midnight, Eastern time, on April 2, 2016. Contest is NOT restricted to U.S. entries. 

Thanks for following the tour, and don’t forget to leave your contact info!

The Law of Attraction by Jay Northcote - Review Blog Tour with Excerpt

Title: The Law of Attraction
Author: Jay Northcote
Publisher: Jaybird Press
Length: 62,000 words
Genre: Contemporary gay romance
Cover Artist: Garrett Leigh
Release Date: Friday 5th of February 2016
Series info: This book is a standalone

When a professional relationship turns personal, it’s impossible to resist the law of attraction.

Alec Rowland is a high-flying lawyer in a London firm whose career is his life. He doesn’t have time for relationships and his sexuality is a closely guarded secret. After picking up a cute guy on a Friday night, Alec’s world is rocked to its foundations when his one night stand shows up in the office on Monday morning—as the new temp on his team.

Ed Piper is desperate to prove himself in his new job. The last thing he needs is to be distracted by a crush on his boss. It’s hard to ignore the attraction he feels, even though Alec’s a difficult bastard to work for.

Both men strive to maintain a professional relationship, but tempers fray, passions ignite, and soon they’re both falling hard and fast. If they’re ever going to find a way to be together, Alec needs to be honest about who he really is because Ed won’t go back in the closet for anyone.

“The HEA is real, and spectacular. Highly recommend.” - V’s Reads

“Such an amazing story and would recommend this read to others. Well done Jay Northcote. You have another great hit in this book.” - Inked Rainbow Reads

“When you read the first chapter of a book and want to cry because you know it’s going to be everything you have been craving, it’s a win for the week!” - DiverseReader


His companion was still watching him, seemingly waiting for him to make his move. Alec felt irrationally irritated. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. Even though he only did it occasionally, picking up men was easy for Alec. Buying a drink was more than he usually bothered to do for the twinks he hooked up with when he was in the mood for a warm body to fuck. Alec was well aware of his own attractiveness and used it to his advantage. A crook of a finger, a tilt of his head, or even just a look was usually enough to make them come running.

But this guy didn’t seem to know the rules of the game.

“Strong, silent type, huh?” He suddenly grinned at Alec, all neat white teeth and dimples. “You could start by telling me your name. Mine’s Ed.”

“Alec.” He handed a note to the barman as he came back with their drinks. “Keep the change.”

“Cheers, mate.” The barman winked as he pocketed the tip.

Ed’s eyebrows lifted. “Change from a twenty? You must have money to burn.”

“Something like that.” Alec let his gaze rake deliberately down Ed, examining him from the front this time. His arms were still folded over his chest and his T-shirt had ridden up enough to expose a feathered line of hair on his belly, leading down to a nice-looking package in obscenely tight skinny jeans. “I hope you bottom?”

Ed blinked and choked on his mouthful of rum and Coke. Alec suppressed the urge to grin, enjoying the fact that Ed had momentarily lost his cool.

“I’ve been known to,” Ed replied, rallying. He licked his lips.

“Good.” Alec held his gaze, noting with satisfaction that Ed’s pupils had blown wide and his lips parted as Alec looked at them. God, he had a pretty mouth. Alec lifted his glass and downed his drink. The burn of the whisky tore through him and made his nerves tingle with anticipation. He needed a good fuck; it had been too long. “Drink up, then.”

4 out of 5 stars
The Law of Attraction is a standalone contemporary romance about two very different men. On one side we have Alec, a senior corporate attorney in his early 30's on the short track to make partner in his firm. While he knows he's gay, he's kept himself in the closet after a traumatic experience when he was a teen, his only 'relationships' are quick, mostly anonymous one night stands.  The other side is Ed, a 20-something law clerk who's out and proud and refuses to live life quietly. 

So what happens when you mix these two very different men? A steamy one-night stand and then a startled pair the following Monday when they find out their now co-workers on the same team. Insert Oh shit! moment for both Alec and Ed, who manage to not give anything away to their coworkers. Weeks pass, as they work together they both fight their attraction, Alec more than Ed for his own reasons. Then one weekend away for a work meeting, Alec admits to his feelings for Ed but it doesn't really change anything because Alec still wants to hide their relationship. 

The Law of Attraction is a relatively low angst read even with Alec's past and his being in the closet. It's got a few really good, hot, sexy moments between the two main characters. The story also some very sweet, tender moments as Alec and Ed realize there is more than just sex between them. Watching Alec's gradual settling into his own skin and willingness to change for both himself and to be with someone important to him is well captured in the story. 

The author did a fantastic job with Alec's transformation and weaving his and Ed's relationship as it changes into the storyline. I thoroughly loved both characters even though at first I wanted to wring Alec's neck for being a smug bastard. Ed with his roommate and when he's with his family is adorable and will make you smile. 

This is one of those stories that will instantly become a comfort read for many of us m/m romance readers. I definitely recommend The Law of Attraction for anyone looking for a good story to spend the day with. 

Jay lives just outside Bristol in the West of England, with her husband, two children, and two cats. 
She comes from a family of writers, but she always used to believe that the gene for fiction writing had passed her by. She spent years only ever writing emails, articles, or website content. One day, she decided to try and write a short story–just to see if she could–and found it rather addictive. She hasn’t stopped writing since.


Beastly Businessmen and Guitar Gods by Asta Idonea - Blog Tour with Exclusive Excerpt

Beasty Businessmen cover

Title: Beastly Businessmen and Guitar Gods
Author: Asta Idonea
Genre: Gay Romance, Contemporary Romance
Length: Short Story Collection (novel length)
Publisher: Wayward Ink Publishing


Fairytales and Myths for the Modern Gay
The modern age is devoid of magic.
Or is it?
How else could a stolen guitar or a lost shoe lead to love?
What but magic could spark romance at a workplace assessment?
Or turn a mean-spirited monster into a man?
Six fairytales and myths are given a contemporary MM twist in this collection of stories, proving that sometimes the mundane can be magical too.

When Theo’s landlord steals a prized guitar in lieu of rent owed, he informs Theo he will return the instrument on one condition: he wants a date with Theo’s twin sister.

LOVE’S CODE (Ariadne and Theseus)
Andre must pass the examination if he wants to keep his job.

However, he is distracted by his unspoken love for fellow programmer, Eren.
GUESSING GAMES (Rumplestiltskin)
Sasha told a little white lie in his job interview and it won him the role.
Only now he is faced with a pile of work he doesn’t know how to complete.
ASSIGNATIONS AND ULTIMATUMS (The Strange Elopement of Tinirau)
Hunter and Ross are in love, but Ross’ father keeps trying to set him up with undesirable, yet powerful, older men, the latest of whom happens to be Ross’ boss.

LOST AND FOUND (Cinderella)
Cillian is dreading the work masquerade ball, but once there he finds himself romanced by a dashing stranger, only to flee when he discovers the man’s identity.

A DEBT IS A DEBT (Beauty and the Beast)
Dunstan Griffin is not a man to let a debt slide, so when debtor Alfred Siskin offers the EA services of his son, Wynn, in lieu of payment, Dunstan accepts.

EXCERPT — Love’s Code

“How are you finding it now we’ve reached the halfway point?”

The question, directed at the back of his head as he filed into place in the café queue, caused Andre to start and spin around, thumping his questioner’s arm in the process.

“Sorry, I....” Andre’s voice trailed off when he found himself staring into Eren Aksoy’s dark eyes.

“Oh, it’s okay, you can talk to me,” Eren said, clearly misunderstanding Andre’s hesitation. “There’s no rule says we can’t discuss the test in our breaks. It’s just no one tends to do so. Competitive natures and all that.”


Andre didn’t think he’d ever heard Eren speak before, at least not more than a word or two. Since work in their department was mostly solitary, there was little discussion around the office and they never spent their breaks together. He could sometimes go the whole day without exchanging a word with anyone unless he needed to run something by Gavin.

Eren’s voice was mellow and smooth. A natural baritone, with the merest hint of an accent to betray his foreign roots. When Andre’s gaze was drawn to his mouth, Eren’s lips twitched into the shadow of a smile. Beautiful, full lips. Lips Andre wished he could sample, imagining Eren would taste of chocolate and Eastern spices.

“I suppose the SQL posed no difficulty for you. Mine’s a little unpractised and took longer than the others to complete. I’m into the fifth task now.”

“Me too.” Andre’s brain finally caught up with the conversation and he half-turned back toward the counter. Staring at Eren was a can of worms he didn’t wish to open lest his body betray him. This way he was not ignoring Eren, but he could divide his attention to keep his unruly mind occupied.

“Think you’ll make it through?” Andre could have sworn Eren shuffled closer as he asked the question, but no doubt that was merely the product of his overactive imagination.

Andre shrugged. “Depends what the final tasks are like, I guess.”

“My bet? These seven tasks aren’t important. Whatever that final surprise turns out to be will pose the main challenge.”

“Uh, you do know this is a competition, right? Sharing insights with me isn’t exactly advisable. Shouldn’t it be ‘every man for himself’?”

Eren laughed. The happy, bright sound drew the attention of half the café and made Andre twist farther away as his cock gave a jerk of appreciation. “There are ten places, Andre. It’s perfectly acceptable for both of us to succeed.”

Book Trailer

Buy Links

Don’t miss the March Sale! All Wayward Ink Titles titles are 35% off on the WIP website, 30% off on AllRomance, and 30% off on Amazon.

Amazon US:
Amazon UK:
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Amazon DE:

Audio Excerpt


Prizes: 2 x $6.99 WIP Gift Card

About the author

NICKI J. MARKUS was born in England in 1982, but now lives in Adelaide, South Australia with her husband. She has loved both reading and writing from a young age and is also a keen linguist, having studied several foreign languages.

Nicki launched her writing career in 2011. She published works through Wicked Nights Publishing and Silver Publishing before both companies closed their doors. She is now self-publishing some of her works, including the novella Time Keepers and the fantasy novel The Ragnarök Chronicles.

Nicki also writes M/M fiction under the alternate pen name of ASTA IDONEA and has had several short stories published by Wayward Ink Publishing. She is currently working on her first M/M novella.

Nicki works as a freelance editor and proofreader, and in her spare time she enjoys: music, theatre, cinema, photography, sketching, and cross stitch. She also loves history, folklore and mythology, pen-palling, and travel.

Social links:

Something From Nothing by Nicky James - Book Blast with Giveaway

Author Name: Nicky James
Book Name: Something From Nothing
Series: Tales From Edovia
Book: One
Publisher: Nicky James
Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

Release Date: February 22, 2016

With an impending war breathing down his neck and an ornery group of councilmen trying to keep him on track, accidental and unlikely King, Alistair Ellesmere, struggles to find a balance between being young, having fun, and ruling his realm his way.
Alistair befriends Brandon, one of his prodigy new recruits, whose smart-ass personality drives him to the brink of insanity when he shows him up at every turn. Through an unexpected bit of witty manipulation, Alistair finds himself drawn down a forbidden path where he shares more than just a similar past with this man. Terrified at the idea of loving another man, but unable to tear himself away, Alistair is faced with the trials of secrecy, jealousy and the law.

Pages or Words: 344 pages

Categories: Fantasy, Fiction, Historical, M/M Romance, Romance


His dark blond hair falls in waves in front of his eyes, covering them again. I want to see those eyes. Need to see those eyes. He is no longer the scrawny kid who stood before me last spring. He has been working with Corban on strength training, as I suggested a while ago, and is showing much progress. His shirt is pulled tight over his newly developing muscles and my eyes move over his body, taking in his stunning appearance. My breath hitches in my throat as though I have forgotten how to breathe, which is ridiculous since I’ve been doing it all my life without a problem until now.

Ka-Thump, Ka-thump, Ka-thump.

It had started out as a challenge. Did I have the balls to match Brandon’s crazy antics? I thought so, but then, I ran away. Something happened that night to make me run and I have buried it deep, refusing to see it. Refusing to admit it. But it is there, undeniably there, and now as I stand before this man, heart ready to jump out of my chest, I know why. What Brandon suggested is crazy. It’s insane and was completely unexpected, but…It excites me, sends a thrill sparking through my body.

Bloody hell. I’m losing it. This is nuts.

Brandon risked a lot that night. The man all out admitted how he felt about me and I’m standing here, right now, because I need to know, as twisted and confusing as it is, if I feel the same.

Buy the book:

Meet the author:

I live in the small town of Petrolia, Ontario, Canada and I am a mother to a wonderful teenage boy (didn't think those words could be typed together...surprise) and wife to a truly supportive and understanding husband, who thankfully doesn't think I'm crazy.

I have always had two profound dreams in life. To fall back hundreds of years in time and live in a simpler world, not bogged down by technology and to write novels. Since only one of these was a possibility I decided to make the other come alive on paper.

I write mm romance novels that take place in fantastical medieval type settings and love to use the challenges of the times to give my stories and characters life.

Where to find the author:

Tour Dates & Stops:

Rafflecopter Prize: eCopy of ‘Something From Nothing’ by Nicky James

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

House Hunt by Jackie Keswick - Release Day Blitz with Review and Giveway

House Hunt Blitz Banner

Publication Date: March 30, 2016 
Genre: Adult, MM Romance, Romantic Suspense

House Hunt Cover

Purchase: Amazon | Amazon PRINT | B&N | Kobo | ARe | Dreamspinner Ebook | Dreamspinner PRINT


Jack Horwood hates owing favors. But when a simple day out to treat Gareth to the best oysters in England leads to a discovery of drugs and counterfeit money—things that neither Jack nor Gareth have the jurisdiction to handle—he has to call in help. Help that doesn’t come cheap, and that forces him to do something he promised himself he’d never do again—walk away from Gareth and the family he’s starting to make for himself.

Three months undercover is a long time. After missing Gareth’s birthday, Jack is determined not to miss their first anniversary. But coming home and being home are two very different things. So when he is asked to assist with a corporate espionage investigation, Jack can’t say no, despite knowing it will impact his already straining relationship. Except, of course, he’s walking into a trap….



When the car’s growling engine stopped, Gareth found himself surrounded by woods in a corner of the Weald he’d never been to before. The small car park was deserted except for a handful of cars, and Gareth heard only birdsong, the rustle of the breeze in the trees, and the faraway drone of a plane. They hadn’t passed any villages or farms during the last leg of their drive, and nothing around him hinted at human habitation.
The car park didn’t even have a sign.
“You know where we are, right?”
“Would you believe me if I said we’re eight miles from Canterbury?”
It was hard to imagine that a city full of tourists, bars, and shops was in hiking distance of this deserted corner of Kent. The air held the bitter, musty scents of pine and damp leaves and—barely detectable—the savory smell of mushrooms. Most of the oak and beech trees surrounding the small, graveled car park were just starting to unfurl their leaves, giving the afternoon sun almost unhindered access.
Jack unlocked the boot, ready to get out of the car and retrieve the TVR’s roof. Before he could move, Gareth wrapped a hand around his neck and pulled him closer until the center console got in the way. Jack didn’t fight. He braced his elbows on magnolia leather and leaned across the barrier into Gareth’s touch. Their kiss was slow and languid, more teasing than enticing.
“Really not the car for that,” Gareth commented when he leaned back to put space between them. “Though I could imagine spreading you across that bonnet.”
“Yeah, let’s scandalize the locals,” Jack agreed and popped the doors.
It was the third time and Gareth still hadn’t figured out how it was done. Not that he’d been paying particular attention to the TVR’s doors. Though now that he’d started thinking about the acres of bonnet, he could see that the car had potential. He turned to look for Jack, but despite having opened the boot, he wasn’t anywhere close to the car. He stood in the center of the car park, staring at a beat-up green Rover.
“What’s the matter?”
“Not sure.” Jack’s voice was distant. “Thing gives me the creeps.”
Gareth couldn’t see anything that might have set off Jack’s warning bells. The N-plated Rover 400 showed every one of its seventeen years of hard work. Flaking paint marred the sides, hinting at rust-eaten bodywork, and one of the car’s wings had been replaced with one of a slightly different green. It wasn’t a car that invited a second look from anyone, but somehow it had immediately drawn Jack’s attention.
He stared a moment longer before he shrugged and turned back to Gareth. “I don’t know,” he said, sounding apologetic. “Probably nothing at all. Fancy a walk?”
“Since that’s what we came here for….” Gareth wanted to reach for Jack, whether to distract him or shake him hard enough to rattle some sense back into that busy brain of his, he couldn’t have said. “Was there anywhere in particular you wanted to go?”
“Just… around,” Jack said as he found a narrow path that led into the surrounding woods.
“Liar. And crappy at it, too. How’d you ever make it as a spook?”
Gareth had merely meant to tease, but a dark flush crept up Jack’s neck, and he hunched forward. “I wasn’t that kind of spook,” he mumbled when Gareth caught up with him.
“No?” Gareth wrapped his arm around Jack’s shoulders and felt him flinch at the contact. Jack was suddenly so tightly wound he was close to taking off. And that wasn’t something Gareth wanted to deal with right then. He cast around for something, anything, that could serve as a distraction.
“So, what’s going on with you and that Dave character?” he settled on, glad when Jack’s head shot up and he stared, caught out.
“Nothing’s going on. He’s straight.”
“Bullshit. He was all over you.”
The vehemence in Gareth’s tone brought Jack’s head around. The frown dissolved and the smirk appeared. “That jealousy I’m hearing, Flynn?”
Gareth felt the rush of heat in his neck sweep up the sides of his face. He held Jack’s disbelieving gaze regardless. “Would you blame me?”

5 out of 5 stars

Since this series debuted last year, I've been in love with Jack and Gareth. House Hunt, the 3rd and newest book in Jackie Keswick's The Power of Zero series, fits in perfectly with the previous books. A word of caution, you must read these in order as it's the same couple and secondary characters and their journey through all the books in the series. So if you dive in here, you'll miss a lot of backstory and character building. 

House Hunt picks up not too far past where they left Jack, Gareth, Nico, and Daniel in Ghosts. There is a lot of plot in this book, but it still manages to make the relationship between Jack and Gareth a major part of the storyline. Also, the relationship Jack and Gareth have with Nico and Daniel. True to the pacing of Job Hunt, this book has a good amount of action and suspense woven into the plot. I like the way the author has crafted this series because it is equal parts action and romance, along with character growth. Between Jack and Gareth you have a solid working romantic relationship that is still in the growing pains stages. Even though they've known each other for years changing a friendship into a romantic relationship is still work, and occasionally they hit each other's bad spots. 

The author doesn't take the drama road, she shows the characters working through their problems both internally, and between themselves. Then you have the teen boys, Nico and Daniel, who are working through their past trauma and growing into their personalities supported by Jack, Gareth, Roz, and a handful of others that make up their family unit. Watching these two open up and believe that they're safe and can live their lives without fear again is wonderful. For what they went through it's amazing to see their personalities change and that they're becoming separate and distinct from each other as they trust in Jack and Gareth and themselves. 

I'd share more of the storyline but I honestly feel that this is a series you have to read and experience on your own. I will say I was thoroughly satisfied with the end of the book and where it left Jack and Gareth. I don't know if the author has plans for more books in the series, but I hope so because I'm not ready to stop seeing Jack, Gareth, Nico, Daniel, and the other's in their lives just yet. 

I highly encourage you to read this book if you've read the others in the series. If you haven't started the series go pick it up because it's just that good!  I'd recommend this series for fans of Rhys Ford. 


Job Hunt Book #1 Cover

Publication Date: May 13, 2015 
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, LGBT, M/M, Romance, Suspense

BUY: AmazonAmazon PRINTB&NKOBOiBooksAReDreamspinner Press


You don’t greet your new boss dressed like an underage rent boy. But when Jack Horwood—ace hacker and ex-MI6 operative—opens the door to Gareth Flynn, he's too busy to worry over details like that. And anyway, his potential new boss is his former Commanding Officer – the same guy Jack has had a crush on since he was seventeen. So he should understand, right?

When he applied for the job in Nancarrow Mining's corporate security division, Jack had hoped for peaceful days repelling cyber attacks. Maybe a bit of corporate espionage on the side. His plans didn't include rescuing abused children, hunting pimps, or dealing with his overly protective and hot-as-hell boss, Gareth Flynn. Walking away is not an option. Jack never takes the easy way out. More than that, meeting Gareth raises old ghosts that Jack needs to put to rest. Rescuing kids. Taking risks. 

Saving the day. Jack can do all that – but deciding what to do about his attraction to Gareth isn’t the sort of cloak-and-dagger game Jack plays well. Yet Gareth, strong and smart and always on hand when needed, might be Jack’s salvation.


Ghosts Book #2 Cover

Publication Date: February 10, 2016 
Genres: Adult,Contemporary, LGBT, M/M, Novella, Romance, Suspense

BUY: AmazonB&NKOBOiBooksAReDreamspinner Press


Jack Horwood doesn’t do families. Or Christmas. From the time his mother sold him to her pimp to the moment he walked out on the man he loved, Christmas has always been about change and painful choices. This year seems no different. Helping Daniel and Nico recover from their imprisonment and hunting down those responsible puts Jack in a frame of mind he doesn’t want to inflict on anyone. Least of all Gareth and the tentative relationship they’ve started to rebuild.

But Gareth, for whom Christmas is all about new beginnings, won’t let Jack take the easy way out. He makes him face his ghosts instead. Even when said ghosts invade their bedroom. When Daniel’s parents are found, Jack is determined to settle the matter without involving Daniel at all. But fate decrees otherwise, and it’s Gareth who helps him finally understand that the strongest bonds are those forged together. Once he gets that, Jack can step up and make a decision designed to lay his ghosts to rest—for good.



Jackie Keswick Jackie Keswick was born behind the Iron Curtain with itchy feet, a bent for rocks and a recurrent dream of stepping off a bus in the middle of nowhere to go home. She’s worked in a hospital and as the only girl with 52 men on an oil rig, spent a winter in Moscow and a summer in Iceland and finally settled in the country of her dreams with her dream team: a husband, a cat, a tandem, a hammer and a laptop. Jackie loves stories about unexpected reunions and second chances, and men who don’t follow the rules when those rules are stupid. She has a thing for green eyes and tight cyclist’s butts and is a great believer in making up soundtracks for everything, including her characters and the cat. And she still hasn’t found the place where the bus stops.


House Hunt Blitz Giveaway Graphic
